[vlc-devel] [PATCH 0/9] Rework some simple preferences

Pierre Lamot pierre at videolabs.io
Tue Dec 19 12:10:15 CET 2017

> > I added an option to select the default fullscreen display, I put this
> > option in
> > Interface rather than Video, because it is only valid when the video
> > is embeded
> > in the interface.
> That seems like a very confusing thing to me.

The options is disabled when the "Integrate video in interface" option is 
disabled.  I hope this makes things clear enough.

Having it in Video might be confusing IMHO, because people might not 
understand why it doesn't work if they disabled the video in interface option

Though showing disabled option might be a bit confusing, people might not find 
intuitively how to reactivate them. It might be better to hide it.

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