[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] gnutls: fix minimum version

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Sat Sep 6 12:21:28 CEST 2014

Le 25/08/2014 18:00, Jean-Baptiste Kempf a écrit :
>> http://www.gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html#gnutls_005falpn_005fget_005fselected_005fprotocol
>> "Since 3.1.11"
> The docs says that, but the headers, as far as I see, say 3.2.0

> gnutls: fix minimum version

> -  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNUTLS, [gnutls >= 3.1.11], [
> +  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNUTLS, [gnutls >= 3.2.0], [

Upgrading is not required since the alpn are within #ifdef sections.

The new requirement breaks again gnutls module at least on Fedora and is
useless if the alpn module isn't provided by gnutls.


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