[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/5] VLCKit: migrate VLCVideoView to ARC

Florent Pillet fpillet at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 20:47:03 CEST 2014

 Headers/Public/VLCVideoView.h |   8 ++--
 Sources/VLCVideoView.m        | 108 ++++++++----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Headers/Public/VLCVideoView.h b/Headers/Public/VLCVideoView.h
index baf2e23..43a9136 100644
--- a/Headers/Public/VLCVideoView.h
+++ b/Headers/Public/VLCVideoView.h
@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@
 #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
 @interface VLCVideoView : NSView
 /* Properties */
- at property (assign) id delegate;
- at property (copy) NSColor *backColor;
+ at property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate;
+ at property (nonatomic, copy) NSColor *backColor;
 @property BOOL fillScreen;
- at property (readonly) BOOL hasVideo;
+ at property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasVideo;
diff --git a/Sources/VLCVideoView.m b/Sources/VLCVideoView.m
index 15eb184..5be5aeb 100644
--- a/Sources/VLCVideoView.m
+++ b/Sources/VLCVideoView.m
@@ -48,34 +48,17 @@
 - (void)detachFromVout;
-/* Depreacted methods */
- at interface VLCVideoView (Deprecated)
-- (void)setStretchesVideo:(BOOL)value;
-- (BOOL)stretchesVideo;
-- (void)addVoutSubview:(NSView *)aView;  /* (Scheduled to deletion) */
-- (void)removeVoutSubview:(NSView *)aView;  /* (Scheduled to deletion) */
- at end
  * VLCVideoView (Private)
- at interface VLCVideoView (Private)
-/* Method */
+ at interface VLCVideoView ()
+ at property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasVideo;
+ at property (nonatomic, retain) VLCVideoLayoutManager *layoutManager;
 - (void)addVoutLayer:(CALayer *)aLayer;
- at end
- at interface VLCVideoView ()
-    id delegate;
-    NSColor * backColor;
-    BOOL stretchesVideo;
-    id layoutManager;
-    BOOL hasVideo;
-/* Proeprties */
- at property (readwrite) BOOL hasVideo;
@@ -89,31 +72,18 @@
     if (self = [super initWithFrame:rect])
-        self.delegate = nil;
         self.backColor = [NSColor blackColor];
-        self.fillScreen = NO;
-        self.hasVideo = NO;
-        [self setStretchesVideo:NO];
-        [self setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
-        layoutManager = [[VLCVideoLayoutManager layoutManager] retain];
+        self.autoresizesSubviews = YES;
+        self.layoutManager = [VLCVideoLayoutManager layoutManager];
     return self;
-- (void)dealloc
-    self.delegate = nil;
-    self.backColor = nil;
-    [layoutManager release];
-    [super dealloc];
 /* NSView Overrides */
 - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)aRect
     [self lockFocus];
-    [backColor set];
+    [self.backColor set];
     [self unlockFocus];
@@ -123,46 +93,40 @@
     return YES;
-/* Properties */
- at synthesize delegate;
- at synthesize backColor;
- at synthesize hasVideo;
 - (BOOL)fillScreen
-    return [layoutManager fillScreenEntirely];
+    return [self.layoutManager fillScreenEntirely];
 - (void)setFillScreen:(BOOL)fillScreen
-    [(VLCVideoLayoutManager *)layoutManager setFillScreenEntirely:fillScreen];
-    [[self layer] setNeedsLayout];
+    [self.layoutManager setFillScreenEntirely:fillScreen];
+    [self.layer setNeedsLayout];
- at end
  * Implementation VLCVideoView  (Private)
- at implementation VLCVideoView (Private)
 /* This is called by the libvlc module 'opengllayer' as soon as there is one
  * vout available
 - (void)addVoutLayer:(CALayer *)aLayer
+    aLayer.name = @"vlcopengllayer";
     [CATransaction begin];
-    [self setWantsLayer: YES];
-    CALayer * rootLayer = [self layer];
-    aLayer.name = @"vlcopengllayer";
+    self.wantsLayer = YES;
+    CALayer * rootLayer = self.layer;
-    [layoutManager setOriginalVideoSize:aLayer.bounds.size];
-    [rootLayer setLayoutManager:layoutManager];
+    [self.layoutManager setOriginalVideoSize:aLayer.bounds.size];
+    [rootLayer setLayoutManager:self.layoutManager];
     [rootLayer insertSublayer:aLayer atIndex:0];
     [aLayer setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange:YES];
     [CATransaction commit];
     self.hasVideo = YES;
@@ -171,43 +135,9 @@
     [CATransaction begin];
     [voutLayer removeFromSuperlayer];
     [CATransaction commit];
     self.hasVideo = NO;
- * Implementation VLCVideoView  (Deprecated)
- */
- at implementation VLCVideoView (Deprecated)
-- (void)setStretchesVideo:(BOOL)value
-    stretchesVideo = value;
-- (BOOL)stretchesVideo
-    return stretchesVideo;
-/* This is called by the libvlc module 'minimal_macosx' as soon as there is one
- * vout available
- */
-- (void)addVoutSubview:(NSView *)aView /* (Scheduled to deletion) */
-    [aView setFrame:[self bounds]];
-    [self addSubview:aView];
-    // TODO: Should we let the media player specify these values?
-    [aView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewWidthSizable];
-- (void)removeVoutSubview:(NSView *)view /* (Scheduled to deletion) */
-    // Should we do something?  I don't know, however the protocol requires
-    // this to be implemented
- at end
-- (Apple Git-48)

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