[vlc-devel] [PATCH 2/2] DnD from Internet Explorer to VLC and support of links (*.lnk)

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Fri Jan 18 18:42:08 CET 2013

Le 06/01/2013 17:52, Mario Speiß a écrit :

> +         QString mrl = toURI( url.toEncoded().constData() );
> +         QVLCFileInfo info( url.toLocalFile() );
> +         if( info.exists() && info.isSymLink() )
> +         {
> +             QString target = info.symLinkTarget();
> +             QUrl url;
> +             if( QFile::exists( target ) )
> +                 url = QUrl::fromLocalFile( target );
> +             mrl = toURI( url.toEncoded().constData() );
> +         }
> +         if( mrl.length() > 0 )
> +             playlist_Add( THEPL, qtu(mrl), NULL,

I don't see why you would resolve symlink on *nix systems.
Probably need to #ifdef win32 here.


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