[vlc-devel] Change to npapi for giving access to media meta information

Sergey Radionov rsatom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 04:03:50 CET 2012

2012/1/11 jean-michel Lambert <jean-michel.lambert7 at wanadoo.fr>:
> Message: 1 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 20:14:29 +0700 From: Sergey Radionov
> <rsatom at gmail.com> To: Mailing list for VLC media player developers
> <vlc-devel at videolan.org> Subject: Re: [vlc-devel] vlc-devel Digest, Vol 56,
> Issue 57 Message-ID: <4F0C39B5.309 at gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset=KOI8-R; format=flowed On 10.01.2012 19:41, jean-michel Lambert
> wrote:
>> On Message: 4 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 16:56:35 +0700 From: Sergey Radionov
>> <rsatom at gmail.com>
>> <mailto:rsatom at gmail.com> To: Mailing list for VLC media player developers
>> <vlc-devel at videolan.org>
>> <mailto:vlc-devel at videolan.org> Subject: Re: [vlc-devel] content vlc-devel
>> Digest, Vol 56, Issue 33
>> Message-ID: <4F0C0B53.4020906 at gmail.com>
>> <mailto:4F0C0B53.4020906 at gmail.com> Content-Type:
>> text/plain; charset=KOI8-R; format=flowed On 10.01.2012 15:02, jm wrote:
>>>> >  On 01/10/2012 08:58 AM, jm wrote:
>>>>> >>  Send vlc-devel mailing list submissions to
>>>>> >>  vlc-devel at videolan.org  <mailto:vlc-devel at videolan.org>
>>>> >
>>>>> >>  Regarding the way to expose the meta info, do you prefer me to add
>>>>> >> a
>>>>>> >>>  property"meta"  and sub properties for each meta type ?(ie
>>>>>> >>> input.meta.title,
>>>>>> >>>  meta.currentlyPlaying, etc ... ?). I liked it this way before it
>>>>>> >>> allows to
>>>>>> >>>  process new fields in the future without recompiling everything.
>>>>> >>  I think it will be better than using some"magic numbers"  in JS
>>>>> >> code...
>>>> >
>>>> >  There are 17 meta fields so I thought it would be preferable to keep
>>>> > them from others, hence
>>>> >  building a new object called meta.
>>>> >  Where should I put the object:
>>>> >  - underneath the root one
>>>> >  - underneath the root.input one ?
>>>> >
>>>> >  Guidance please ..
>>> What if it will be a playlist item?
>>> something like
>>> vlc_root.playlist.item[i].title;
>>> vlc_root.playlist.current_item.description;
>>> What do you think?
>> unfortunately, there will be meta information only for the current item so
>> this does not make too
>> much sense to tie it to the playlist .
> Why we can't use
> LIBVLC_API libvlc_media_t *
>      libvlc_media_list_item_at_index( libvlc_media_list_t *p_ml, int i_pos
> );
> ?
> because media information is available only for the current item being
> played. I use libvlc_media_get_meta with the media player given as argument,
> not a given playlist item.
and why you can't use libvlc_media_list_item_at_index in addition to you method?

I just think that it can be useful to someone who wish make visual
playlist on web page.

> Since info is available in VLC client GUI thru the "Tool/Media information
> menu", I propose to create  an object called  MediaInformation and attach it
> directly under the player root object.
VLC GUI is separate project with different logic than Web Plugins, so
it's not argument.

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