[vlc-devel] [PATCH] timer: add a few explicit cancellation points

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Tue Aug 19 03:41:57 CEST 2014

Le 19/08/2014 06:48, Sean McGovern a écrit :

>      for (;;)
>      {
> -        while (timer->value == 0)
> +        vlc_testcancel();
> +        while (timer->value == 0) {
>              vlc_cond_wait (&timer->reschedule, &timer->lock);
> +            vlc_testcancel();

cond wait is already cancellation point.

> +        }
>          if (vlc_cond_timedwait (&timer->reschedule, &timer->lock,
> -                                timer->value) == 0)
> +                                timer->value) == 0) {
> +            vlc_testcancel();
>              continue;
continue, then we have 3 cancellation points in a row.

>      vlc_cancel (timer->thread);
> +    vlc_cond_broadcast(&timer->reschedule);

I don't see why that thread would not exit on cancellation.

If cancellation points are broken on condwait then that behaviour should
appear somewhere else as well.


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