[vlc-devel] [PATCH 03/10] MED Support - File reader and writer modules

Roiy Shpaner roiy at cs.umanitoba.ca
Sat Apr 5 22:41:18 CEST 2014

Update for vlc_readdir change, please use this patch instead of the previous


From: vlc-devel [mailto:vlc-devel-bounces at videolan.org] On Behalf Of Roiy
Sent: April-04-14 1:08 PM
To: vlc-devel at videolan.org
Subject: [vlc-devel] [PATCH 03/10] MED Support - File reader and writer


These modules only get called when needed and are then closed after
finishing their work.


Regarding the reader:

At this stage the module looks only for files that are in the same directory
as the media file, and have the same name as it, but with a .med extension.

Most code was borrowed from the subtitles module, as later on I'd like to
add support for multiple files and priorities.

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