[vlc-devel] Lua-SD: Adding a customized way to create Jamendo playlists for everyone to try

chrcnt7 at swift-mail.com chrcnt7 at swift-mail.com
Tue Aug 9 06:31:19 CEST 2016

Since the current Jamendo SD script doesn’t fit my needs at all (it has way too few tracks per list and listening by genre never worked particularly well for me), I created a customized Jamendo SD script I could tailor to my needs. This shall become the first public release, hoping others would maybe like to use it as well.
It’s not finished at all, but it should already be usable and give you a first impression.
Showing the contents of every listing (node) directly after parsing the corresponding document would be trivial to do, but the current state should illustrate the problem with loading times better. (More to that inside the script, near the top, after the copyright statement.)
In the long term, I’d wish for it to get on-demand loading of nodes, some way to update the lists and more options for customization in the GUI, or at least in some config file (those would include custom queries or at least a way for adding keywords and replacing orderings).

This is just me sharing back what I wrote with the help of the guys on the IRC channel. I’ll try my best to have it included sometime in the future, when it’s more complete, but for now, this is more of a proposal.

feepk said I should just post this to the mailing list and making the copyright statement correct would be taken care of later.

As I’m on Windows (Vista, no Ubuntu subsystem :P) and did not want to pull the full source tree or to try to make 'git format-patch' work for me, I’ll use the template refp kindly provided due to a misunderstanding in order to attempt giving you something you would be able to apply. But really, it’s a single self-contained file (within the VLC Lua environment) which all who are curious could just quickly copy and paste into their .\lua\sd (./lua/sd) folders, this shouldn’t pose too much of a problem. ;)
I’ll attach it once as plaintext and once as the output of 'git diff' on a fake repo (with the path in the diff header adjusted to match the one in refp’s template), the [PATCH] message will come next.

Nota bene: In PowerShell, use '[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8' to change the console’s encoding to UTF-8 before doing the 'git diff' in order to unbreak non-ASCII Unicode character piping. (At least with my version of git, 2.6.0)

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