[vlc-devel] [PATCH] demux: mkv: fix more hvcC detection

Zhao Zhili quinkblack at foxmail.com
Mon Jun 11 14:54:37 CEST 2018

MKV files made by DivXMKVMux are broken too. FFmpeg
hevc_parse.c did the same thing to workaround the issue.
 modules/demux/mkv/matroska_segment_parse.cpp | 16 ++++++----------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/demux/mkv/matroska_segment_parse.cpp b/modules/demux/mkv/matroska_segment_parse.cpp
index add75d8..c475472 100644
--- a/modules/demux/mkv/matroska_segment_parse.cpp
+++ b/modules/demux/mkv/matroska_segment_parse.cpp
@@ -1586,17 +1586,13 @@ bool matroska_segment_c::TrackInit( mkv_track_t * p_tk )
             /* HACK: if we found invalid format, made by mkvmerge < 16.0.0,
              *       we try to fix it. They fixed it in 16.0.0. */
             const char* app = vars.obj->psz_writing_application;
-            if( p_extra && p_extra[0] == 0 && app != NULL &&
-                    strncmp(app, "mkvmerge", sizeof("mkvmerge")-1) == 0 )
+            if( p_extra && vars.p_tk->i_extra_data >= 3 &&
+                    p_extra[0] == 0 && (p_extra[1] != 0 || p_extra[2] > 1) )
-                int major_version;
-                if( sscanf(app, "mkvmerge v%d.", &major_version) && major_version < 16 )
-                {
-                    msg_Dbg(vars.p_demuxer,
-                            "Invalid HEVC reserved bits in mkv file"
-                            "made by mkvmerge < v16.0.0 detected, fixing it");
-                    p_extra[0] = 0x01;
-                }
+                msg_Warn(vars.p_demuxer,
+                        "Invalid HEVC reserved bits in mkv file "
+                        "made by %s, fixing it", app ? app : "unknown app");
+                p_extra[0] = 0x01;
             fill_extra_data( vars.p_tk, 0 );

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