[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Demux/Playlist: If an URI contains whitespaces, it will now be encoded to %20. Fixes #2924.

Thomas Siegbert sith_dev at gmx.eu
Mon Jan 2 10:50:05 CET 2012

>    Hello,
> On Sunday 01 January 2012, Thomas Siegbert wrote:
> > Am 01.01.2012 21:11, schrieb Rémi Denis-Courmont:
> > >    Hello,
> > > 
> > > I do not understand what this patch is supposed to do or it is wrong.
> > 
> > Replace white spaces in an URL by "%20". Or did I do anything wrong?
> Why replace spaces? Then why replaces only spaces?

I am sure, you already read the problem described in ticket #2924. For example Firefox and Windows Media Player can handle such URLs containing spaces.

I just want to fix the problem reported in this ticket - no more, no less. 

I am aware, a fully encoded URL is probably better. But in one hand it takes more time, in the other hand more coding could produce more errors.
I would suggest to fix this bug described in the ticket, in the first step. In the next step I would create a new ticket in order to encode the entire URL.

I personally prefer one commit/patch - one ticket (i.e. patch only fixes the problem reported in the ticket). But since I am new here, what do you think?

- Thomas

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