[vlc-devel] ideea for GSoC

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Wed Mar 30 17:51:17 CEST 2011

Le mercredi 30 mars 2011 18:35:29 Rob, vous avez écrit :
> Why not concentrate on making those more powerful (and fixing bugs). The
> capabilities you provide there will be used by many remote apps in new and
> intersting ways - and you'll get a multiplier effect on your work.

Fixing bugs, and more generally cleanup tasks are explicitly outside the scope 
of GSoC.

> If you build your own remote, then you'll end up with a single remote on a
> single platform (probably). If you build the foundation, then many remotes
> will grow.

Do you really want (yet) more competitors that badly? And in the spirit of 
OSS, it is for remote's developers to fix or extend VLC as they see fit, 
especially commercial ones. I don't think this really belongs in GSoC.

With that said, I agree with your implication that GSoC should _not_ be used 
to develop yet another VLC remote.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Looking for a job: http://www.remlab.info/

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