[vlc-devel] [PATCH 0/2] dtv multisat: VLC dvb-s/s2 tunning using DiSEqC regression.

Zoran Turalija zoran.turalija at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 15:57:28 CEST 2012

Software:  vlc git-b1b58e3876d318e471a0baa9453837374d502d24 - Fri Aug 10 2012
Satellite: HotBird 13E (LNB 2)
Channal:   Al Jazeera English

/tmp/vlc/bin/vlc-static --ignore-config -vv --program 1714 \

There is an error:

[0x8ac0620] main access error: unsafe option "dvb-satno" has been ignored
            for security reasons

[PATCH 1/2] dtv multisat: Allow command line option dvb-satno.

With this option marked as unsafe, it is not possible to use it and
as a result, it is not possible to tune to different satellite on
different DiSEqC LNB.

After this patch is applied, things still don't work because of another error:

[0x8d60480] dtv access error: cannot send DiSEqC command: Invalid argument
[0x8d60480] dtv access error: tuning to 11034000000 Hz failed

[PATCH 2/2] dtv multisat: Initialize dvb_diseqc_master_cmd correctly.

If not initialized correctly, FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD will fail,
so no DiSEqC switch will occur, preventig multi-satellite tunning.

Now everything works as expected...

Kind regards,
Zoran Turalija

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