[vlc-devel] [PATCH] modules/audio_output/audiotrack.c: add support for audio session id

Alexandre Janniaux alexandre.janniaux at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 16:07:39 CET 2018

2018-02-22 15:35 GMT+01:00 RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
> Where is the API and how does this not duplicate the functionality of
existing user-agent identity APIs?

User-agent is an application identification feature and I don't think it's
appropriate for session handling.

The audio session id is given via command line argument
(--audiotrack-session-id) by the user of libVLC (see my patch for VLC for
Android) and the API for adding external effect is Android's one.

This patch allows these external effect without modifying the current
libVLC API and thus is a good compromise for 3.0.x version. Later version
will be able to keep this parameter as a default value for audiotracks and,
for instance, be able to use an audio session id from the media itself if
given by the user, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense to have different
session id for a media player.
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