[vlc-devel] [PATCH] add a secondary video_format_t to the vout to handle format cropping

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Wed Mar 4 18:59:25 CET 2015

Le mercredi 04 mars 2015, 17:10:37 Steve Lhomme a écrit :
> The format cropping/display size is not applied to the codec output,
> which may have it's own crop values but on the vout.

What part of "I disagree" do you not understand? At this point, you are 
essentially wasting my *free* time by rehashing what was said on IRC.

There is only one way for a video output to crop. Thus, there are 
intrinsically no reasons why the video output would need to distinguish codec 
cropping and mux cropping.

(And I am aware of the fact that the video output does not combine user crop 
and A/R with codec/mux crop correctly. But that makes no difference here.)

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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