[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/4] Replace the bitmap structures of Microsoft with ones of VLC

KO Myung-Hun komh78 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 03:16:34 CEST 2012

Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
> On 17/08/2012 14:57, KO Myung-Hun wrote:
>> And as we discussed before, the problem is that OS/2 also defines it but
>> differently :
>> http://www.warpspeed.com.au/cgi-bin/inf2html.cmd?..\html\book\Toolkt40\PM4.INF+81
> And I still don't see why the fix should not be in OS/2

Do you mean that the official toolkit of OS/2 should be modified due to
MS format ?

OS/2 bitmap is not same as Windows bitmap.

Even though they are same, its field names are not same at all.

And if the data type of toolkit is modified, all the sources using the
toolkit should be modified as well.

Do you mean this situation ?

KO Myung-Hun

Using Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.7.2
Under OS/2 Warp 4 for Korean with FixPak #15
In VirtualBox 4.1.18 On Intel Core i5-2520M 2.50GHz with 4GB RAM

Korean OS/2 User Community : http://www.ecomstation.co.kr

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