[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Deinterlacer: TwoX (was: "X (2x)")

Juha Jeronen juha.jeronen at jyu.fi
Mon May 2 18:02:15 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I updated "X (2x)" to the latest source tree and changed the user label
to "TwoX". X, now with twice the X!

I also benchmarked it. One run of RenderX() per frame results in about
9500us on my Atom regardless of whether the top or bottom field is
generated*. This is too slow for 60fps on an Atom, but on a Real
Computer (TM) it should work.

(* Recall that at least one field will always have a last band whose
height is not divisible by 8. This is processed using XDeintNxN(), which
is not accelerated.)

The conclusion from the benchmark is that simple is best - thus I
suggest keeping the initial, simple implementation of the bottom field
version and not complicating it any further.

The remaining question is - do we want this filter?

If no one objects, I suggest this version for review.


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