Request for localization Sindhi Language.

Ubedullah S Thaheem usthaheem at
Wed Feb 1 08:52:01 CET 2017

Hello Dear Sir/Ma'm.Hope you will fine, its me Ubed Thaheem from Sindh, Pakistan, i am developer in *"Sindhi Language Authority", most of people in our province are using VLC player since it invented.i found many languages in VLC player but i was shocked when i saw there was not Sindhi language in VideoLan project. i request you to add our language in VLC project, we'll translate .po file & i can provide you the latter of Sindhi Language Authority.
* Sindhi Language Authority is an autonomus institute of Sindhi Language, working to promote & localize Sindhi Language.official website

my contact details : 
Ubed Thaheem,Developer at Sindhi Language Authority,+92-315-0133533
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