[vlc-devel] [GSoC] Improving OMA/ATRAC support

David Goldwich david.goldwich at gmail.com
Mon May 23 23:41:35 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

my name is David, I'm a computer science student from Berlin, Germany,
and a Summer of Code student for Videolan this year. In my project I
will work on various improvements on Sony audio formats in FFmpeg's
libavformat and libavcodec. The main goal is to implement a decryptor to
support OpenMG-protected files. If time permits I will also dedicate
myself to advancing an implementation of an ATRAC3plus decoder.

Details on the project will be collected on its Wiki page:

The code will be pushed to: https://github.com/plumbojumbo/FFmpeg

Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or comments.
You will also find me as atuttle on Freenode.



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