[vlc-devel] [PATCH] auhal setMute (refs #7329)

David Fuhrmann david.fuhrmann at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 27 09:21:52 CEST 2012


Am 27.08.2012 um 03:06 schrieb Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net>:

>> This is not acceptable for me, since VLC would be the only media player on
>> any platform I know, where you can only move the slider if an input is
>> playing.
> First, adjusting the volume level during silence is not normally possible. 
> There is no feedback to appreciate the actual volume then.

Sure they is / was feedback, when the volume slider moves. And its quite easy to see, 
when the volume slider is set to 1% for example, but the next file should begin playing with 100%.

So I totally agree with Felix here.

> Second, if the audio stream ends up being passed through digitally, a non-
> functional volume control makes for a lot worse user experience than no or a 
> greyed volume control.

That is another situation. And I agree with you here,
but the volume controls should be only greyed out when the file is actually playing.

Best regards,

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