[vlc-devel] [BUG] VLC can't play mpegts file with PCR pid = 0x1fff

Georgi Chorbadzhiyski gf at unixsol.org
Sat Sep 10 22:23:09 CEST 2011

I have a small mpegts file [1] (about 140k) that VLC can not play. mplayer, avplay,
xine are playing it just fine. I think the problem is that this stream has PCR_PID
set to 0x1fff (null pid). This is maybe strange but the stream is captured from
satellite and it seems to be working on all kinds of STBs (and software players
as mentioned above).

[1]: http://georgi.unixsol.org/cruft/tmp/pcr_pid_is_null.ts

I have tested:

> VLC media player 1.2.0-git Twoflower (revision 1.1.0-pre1-6322-gcaa3434)

Relevant VLC log:

> [0x8288370] ts demux warning: first packet for pid=1701 cc=0x4
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x42(66) ext=0x3b(59)
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug: SDTCallBack called
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug: new SDT ts_id=59 version=21 current_next=1 network_id=8016
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   * service id=24 eit schedule=0 present=0 running=4 free_ca=1
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:     - type=2 provider=BULSATCOM name=radio Vitosha W
> [0x80e6458] main input debug: EsOutProgramMeta: number=24
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug: eof ?
> [0x80e6458] main input debug: EOF reached
> [0x80eb700] main playlist debug: finished input
> [0x8288a40] main decoder debug: removing module "mpeg_audio"
> [0x8288a40] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpga', 21 PES in FIFO
> [0x8288370] main demux debug: removing module "ts"
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug: pid list:
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   - pid[0] seen
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   - pid[17] seen
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   - pid[1700] seen
> [0x80e6458] main input debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   - pid[1701] seen
> [0x8288370] ts demux debug:   - pid[8191] seen
> [0x8288240] main stream debug: removing module "stream_filter_record"
> [0x8287e58] main access debug: removing module "filesystem"
> [0x80eb700] main playlist debug: dead input
> [0x80eb700] main playlist debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
> [0x80eb700] main playlist debug: nothing to play
> [0x80eb700] main playlist: end of playlist, exiting

The log from mpegts analyzer:

> PAT table
> *** tei:0 pusi:1 prio:0 pid:0000 (0) scramble:0 adapt:0 payload:1 adapt_len:0 adapt_flags:0 | pofs:4 plen:184
>   * Section header
>     - Table id           : 000 (0) program_association_section
>     - Section length     : 00d (13) [num_packets:1]
>     - TS ID / Program No : 003b (59)
>     - Version number 1, current next 1, section number 0, last section number 0
>     - CRC                : 0x78414320
>   * PAT data
>     * num_programs: 1
>       * [01/01]: Program No 0x0018 (   24) -> PID 06a4 (1700) /res: 0x07/
> PMT table
> *** tei:0 pusi:1 prio:0 pid:06a4 (1700) scramble:0 adapt:0 payload:1 adapt_len:0 adapt_flags:0 | pofs:4 plen:184
>   * Section header
>     - Table id           : 002 (2) program_map_section
>     - Section length     : 028 (40) [num_packets:1]
>     - TS ID / Program No : 0018 (24)
>     - Version number 1, current next 1, section number 0, last section number 0
>     - CRC                : 0x78b2f532
>   * PMT data
>     * PID         : 06a4 (1700)
>     * reserved1   : 7
>     * PCR PID     : 1fff (8191)

The problem....

>     * reserved2   : 15
>     * program_len : 5
>     * num_streams : 1
>   * Program info:
>       * program info size: 5
>         * Tag 0x0e (14), sz: 3, Maximum bitrate descriptor: 0x021c (27000 Bytes/sec)
>     * [01/01] PID 06a5 (1701) -> Stream type: 0x04 (4) /es_info_size: 17/ 13818-3 audio (MPEG-2)
>         * Tag 0x52 (82), sz: 1, Stream identifier descriptor: Component_tag: 0xc8 (200)
>         * Tag 0x0a (10), sz: 4, Language descriptor:
>         *   Lang: bul Type: (0) 
>         * Tag 0x03 (03), sz: 1, Audio stream descriptor: 67 
>         *   - free_format_flag : 0
>         *   - ID               : 1 (MPEG Audio)
>         *   - layer            : 2 (Layer II)
>         *   - vbr_audio_flag   : 0
>         *   - reserved         : 0x7
>         * Tag 0x0e (14), sz: 3, Maximum bitrate descriptor: 0x021c (27000 Bytes/sec)

Georgi Chorbadzhiyski

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