[vlc-devel] Adding Http post option to http module with parameters

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Mon Jul 22 18:20:13 CEST 2013

Le lundi 22 juillet 2013 12:35:54 fayyaz lodhi a écrit :
> Problem is that access_New() in access.c is called from many locations in
> src/input/stream.c

Yes. That would rather be stream_UrlNew() though.

> I am not sure if making changes in all of these occurrences make sense and
> would work.

If you need to include body in the HTTP POST request, you are pretty screwed 
since access_New() and stream_UrlNew() have no provisions for sending data, 
only for receiving it. I suppose you do need a body, right?

> Am I on the right track? Or will i disturb the module loading mechanism?

You may want to factor out the code from modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c into a 
reusable function instead... That seems more tractable.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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