[vlc-devel] [PATCH] input: Don't probe the stream when controlling a demux_Filter

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Thu Jan 11 05:38:12 CET 2018

Le 10 janvier 2018 19:06:31 GMT+02:00, "Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen" <hugo at beauzee.fr> a écrit :
>When a stream filter is active, attempting to read any file which
>demux doesn't implement DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE, DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE,
>behavior when accessing demux_t::s
>src/input/demux.c | 139
> 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/src/input/demux.c b/src/input/demux.c
>index 18b64b5f31..e594014ac0 100644
>--- a/src/input/demux.c
>+++ b/src/input/demux.c
>@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ typedef struct demux_priv_t
> {
>     demux_t demux;
>     void (*destroy)(demux_t *);
>+    int (*control)( demux_t *, int, va_list );
> } demux_priv_t;
> static void demux_DestroyDemux(demux_t *demux)
>@@ -191,6 +192,80 @@ static int demux_Probe(void *func, va_list ap)
>     return probe(VLC_OBJECT(demux));
> }
>+static int demux_ControlInternal( demux_t *demux, int query, ... )
>+    int ret;
>+    va_list ap;
>+    va_start( ap, query );
>+    ret = demux->pf_control( demux, query, ap );
>+    va_end( ap );
>+    return ret;
>+int demux_vaControl( demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args )
>+    demux_priv_t *priv = (demux_priv_t *)demux;
>+    return priv->control( demux, query, args );
>+static int demux_vaControlInner( demux_t *demux, int query, va_list
>args )
>+    if( demux->s != NULL )
>+        switch( query )
>+        {
>+            /* Legacy fallback for missing getters in synchronous
>demuxers */
>+            case DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE:
>+            case DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE:
>+            case DEMUX_GET_PTS_DELAY:
>+            {
>+                int ret;
>+                va_list ap;
>+                va_copy( ap, args );
>+                ret = demux->pf_control( demux, query, args );
>+                if( ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
>+                    ret = vlc_stream_vaControl( demux->s, query, ap );
>+                va_end( ap );
>+                return ret;
>+            }
>+            /* Some demuxers need to control pause directly (e.g.
>+             * but many legacy demuxers do not understand pause at
>+             * If DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE is not implemented, bypass the
>demuxer and
>+             * byte stream. If DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE is implemented and
>pause is
>+             * supported, pause the demuxer normally. Else, something
>went very
>+             * wrong.
>+             *
>+             * Note that this requires asynchronous/threaded demuxers
>+             * always return VLC_SUCCESS for DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE, so that
>they are
>+             * never bypassed. Otherwise, we would reenter demux->s
>+             * and break thread safety. At the time of writing,
>asynchronous or
>+             * threaded *non-access* demuxers do not exist and are not
>+             * supported by the input thread, so this is theoretical.
>+            case DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE:
>+            {
>+                bool can_pause;
>+                if( demux_ControlInternal( demux, DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE,
>+                                           &can_pause ) )
>+                    return vlc_stream_vaControl( demux->s, query, args
>+                /* The caller shall not pause if pause is unsupported.
>+                assert( can_pause );
>+                break;
>+            }
>+        }
>+    return demux->pf_control( demux, query, args );
>+static int demux_vaControlFilter( demux_t *demux, int query, va_list
>args )
>+    // Do not probe the stream in the context of a demux filter.
>+    return demux->pf_control( demux, query, args );
>  * demux_NewAdvanced:
>  *  if s is NULL then load a access_demux
>@@ -245,6 +320,7 @@ demux_t *demux_NewAdvanced( vlc_object_t *p_obj,
>input_thread_t *p_parent_input,
>     p_demux->p_sys      = NULL;
>     p_demux->info.i_update = 0;
>     priv->destroy = s ? demux_DestroyDemux : demux_DestroyAccessDemux;
>+    priv->control = demux_vaControlInner;
>     if( s != NULL )
>     {
>@@ -303,68 +379,6 @@ void demux_Delete( demux_t *p_demux )
> #define static_control_match(foo) \
>     static_assert((unsigned) DEMUX_##foo == STREAM_##foo, "Mismatch")
>-static int demux_ControlInternal( demux_t *demux, int query, ... )
>-    int ret;
>-    va_list ap;
>-    va_start( ap, query );
>-    ret = demux->pf_control( demux, query, ap );
>-    va_end( ap );
>-    return ret;
>-int demux_vaControl( demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args )
>-    if( demux->s != NULL )
>-        switch( query )
>-        {
>-            /* Legacy fallback for missing getters in synchronous
>demuxers */
>-            case DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE:
>-            case DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE:
>-            case DEMUX_GET_PTS_DELAY:
>-            {
>-                int ret;
>-                va_list ap;
>-                va_copy( ap, args );
>-                ret = demux->pf_control( demux, query, args );
>-                if( ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
>-                    ret = vlc_stream_vaControl( demux->s, query, ap );
>-                va_end( ap );
>-                return ret;
>-            }
>-            /* Some demuxers need to control pause directly (e.g.
>-             * but many legacy demuxers do not understand pause at
>-             * If DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE is not implemented, bypass the
>demuxer and
>-             * byte stream. If DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE is implemented and
>pause is
>-             * supported, pause the demuxer normally. Else, something
>went very
>-             * wrong.
>-             *
>-             * Note that this requires asynchronous/threaded demuxers
>-             * always return VLC_SUCCESS for DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE, so that
>they are
>-             * never bypassed. Otherwise, we would reenter demux->s
>-             * and break thread safety. At the time of writing,
>asynchronous or
>-             * threaded *non-access* demuxers do not exist and are not
>-             * supported by the input thread, so this is theoretical.
>-            case DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE:
>-            {
>-                bool can_pause;
>-                if( demux_ControlInternal( demux, DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE,
>-                                           &can_pause ) )
>-                    return vlc_stream_vaControl( demux->s, query, args
>-                /* The caller shall not pause if pause is unsupported.
>-                assert( can_pause );
>-                break;
>-            }
>-        }
>-    return demux->pf_control( demux, query, args );
>  * demux_vaControlHelper:
>@@ -593,6 +607,7 @@ static demux_t *demux_FilterNew( demux_t *p_next,
>const char *p_name )
>     p_demux->psz_filepath = NULL;
>     p_demux->out          = NULL;
>     priv->destroy         = demux_DestroyDemuxFilter;
>+    priv->control         = demux_vaControlFilter;
>     p_demux->p_module =
>        module_need( p_demux, "demux_filter", p_name, p_name != NULL );
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This is UB even with the patch, only much  more needlessly complicated. Nack.

We have been through this timed and times already.
Remi Denis-Courmont

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