[vlc-devel] Removing the old VLM interface

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Sat Feb 18 00:47:18 CET 2012

> There's still 230KB of content related to the old VLM interface in the
> share/lua/http/old/ directory.
> If someone has intensive test cases and can confirm that everything
> have been implemented in the new http interface, and works, we could
> finally get rid of it.

These aren't regressions, but:

 - RTP streaming is broken, as RTP is not an access output but a stream
   output on its own so the syntax is different
 - setting the bind address (HTTP/MMSH) is now deprecated and can lead to
   unexpected behavior. It probably shouldn't be offered to the user, or
   at least the user should be clearly warned (as in the warning logs)
 - also, there should be a check or something to prevent binding to the
   same port as the http interface (see #5364)


Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."

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