[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Fix some compilation warnings

Tom Geens geens.tom.home at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 09:46:54 CET 2014


I am Tom and I am watching this mailing list to see if in the future I can
be of help and to improve my skills concerning C++ . I have a master of
science degree in IT Engineering and I believe this project would be of
great help towards my expertise.

Concerning your last paragraph:

So in principles, these fixes are absolutely correct. But in practice, I am
> not sure if those bugs is "worth fixing", especially as the same problem is
> bound to come up again and again in the future :-/ ?

You are true these are things that will always come up again. But I propose
2 other ways looking at it:

   1. At my work (Volvo Cars IT) we have a boy scout rule: always leave
   code behind cleaner then it was before.
   2. Just for the sake of getting to know the code you are working with.
   Fixing minor things like warnings can be an easy way to find your way


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