[vlc-devel] [PATCH 5/5] chromecast: add an experimental sout module that connects to a ChromeCast device and streams using the HTTP access output

Ilkka Ollakka ileoo at videolan.org
Wed Aug 20 11:52:06 CEST 2014

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:38:21AM +0200, magsoft at videolan.org wrote:
> From: Adrien Maglo <magsoft at videolan.org>


> diff --git a/modules/stream_out/chromecast/cast.cpp b/modules/stream_out/chromecast/cast.cpp
> +vlc_module_begin ()
> +
> +    set_shortname(N_("Chromecast"))
> +    set_description(N_("Chromecast stream output"))
> +    set_capability("sout stream", 50)
> +
> +vlc_module_end ()

> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * Open: connect to the Chromecast and initialize the sout
> + *****************************************************************************/
> +static int Open(vlc_object_t *p_this)
> +{
> +    sout_stream_t *p_stream = (sout_stream_t*)p_this;
> +    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys;
> +    p_sys = new(nothrow) sout_stream_sys_t();
> +    if (p_sys == NULL)
> +        return VLC_ENOMEM;
> +    p_stream->p_sys = p_sys;
> +
> +    config_ChainParse(p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX, ppsz_sout_options, p_stream->p_cfg);
> +
> +    char *psz_ipChromecast = var_GetNonEmptyString(p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "receiver-ip");
> +    if (psz_ipChromecast == NULL)
> +    {
> +        msg_Err(p_stream, "No Chromecast receiver IP provided");
> +        Close(p_this);
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
> +    }
> +
> +    vlc_url_t url;
> +    url.psz_host = strdup(psz_ipChromecast);
> +    url.i_port = 8009;

Is that 8009 some default known port for chromecast?

> +    // Set the sout callbacks.
> +    p_stream->pf_add    = Add;
> +    p_stream->pf_del    = Del;
> +    p_stream->pf_send   = Send;

Maybe these should be defined at the end of Open() 

> +
> +    /* Ugly part:
> +     * We want to be sure that the Chromecast receives the first data packet sent by
> +     * the HTTP server. */
> +
> +    // Lock the sout thread until we have sent the media loading command to the Chromecast.
> +    vlc_mutex_lock(&p_sys->loadCommandMutex);
> +    const mtime_t deadline = mdate() + 6000 * 1000;
> +    int i_ret = vlc_cond_timedwait(&p_sys->loadCommandCond, &p_sys->loadCommandMutex, deadline);
> +    if (i_ret == ETIMEDOUT)
> +    {
> +        msg_Err(p_stream, "Timeout reached before sending the media loading command");
> +        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->loadCommandMutex);
> +        Close(p_this);
> +        return VLC_EGENERIC;
> +    }
> +    vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->loadCommandMutex);
> +
> +    // Sleep more to let to the Chromecast initiate the connection to the http server.
> +    sleep(2);

Not sure it's wise to sleep in Open() when there is priority for this
module, this can't be done in later phase?

Ilkka Ollakka
The worst part of having success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.
		-- Bette Midler
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