[vlc-devel] Bug Report: sound glitch on mac os despite volume being set to zero.

Rob Jonson rob at hobbyistsoftware.com
Thu May 8 15:35:30 CEST 2014

As new trac tickets are disabled at the moment, I'm reporting here.
Let me know if there is a better method.

Mac OS
VLC 2.2 nightly  2014-05-08 01:20


1) add test1.mkv and test8.mkv to playlist
(official matroska tests, available here
http://www.matroska.org/downloads/test_w1.html )

2) set volume to zero (or select mute from menu)

3) as each track starts, there is an audible glitch
(expected: no sound output)

tested on iMac and macbook air
both running mavericks 10.9.2

glitch does not exist on Windows. I haven't tested on linux.




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