[vlc-devel] HLS and Wowza

Frederic YHUEL fyhuel at viotech.net
Mon May 14 14:21:10 CEST 2012

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Frederic YHUEL <fyhuel at viotech.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a problem with a HLS stream. The server seems to use wowza
> technology with session IDs stuff.
> I can download the meta-playlist:
> /foo/_definst_/mp4:live200/playlist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=1928596838
> /foo/_definst_/mp4:live500/playlist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=1928596838
> But VLC can't download the others playlist. One gets a "HTTP/1.1 403
> Forbidden" error.
> iPhone has no problems though, and here is the http request that
> enables it to get the low bitrate playlist:
> GET /foo/_definst_/mp4:live200/playlist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=1720854390 HTTP/1.1
> Host: foo.bar.com
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Encoding: gzip
> Connection: keep-alive
> User-Agent: AppleCoreMedia/ (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3_2 like Mac
> OS X; en_us)
> X-Playback-Session-Id: 2C03FA18-52A2-432B-B6C3-4F5B4BC85679
> I guess we have to generate the (non-standard?) X-Playback-Session-Id
> field, but I've no idea about how the ID is computed. Of course I
> searched for "X-Playback-Session-Id" on google, but found nothing.
> I would appreciate any help or information you can provide.
> Best Regards,
> --
> Frédéric

So actually it was not a session ID or Wowza related problem.

Actually there is a bug in relative URI resolution in HLS module (and
not only there apparently).

The solution would be to write a proper function to make an absolute
URI out of a base and relative path, in VLC core, as Rémi told me on


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