[vlc-devel] [PATCH] added start playback in paused mode (#2936)

Aleksandr Pasechnik al at megamicron.net
Sat Mar 21 02:02:27 CET 2015

> On Fri Mar 20, 2015, at 11:16, Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> wrote:
> On 12 Mar, Aleksandr Pasechnik wrote :
>>     {
>> +        bool b_start_paused = var_InheritBool( p_input, "start-paused" );
>> +        msg_Dbg( p_input, "decided that start-paused is %d", b_start_paused );
> You cannot msg at every run.

Will remove it. Was using it for debugging.

>> +        if( b_start_paused )
>> +        {
>> +            const mtime_t i_control_date = mdate();
>> +            ControlPause( p_input, i_control_date );
>> +        }
>> +    add_bool( "start-paused", 0, SP_TEXT, SP_LONGTEXT, false )
>> +        change_safe()
> Safe?

I was going by the other similar playlist preferences regarding the change_safe. Should I not have included that? Is there a guideline for deciding if a preference is change_safe or not?

Best regards,
Aleksandr (apiarian)

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