[vlc-devel] new aac encoder for review

Sergio M. Ammirata, Ph.D. sergio at ammirata.net
Thu Oct 4 22:20:55 CEST 2012

I wrote a new aac audio encoder module for VLC. It uses the fdk-aac library.
Attached is the patch to VLC that has the new module and the addition of a
new feature for audio encoders that need their internal buffer flushed at

It also requires a small patch to the fdk-aac library to add support for WG4
channel mapping (it should be committed to their git shortly).

What works:
LC, HE and HEv2 with constant bitrate.
LC and HE with variable bitrate. (HEv2 variable bitrate does not seem to be
supported by the lib atm).
It can also create the LD and ELD profiles but I do not have a way to test
I have run tests with stereo and 5.1 and channel mapping appears to be
The module supports 7.1 but the library does not Š Maybe someone wants to
tackle a fix for the lib.

Comments are welcome Š

Sergio M. Ammirata, Ph.D.

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