[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/3] avcodec:video: don't try hardware acceleration if "none" is enabled

Jean-Baptiste Kempf jb at videolan.org
Fri Aug 4 17:17:22 CEST 2017

On Fri, 4 Aug 2017, at 17:15, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> Le 4 août 2017 17:35:50 GMT+03:00, Jean-Baptiste Kempf
> <jb at videolan.org> a écrit :>> Hello,
>> On Fri, 4 Aug 2017, at 16:31, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
>>> Le 4 août 2017 15:54:55 GMT+03:00, Steve Lhomme
>>> <robux4 at videolabs.io> a écrit :>>>> ---
>>>>  modules/codec/avcodec/video.c | 8 ++++++++
>>>>  1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/modules/codec/avcodec/video.c
>>>> b/modules/codec/avcodec/video.c
>>>> index 590aa9460f..14668db0c4 100644
>>>> --- a/modules/codec/avcodec/video.c
>>>> +++ b/modules/codec/avcodec/video.c
>>>> @@ -1490,6 +1490,14 @@ static enum PixelFormat ffmpeg_GetFormat(
>>>> AVCodecContext *p_context,
>>>>              can_hwaccel = true;
>>>>      }
>>>> +    char * var = var_InheritString(p_dec, "avcodec-hw");
>>>> +    if (var == NULL || !strcmp( var, "none" ))
>>>> +    {
>>>> +        msg_Dbg( p_dec, "disable hardware decoders" );
>>>> +        can_hwaccel = false;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    free(var);
>>>> +
>>>>      /* If the format did not actually change (e.g. seeking), try
>>>>      to reuse the
>>>>       * existing output format, and if present, hardware
>>>>         acceleration back-end.
>>>>       * This avoids resetting the pipeline downstream. This also
>>>>         avoids
>>> Hell no. We have had enough bugs with second-guessing the module
>>> loader already.>> 
>> Then, how do you disable all hw decoding?
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
>> +33 672 704 734
> If you mean avcodec hwaccel, then there are infinitely many ways to
> enable or disable.
avcodec-hw=none, yes

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
+33 672 704 734

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