[vlc-devel] [PATCH] stream_filter: httplive: factorize segment read and remove vlc_object_alive

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Tue Apr 21 00:30:46 CEST 2015

Le 20/04/2015 21:21, Rémi Denis-Courmont a écrit :
>>              /* */
>>              if (p_sys->download.seek >= 0)
>>              {
>>                  p_sys->download.segment = p_sys->download.seek;
>>                  p_sys->download.seek = -1;
>>              }
>> +
>>              vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->download.lock_wait);
>>          }
>> -        if (!vlc_object_alive(s)) break;
>> +        vlc_testcancel();
> It smells like you have sprinkled magic cancel dust with no obvious logic 
> here.

Looks to me it does exit when input closes, and at the same location.
Unsure if the comment is about behaviour or superfluous cancellation points.

> Generally, for the sake of maintainability, it is best to leave cancellation 
> enabled only in one or a few strategical sleeping location and disabled it 
> everywhere else.

Probably easier to keep it in main thread only.


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