[vlc-devel] [PATCH][RFC] mp4: prhd, equi, cbmp and st3d boxes have a header size of 10 bytes

Adrien Maglo magsoft at videolan.org
Sat Dec 3 13:47:57 CET 2016

Le 03/12/2016 à 10:22, Francois Cartegnie a écrit :
> Le 02/12/2016 à 13:20, Adrien Maglo a écrit :
>> According to the Google spatial video specification v2
>> https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-v2-rfc.md
>> these boxes inherit from "FullBox" which has a header size of 10 bytes.
>> This commit fixes the reading of parameters contained in these boxes.
> No. That's incorrect.
> FullBox means versioned + flags.
> In libmp4, this has never been handled as part of the header.
> You need to read/handle version and flags when decoding.

Ok, fair enough.
I was not sure how flags should be handled. That's why this patch was a RFC.


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