[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] Contribs: update live555 for security issues

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne at videolan.org
Wed Dec 4 23:16:49 CET 2013

Dear Ross,

On 04.12.2013, at 22:51, Ross Finlayson <finlayson at live555.com> wrote:

> Also, FYI, another security vulnerability was fixed since version 2013.11.26, so you should upgrade to the latest version (2013.12.04).

Can you elaborate, please? Do you have a CVE? Or a POC so we can try to reproduce the issue? Is it of high risks to the end-user?

I wouldn't want to tell to our users that "euh, and btw. this update fixes some random security issue in liblive555, so just so you know".



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