[vlc-devel] [RFC 00/38] removal of implicit/explicit use of abort

Filip Roséen filip at videolabs.io
Mon Jun 27 13:57:14 CEST 2016

>      The problem which these patches all (try) to solve is relatively easy; we do
>      not want to invoke `abort`, instead we rather have the potential error
>      propogate up until the relevant part of the code.

And now I, of course, realized that I sent patches from a legacy branch
related to what is described above. This means that this patch-batch
contains some _really_ stupid ways of patching things up (I thought I got
rid of the branch after reviewing things I wrote in a state of high fever,
but aparently I did not).

An example would be the below linked patch:

  - https://mailman.videolan.org/pipermail/vlc-devel/2016-June/108378.html

I will let this patch-batch be kept alive, and see if I can reply to the
relevant patches with nicer solutions during this week (instead of moving
the entire thing to /dev/null).

I do not want to cludder the mailing-list with another 40+ patch-batch,
where most patches are actually straight-forward (there should only be a
handful that suffers from "really ugly code" syndrome.. at least,

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