[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/2] ActiveX: "Toolbar" property now retun actual value

Sergey Radionov rsatom at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 13:01:55 CET 2012

(but not "stub" VARIANT_FALSE, from times when toolbar was not implemented).
 activex/vlccontrol2.cpp |   16 +---------------
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/activex/vlccontrol2.cpp b/activex/vlccontrol2.cpp
index 5f623f6..dcdb17b 100644
--- a/activex/vlccontrol2.cpp
+++ b/activex/vlccontrol2.cpp
@@ -1369,21 +1369,7 @@ STDMETHODIMP VLCControl2::get_Toolbar(VARIANT_BOOL *visible)
     if( NULL == visible )
         return E_POINTER;
-    /*
-     * Note to developers
-     *
-     * Returning the _b_toolbar is closer to the method specification.
-     * But returning True when toolbar is not implemented so not displayed
-     * could be bad for ActiveX users which rely on this value to show their
-     * own toolbar if not provided by the ActiveX.
-     *
-     * This is the reason why FALSE is returned, until toolbar get implemented.
-     */
-    /* DISABLED for now */
-    //  *visible = varbool( _p_instance->getShowToolbar() );
-    *visible = VARIANT_FALSE;
+    *visible = varbool( _p_instance->getShowToolbar() != FALSE );
     return S_OK;

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