[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] Contribs: update live555 for security issues

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Dec 5 00:00:59 CET 2013

>>> This breaks win64 (full log below):
>>> RTPInterface.cpp:365:40: error: cast from 'const char*' to 'long int'
>>> loses precision [-fpermissive]
>> That should be (at most) a warning, not an error.
> Why? On Win64, const char* is 64 bits and long int is 32. It's an error
> according to the C++ standard, as far as I know; if you really want that,
> you'll first need to cast through an integral value that's big enough
> (e.g., std::intptr_t) and only then truncate to long.

Well, it's weird that none of the almost 2000 people on our LIVE555 developers' mailing list has complained about this.  So I don't know why you're the only person who is having a problem with this code.  But I agree that the code doesn't look kosher, and should be improved.

Does it make your compiler happier if you replace the line:

      long streamChannelIdLong = (long)key;


      u_int64_t streamChannelIdLong = (u_int64_t)key;


Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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