[vlc-devel] [PATCH] tls: fix ignored interrupts

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Tue Oct 10 12:54:58 CEST 2017

Le 10 octobre 2017 13:50:40 GMT+03:00, Thomas Guillem <thomas at gllm.fr> a écrit :
>If session->readv() or session->writev() are interrupted, the next call
>vlc_poll_i11e() will hang since the interrupt context is already
>finished (by
> src/network/tls.c | 18 ++++++++++++++----
> 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/src/network/tls.c b/src/network/tls.c
>index 4ebcfb319c..f07d0d6f9f 100644
>--- a/src/network/tls.c
>+++ b/src/network/tls.c
>@@ -253,8 +253,13 @@ ssize_t vlc_tls_Read(vlc_tls_t *session, void
>*buf, size_t len, bool waitall)
>         }
>         if (iov.iov_len == 0 || val == 0)
>             return rcvd;
>-        if (val == -1 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN)
>-            return rcvd ? (ssize_t)rcvd : -1;
>+        if (val == -1)
>+        {
>+            if (errno == EINTR)
>+                return -1;
>+            else if (errno != EAGAIN)
>+                return rcvd ? (ssize_t)rcvd : -1;
>+        }
>         vlc_poll_i11e(&ufd, 1, -1);
>     }
>@@ -287,8 +292,13 @@ ssize_t vlc_tls_Write(vlc_tls_t *session, const
>void *buf, size_t len)
>         }
>         if (iov.iov_len == 0 || val == 0)
>             return sent;
>-        if (val == -1 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN)
>-            return sent ? (ssize_t)sent : -1;
>+        if (val == -1)
>+        {
>+            if (errno == EINTR)
>+                return -1;
>+            else if (errno != EAGAIN)
>+                return sent ? (ssize_t)sent : -1;
>+        }
>         vlc_poll_i11e(&ufd, 1, -1);
>     }
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It looks to me that this breaks signal handling on the one hand, and I don't understand what it fixes on the other.
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