[vlc-devel] [PATCH] d3d11 vout plugin

Martell Malone martellmalone at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 19:51:15 CET 2015

Related patch on the mingw-w64 end.
We may want to change -ld3dcompiler to -ld3dcompiler_47 in makefile.am
force that specific dll for Windows Store 8.1

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Martell Malone <martellmalone at gmail.com>

> Attached is a revised patch based on jb's feedback
> > Your indentation is too small (2 instead of 4).
>> Good Spot I dunno how I missed that
> I tried 2 different editors and it appears as 4 even in the first attempt.
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Martell Malone <martellmalone at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> >>  configure.ac                          |   7 +-
>>> >>  modules/MODULES_LIST                  |   1 +
>>> >>  modules/video_output/Makefile.am      |  16 +
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/common.c     |  33 +-
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/common.h     |  46 +-
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/direct3d11.c | 940
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/events.c     |  17 +-
>>> >>  7 files changed, 1049 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>> >>  create mode 100644 modules/video_output/msw/direct3d11.c
>>> Missing NEWS and po/POTFILES.in entry
>> I've no idea what to put in there, suggestions are welcome.
>> I will look at previous NEWS and POTFILES to get an idea.
>> >> diff --git a/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> b/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> index 1ebe08c..802450d 100644
>>> >> --- a/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> +++ b/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
>>> >>   * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 VLC authors and VideoLAN
>>> >>   * $Id$
>>> >>   *
>>> >> - * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>
>>> >> + * Authors: Martell Malone <martellmalone at gmail.com>,
>>> >> + *          Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>
>>> No, you don't put yourself first.
>> My mistake I copy and pasted it from direct3d11.c
>> I will move my name to last for these
>> >> +#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_direct3d11
>>> >> +#if !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hdxgi_dll;        /* handle of the
>>> opened dxgi dll */
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hd3d11_dll;       /* handle of the
>>> opened d3d11 dll */
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hd3dcompiler_dll; /* handle of the
>>> opened d3dcompiler dll */
>>> Those 3 are linked in, for WinRT?
>> Only d3dcompiler is linked in for WinRT.
>> The other two are not needed.
>> I have a patch to submit to mingw-w64 to add d3dcompiler_47 the windows
>> 8.1 version.
>> >> +    IDXGIAdapter             *dxgiadapter;     /* DXGI adapter */
>>> >> +    IDXGIFactory             *dxgifactory;     /* DXGI factory */
>>> >> +    IDXGISwapChain           *dxgiswapChain;   /* DXGI 1.0 swap
>>> chain */
>>> >> +    /* We should find a better way to store this or atleast a
>>> shorter name */
>>> OurD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain;
>>> >> +    PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE                OurD3D11CreateDevice;
>>> >> +    pD3DCompile                            OurD3DCompile;
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +    IDXGISwapChain1          *dxgiswapChain;   /* DXGI 1.1 swap
>>> chain */
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +    ID3D11Device             *d3ddevice;       /* D3D device */
>>> >> +    ID3D11DeviceContext      *d3dcontext;      /* D3D context */
>>> >> +    ID3D11Texture2D          *d3dtexture;
>>> Only 1 texture?
>> There is 2
>> >> +    ID3D11ShaderResourceView *d3dresViewY;
>> >> +    ID3D11ShaderResourceView *d3dresViewUV;
>> the naming in the dx11 api is a bit misleading.
>> You have a texture which is more of a surface than a texture.
>> and then this can have any number of resource views which are technically
>> the textures.
>> Thank Microsoft here for confusing everyone. :)
>> >> +    DXGI_FORMAT              d3dFormat;
>>> >> +    vlc_fourcc_t             vlcFormat;
>>> format of ?
>> >> +    vd->sys->vlcFormat = d3d_formats[0].fourcc;
>> >> +    video_format_t fmt;
>> Many of the if statements that were using fmt were failing in
>> createresources, update etc if i set fmt directly.
>> Rather than wasting time on this issue I stored it.
>> I can have a second look at this if you want?
>> >> +/* avoided until we can deal with c++/cx in gcc
>> hahah. no.
>> I could have explained that with a better comment.
>> We need a way to pass a pointer to SwapChainPanel from the WinRT app
>> rather than the cx reference ^ it is doing atm.
>> I don't know why I even said it that way :)
>> >> +    ID3D11VertexShader       *d3dvertexShader;
>>> >> +    ID3D11PixelShader        *d3dpixelShader;
>>> >> +    ID3D11InputLayout        *d3dvertexLayout;
>>> >> +    ID3D11SamplerState       *d3dsampState;
>>> >> +    picture_sys_t            *picsys;
>>> picsys seems wrong
>> We need this to pass it to lock. In the dx11 case it is called map.
>> picture_resource_t resource = { .p_sys = picsys };
>> This is the same way it is done in the directx9 plugin.
>> > +#define D3D11_HELP N_("Recommended video output for Windows RT and
>>> Windows Phone")
>>> Nah, bad description.
>> Have you replacement text?
>> >> +static const d3d_format_t d3d_formats[] = {
>>> >> +    { "NV12",   DXGI_FORMAT_NV12,             VLC_CODEC_NV12  },
>>> >> +    { "RGBA",   DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM,   VLC_CODEC_RGBA  },
>>> >> +    { NULL, 0, 0 }
>>> >> +};
>>> Where is YV12 ?
>> From under DXGI_FORMAT_420_OPAQUE on
>> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb173059%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
>> "Applications cannot use the CPU to map the resource and then access the
>>> data within the resource.
>>> You cannot use shaders with this format."
>> The format will only become usable when I add ID3D11Video hardware
>> accelerated decoding.
>> I will add it at that stage :)
>>> >> +    DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 scd;
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +    DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC scd;
>>> >> +#endif
>>> Why not using one define at the top and use that in the code?
>> I'm not quite sure what you mean?
>> If you give me an example I'll gladly do it.
>> >> +#if 0
>>> Why ?
>> I left this comment above the first one in the code explaining them
>> /* All the #if 0 contain an alternative method to setup dx11
>>>    They both need to be benchmarked to see which performs better */
>>> #if 0
>> There is 2 ways to setup dx11.
>> I just don't know which is better and what devices support which, speed
>> of each etc.
>> Your indentation is too small (2 instead of 4).
>> Good Spot I dunno how I missed that.
>> The rest looks good.
>> :)
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On 03 Mar, Martell Malone wrote :
>>> > Attached is the directx11 vout that I have been working on.
>>> >>  configure.ac                          |   7 +-
>>> >>  modules/MODULES_LIST                  |   1 +
>>> >>  modules/video_output/Makefile.am      |  16 +
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/common.c     |  33 +-
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/common.h     |  46 +-
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/direct3d11.c | 940
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> >>  modules/video_output/msw/events.c     |  17 +-
>>> >>  7 files changed, 1049 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>> >>  create mode 100644 modules/video_output/msw/direct3d11.c
>>> Missing NEWS and po/POTFILES.in entry.
>>> >> diff --git a/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> b/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> index 1ebe08c..802450d 100644
>>> >> --- a/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> +++ b/modules/video_output/msw/common.c
>>> >> @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
>>> >>   * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 VLC authors and VideoLAN
>>> >>   * $Id$
>>> >>   *
>>> >> - * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>
>>> >> + * Authors: Martell Malone <martellmalone at gmail.com>,
>>> >> + *          Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>
>>> No, you don't put yourself first.
>>> >> index 5cb8c45..b02fa27 100644
>>> >> --- a/modules/video_output/msw/common.h
>>> >> +++ b/modules/video_output/msw/common.h
>>> >> @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
>>> >>   * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 VLC authors and VideoLAN
>>> >>   * $Id$
>>> >>   *
>>> >> - * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>
>>> >> + * Authors: Martell Malone <martellmalone at gmail.com>,
>>> >> + *          Gildas Bazin <gbazin at videolan.org>,
>>> idem.
>>> > @@ -25,6 +26,15 @@
>>> >> +#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_direct3d11
>>> >> +# include <d3d11.h>
>>> >> +#if VLC_WINSTORE_APP
>>> >> +# include <dxgi1_2.h>
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +# include <dxgi.h>
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +# include <d3dcompiler.h>
>>> >> +#endif
>>> Please indent your ifs,
>>> >> +#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_direct3d11
>>> >> +#if !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hdxgi_dll;        /* handle of the
>>> opened dxgi dll */
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hd3d11_dll;       /* handle of the
>>> opened d3d11 dll */
>>> >> +    HINSTANCE                hd3dcompiler_dll; /* handle of the
>>> opened d3dcompiler dll */
>>> Those 3 are linked in, for WinRT?
>>> >> +    IDXGIAdapter             *dxgiadapter;     /* DXGI adapter */
>>> >> +    IDXGIFactory             *dxgifactory;     /* DXGI factory */
>>> >> +    IDXGISwapChain           *dxgiswapChain;   /* DXGI 1.0 swap
>>> chain */
>>> >> +    /* We should find a better way to store this or atleast a
>>> shorter name */
>>> OurD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain;
>>> >> +    PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE                OurD3D11CreateDevice;
>>> >> +    pD3DCompile                            OurD3DCompile;
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +    IDXGISwapChain1          *dxgiswapChain;   /* DXGI 1.1 swap
>>> chain */
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +    ID3D11Device             *d3ddevice;       /* D3D device */
>>> >> +    ID3D11DeviceContext      *d3dcontext;      /* D3D context */
>>> >> +    ID3D11Texture2D          *d3dtexture;
>>> Only 1 texture?
>>> >> +    ID3D11ShaderResourceView *d3dresViewY;
>>> >> +    ID3D11ShaderResourceView *d3dresViewUV;
>>> >> +    ID3D11RenderTargetView   *d3drenderTargetView;
>>> >> +    ID3D11DepthStencilView   *d3ddepthStencilView;
>>> >> +    ID3D11VertexShader       *d3dvertexShader;
>>> >> +    ID3D11PixelShader        *d3dpixelShader;
>>> >> +    ID3D11InputLayout        *d3dvertexLayout;
>>> >> +    ID3D11SamplerState       *d3dsampState;
>>> >> +    picture_sys_t            *picsys;
>>> picsys seems wrong
>>> >> +    D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL        d3dfeaturelevel;
>>> >> +    DXGI_FORMAT              d3dFormat;
>>> >> +    vlc_fourcc_t             vlcFormat;
>>> format of ?
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +
>>> >> +/* avoided until we can deal with c++/cx in gcc
>>> hahah. no.
>>> > +#define D3D11_HELP N_("Recommended video output for Windows RT and
>>> Windows Phone")
>>> Nah, bad description.
>>> >> +static const d3d_format_t d3d_formats[] = {
>>> >> +    { "NV12",   DXGI_FORMAT_NV12,             VLC_CODEC_NV12  },
>>> >> +    { "RGBA",   DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM,   VLC_CODEC_RGBA  },
>>> >> +    { NULL, 0, 0 }
>>> >> +};
>>> Where is YV12 ?
>>> >> +#if VLC_WINSTORE_APP
>>> >> +    DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 scd;
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +    DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC scd;
>>> >> +#endif
>>> Why not using one define at the top and use that in the code?
>>> >> +#if 0
>>> Why ?
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    /* TODO : list adapters for the user to choose from */
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIFactory_EnumAdapters(sys->dxgifactory, 0,
>>> &sys->dxgiadapter);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not create find factory. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    IDXGIOutput* output;
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIAdapter_EnumOutputs(sys->dxgiadapter, 0, &output);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not Enumerate DXGI Outputs. (hr=0x%lX)",
>>> hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    DXGI_MODE_DESC md;
>>> >> +    memset(&md, 0, sizeof(md));
>>> >> +    md.Width  = fmt->i_visible_width;
>>> >> +    md.Height = fmt->i_visible_height;
>>> >> +    md.Format = scd.BufferDesc.Format;
>>> >> +    md.Scaling = DXGI_MODE_SCALING_UNSPECIFIED;
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIOutput_FindClosestMatchingMode(output, &md,
>>> &scd.BufferDesc, NULL);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Failed to find a supported video mode.
>>> (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    /* mode desc doesn't carry over the width and height*/
>>> >> +    scd.BufferDesc.Width = fmt->i_visible_width;
>>> >> +    scd.BufferDesc.Height = fmt->i_visible_height;
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    hr = D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(sys->dxgiadapter,
>>> >> +                    D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, creationFlags,
>>> >> +                    featureLevels, ARRAYSIZE(featureLevels),
>>> >> +                    D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &scd, &sys->dxgiswapChain,
>>> >> +                    &sys->d3ddevice, &sys->d3dfeaturelevel,
>>> &sys->d3dcontext);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not Create the D3D11 device and SwapChain.
>>> (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    static const D3D_DRIVER_TYPE driverAttempts[] = {
>>> >> +        D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE,
>>> >> +        D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP,
>>> >> +        D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE,
>>> >> +    };
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    for (UINT driver = 0; driver < ARRAYSIZE(driverAttempts);
>>> driver++) {
>>> >> +        hr = D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, driverAttempts[driver], NULL,
>>> creationFlags,
>>> >> +                    featureLevels, ARRAYSIZE(featureLevels),
>>> >> +                    &sys->d3ddevice, &sys->d3dfeaturelevel,
>>> &sys->d3dcontext);
>>> >> +        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) break;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not Create the D3D11 device. (hr=0x%lX)",
>>> hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    IDXGIDevice *pDXGIDevice = NULL;
>>> >> +    hr = ID3D11Device_QueryInterface(sys->d3ddevice,
>>> &IID_IDXGIDevice, (void **)&pDXGIDevice);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not Query DXGI Interface. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIDevice_GetAdapter(pDXGIDevice, &sys->dxgiadapter);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not get the DXGI Adapter. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIAdapter_GetParent(sys->dxgiadapter, &IID_IDXGIFactory,
>>> (void **)&sys->dxgifactory);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not get the DXGI Factory. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#if VLC_WINSTORE_APP
>>> >> +    hr =
>>> IDXGIFactory2_CreateSwapChainForComposition(sys->dxgifactory, (IUnknown
>>> *)sys->d3ddevice, &scd, NULL, &sys->dxgiswapChain);
>>> >> +#else
>>> >> +    hr = IDXGIFactory_CreateSwapChain(sys->dxgifactory, (IUnknown
>>> *)sys->d3ddevice, &scd, &sys->dxgiswapChain);
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not create the SwapChain. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#if VLC_WINSTORE_APP /* avoided until we can deal with c++/cx in gcc
>>> */
>>> >> +    /* TODO: figure out how to get "ISwapChainPanel ^panel" into
>>> brokenpanel in gcc */
>>> >> +    ISwapChainPanel *brokenpanel;
>>> >> +    ISwapChainPanelNative *panelNative;
>>> >> +    hr = ISwapChainPanelNative_QueryInterface(brokenpanel,
>>> &IID_ISwapChainPanelNative, (void **)&pDXGIDevice);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not get the Native Panel. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +    hr = ISwapChainPanelNative_SetSwapChain(panelNative,
>>> sys->dxgiswapChain);
>>> >> +    if (FAILED(hr)) {
>>> >> +       msg_Err(vd, "Could not link the SwapChain with the Native
>>> Panel. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
>>> >> +       return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>> >> +    }
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +
>>> >> +#endif
>>> >> +
>>> Your indentation is too small (2 instead of 4).
>>> The rest looks good.
>>> --
>>> Jean-Baptiste Kempf
>>> http://www.jbkempf.com/ - +33 672 704 734
>>> Sent from my Electronic Device
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