[vlc-devel] [PATCH 3/3] dash added resolution interpretation

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen beauze.h at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 01:43:01 CET 2012


On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 10:54 PM, Frederic YHUEL <fyhuel at viotech.net> wrote:
> Hello Christopher,
> I'm working to provide a solution to the problem of resolution
> switching, which includes the support of fragmented MP4 into the VLC
> demux (see my patch on this very mailing list).
> But the VLC MP4 demux needs to seek. Hugo told me he might add the
> seeking capability to DASH, but I don't know if he actually have the
> time / energy to do it. Hugo?

I have started but it's not finished yet. Should be working within
next week depending on my available time.

> Anyway... I just wanted to underline the fact that it would be useful
> addition to the DASH module.
> Best Regards,
> PS: Just checking... you did not send your first patch (Parsing and
> management of the isoffmain profile) on purpose, or is it a git typo?

About the patch:
I'm not sure camel case is used anywhere else for variable names,
dash-prefwidth should be used instead of prefWidth
Also, texts should be externalised and declared using N_ macro, in
order to be translated.
As Frederic said, it seems the IsofMainParser class patch is missing.
Adding const qualifier to getter would be nice, but despite this, I've
nothing more to say!


Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen

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