[vlc-devel] Making ISO from DVD on OS X

Hans Åberg haberg-1 at telia.com
Sun Jan 17 11:23:27 CET 2016

VLC already has the capacity of making an ISO hybrid image from an encrypted DVD on OS X 10.11.4, combined with the hdiutil command. What is amiss is a terminal command to load it from libdvdcss, which might be added:

Install libdvdcss in /usr/local/lib/. Mount the DVD. Let HandBrake 0.10.2 scan it until chapters begin scanning; then it can be terminated, even using Force Quit.

This somehow mounts an decrypted image. Then either use in Terminal the command
  hdiutil makehybrid -iso -udf -o <image name>.iso /Volumes/<DVD name>
If one does not choose both -iso and -udf, then VLC can for some reason not read the volume properly, mounted or not.

Or in Disk Utility, select the DVD, then from the menu File > New Image > New Image from <DVD name>, make a DVD/CD master. It will get the filename extension .cdr, just change it to .iso, and VLC will be able to read it.

When opening these .iso images directly to VLC from the Finder, one may get a VLC without a menubar. So it must be killed from Terminal.

1. https://download.videolan.org/libdvdcss/1.2.12/macosx/

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