[vlc-devel] [PATCH 02/12] core: playlist: new playlist API

Romain Vimont rom1v at videolabs.io
Thu Oct 11 23:14:40 CEST 2018

Add a new playlist API.

A playlist contains a simple list of items, and owns a player.

Callbacks are exposed so that clients (UI) are notified when items are
updated, insert, moved or removed. The playlist is responsible for the
playback order and repeat mode, and manages a cursor to the "current"
 include/vlc_playlist_new.h |  675 +++++++++++
 src/Makefile.am            |    7 +-
 src/libvlccore.sym         |   32 +
 src/playlist/playlist.c    | 2323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 3036 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 include/vlc_playlist_new.h
 create mode 100644 src/playlist/playlist.c

diff --git a/include/vlc_playlist_new.h b/include/vlc_playlist_new.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e62bf89ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/vlc_playlist_new.h
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+ * vlc_playlist_new.h
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <vlc_common.h>
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+# endif
+ * \defgroup playlist playlist
+ * \ingroup playlist
+ * @{
+ */
+ * A VLC playlist contains a list of "playlist items".
+ *
+ * Each playlist item contains exactly one media (input item). In the future,
+ * it might contain associated data.
+ *
+ * The API is intended to be simple, UI-friendly and allow for an
+ * implementation both correct (no race conditions) and performant for common
+ * use cases.
+ *
+ * UI frameworks typically use "list models" to provide a list of items to a
+ * list view component. A list model requires to implement functions to:
+ *  - return the total number of items,
+ *  - return the item at a given index.
+ *
+ * In addition, it must notify the view when changes occur when:
+ *  - items are inserted (providing index and count),
+ *  - items are removed (providing index and count),
+ *  - items are moved (providing index, count, and target index),
+ *  - items are updated (providing index and count),
+ *  - the model is reset (the whole content should be considered changed).
+ *
+ * The API directly exposes what list models require.
+ *
+ * The core playlist may be modified from any thread, so it may not be used as
+ * a direct data source for a list model. In other word, the functions of a
+ * list model must not delegate the calls to the playlist. This would require
+ * locking the playlist individually for each call to get the count and
+ * retrieve each item (which is, in itself, not a good idea for UI
+ * responsiveness), and would not be sufficient to guarantee correctness: the
+ * playlist content could change between view calls so that a request to
+ * retrieve an item at a specific index could be invalid (which would break the
+ * list model expected behavior).
+ *
+ * As a consequence, the UI playlist should be considered as a remote
+ * out-of-sync view of the core playlist. This implies that the UI needs to
+ * keep a copy of the playlist content.
+ *
+ * Note that the copy must not limited to the list of playlist items (pointers)
+ * themselves, but also to the items content which is displayed and susceptible
+ * to change asynchronously (e.g. media metadata, like title or duration). The
+ * UI should never lock a media (input item) for rendering a playlist item;
+ * otherwise, the content could be changed (and exposed) before the list model
+ * notified the view of this change (which, again, would break the list model
+ * expected behavior).
+ *
+ * It is very important that the copy hold by the UI is only modified through
+ * the core playlist callbacks, to guarantee that the indexes notified are
+ * valid in the context of the list model. In other words, from the client, the
+ * playlist copy is a read-only "desynchronized" view of the core playlist.
+ *
+ * Moreover, the events triggered by the playlist must be kept in order until
+ * they are handled. The callbacks may be called from any thread, with lock
+ * held (in practice, the thread from which a change is requested). An UI will
+ * typically need to handle the events in the UI thread, so it will usually
+ * post the events in an even loop, to handle them from the UI thread. In that
+ * case, be careful to always post the events in the event loop, even if the
+ * current thread is already the UI thread, not to break the order of events.
+ *
+ * The playlist also handles the playback order and the repeat mode. It also
+ * manages a cursor to the "current" item, and expose whether a previous and
+ * next items (which depend on the playback order and repeat mode) are
+ * available.
+ */
+/* forward declarations */
+typedef struct input_item_t input_item_t;
+typedef struct vlc_player_t vlc_player_t;
+/* opaque types */
+typedef struct vlc_playlist vlc_playlist_t;
+typedef struct vlc_playlist_item vlc_playlist_item_t;
+typedef struct vlc_playlist_listener_id vlc_playlist_listener_id;
+enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat
+enum vlc_playlist_playback_order
+ * Playlist callbacks.
+ *
+ * A client may register a listener using vlc_playlist_AddListener() to listen
+ * playlist events.
+ *
+ * All callbacks are called with the playlist locked (see vlc_playlist_Lock()).
+ */
+struct vlc_playlist_callbacks
+    /**
+     * Called when the whole content has changed (e.g. when the playlist has
+     * been cleared, shuffled or sorted).
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param items    the whole new content of the playlist
+     * \param count    the number of items
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_items_reset)(vlc_playlist_t *, vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[],
+                           size_t count, void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when items have been added to the playlist.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param index    the index of the insertion
+     * \param items    the array of added items
+     * \param count    the number of items added
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_items_added)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                           vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
+                           void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when a slice of items have been moved.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param index    the index of the first moved item
+     * \param count    the number of items moved
+     * \param target   the new index of the moved slice
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_items_moved)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                           size_t count, size_t target, void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when a slice of items have been removed from the playlist.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param index    the index of the first removed item
+     * \param items    the array of removed items
+     * \param count    the number of items removed
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_items_removed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                             size_t count, void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when an item has been updated via (pre-)parsing.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param index    the index of the first updated item
+     * \param items    the array of updated items
+     * \param count    the number of items updated
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_items_updated)(vlc_playlist_t *, size_t index,
+                             vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
+                             void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when the playback repeat mode has been changed.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param repeat   the new playback "repeat" mode
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_playback_repeat_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                                       enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat,
+                                       void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when the playback order mode has been changed.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param rorder   the new playback order
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_playback_order_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                                      enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order,
+                                      void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when the current item index has changed.
+     *
+     * Note that the current item index may have changed while the current item
+     * is still the same: it may have been moved.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param index    the new current index (-1 if there is no current item)
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_current_index_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index,
+                                    void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when the "has previous item" property has changed.
+     *
+     * This is typically useful to update any "previous" button in the UI.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param has_prev true if there is a previous item, false otherwise
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_has_prev_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *, bool has_prev,
+                                void *userdata);
+    /**
+     * Called when the "has next item" property has changed.
+     *
+     * This is typically useful to update any "next" button in the UI.
+     *
+     * \param playlist the playlist
+     * \param has_next true if there is a next item, false otherwise
+     * \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
+     */
+    void (*on_has_next_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *, bool has_next,
+                                void *userdata);
+/* Playlist items */
+ * Hold a playlist item.
+ *
+ * Increment the refcount of the playlist item.
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_item_Hold(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
+ * Release a playlist item.
+ *
+ * Decrement the refcount of the playlist item, and destroy it if necessary.
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_item_Release(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
+ * Return the media associated to the playlist item.
+ */
+VLC_API input_item_t *
+vlc_playlist_item_GetMedia(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
+/* Playlist */
+ * Create a new playlist.
+ *
+ * \param parent   a VLC object
+ * \return a pointer to a valid playlist instance, or NULL if an error occurred
+ */
+VLC_API VLC_USED vlc_playlist_t *
+vlc_playlist_New(vlc_object_t *parent);
+ * Delete a playlist.
+ *
+ * All playlist items are released, and listeners are removed and destroyed.
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Delete(vlc_playlist_t *);
+ * Lock the playlist/player.
+ *
+ * The playlist and its player share the same lock, to avoid lock-order
+ * inversion issues.
+ *
+ * \warning Do not forget that the playlist and player lock are the same (or
+ * you could lock twice the same and deadlock).
+ *
+ * Almost all playlist functions must be called with lock held (check their
+ * description).
+ *
+ * The lock is not recursive.
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Lock(vlc_playlist_t *);
+ * Unlock the playlist/player.
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Unlock(vlc_playlist_t *);
+ * Add a playlist listener.
+ *
+ * Return an opaque listener identifier, to be passed to
+ * vlc_player_RemoveListener().
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist
+ * \param cbs      the callbacks (must be valid until the listener is removed)
+ * \param userdata userdata provided as a parameter in callbacks
+ * \return a listener identifier, or NULL if an error occurred
+ */
+VLC_API VLC_USED vlc_playlist_listener_id *
+vlc_playlist_AddListener(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                         const struct vlc_playlist_callbacks *cbs,
+                         void *userdata);
+ * Remove a player listener.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist
+ * \param id       the listener identifier returned by
+ *                 vlc_playlist_AddListener()
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(vlc_playlist_t *, vlc_playlist_listener_id *);
+ * Return the number of items.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ */
+VLC_API size_t
+vlc_playlist_Count(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Return the item at a given index.
+ *
+ * The index must be in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index
+ * \return the playlist item
+ */
+VLC_API vlc_playlist_item_t *
+vlc_playlist_Get(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index);
+ * Clear the playlist.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Clear(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Insert a list of media at a given index.
+ *
+ * The index must be in range (less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \index index    the index where the media are to be inserted
+ * \param media    the array of media to insert
+ * \param count    the number of media to insert
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API int
+vlc_playlist_Insert(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                    input_item_t *const media[], size_t count);
+ * Insert a media at a given index.
+ *
+ * The index must be in range (less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \index index    the index where the media is to be inserted
+ * \param media    the media to insert
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+static inline int
+vlc_playlist_InsertOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                       input_item_t *media)
+    return vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, index, &media, 1);
+ * Add a list of media at the end of the playlist.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param media    the array of media to append
+ * \param count    the number of media to append
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+static inline int
+vlc_playlist_Append(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *const media[],
+                    size_t count)
+    size_t size = vlc_playlist_Count(playlist);
+    return vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, size, media, count);
+ * Add a media at the end of the playlist.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param media    the media to append
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+static inline int
+vlc_playlist_AppendOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *media)
+    return vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, &media, 1);
+ * Move a slice of items to a given target index.
+ *
+ * The slice and the target must be in range (both index+count and target+count
+ * less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index of the first item to move
+ * \param count    the number of items to move
+ * \param target   the new index of the moved slice
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Move(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
+                  size_t target);
+ * Move an item to a given target index.
+ *
+ * The index and the target must be in range (index less than, and target less
+ * than or equal to, vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index of the item to move
+ * \param target   the new index of the moved item
+ */
+static inline void
+vlc_playlist_MoveOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t target)
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, index, 1, target);
+ * Remove a slice of items at a given index.
+ *
+ * The slice must be in range (index+count less than or equal to
+ * vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index of the first item to remove
+ * \param count    the number of items to remove
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Remove(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count);
+ * Remove an item at a given index.
+ *
+ * The index must be in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index of the item to remove
+ */
+static inline void
+vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index)
+    vlc_playlist_Remove(playlist, index, 1);
+ * Return the index of a given item.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param item     the item to locate
+ * \return the index of the item (-1 if not found)
+ */
+VLC_API ssize_t
+vlc_playlist_IndexOf(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const vlc_playlist_item_t *item);
+ * Return the index of a given media.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param media    the media to locate
+ * \return the index of the playlist item containing the media (-1 if not found)
+ */
+VLC_API ssize_t
+vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const input_item_t *media);
+ * Return the playback "repeat" mode.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return the playback "repeat" mode
+ */
+VLC_API enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat
+vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Return the playback order.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return the playback order
+ */
+VLC_API enum vlc_playlist_playback_order
+vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *);
+ * Change the playback "repeat" mode.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param repeat the new playback "repeat" mode
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                               enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat);
+ * Change the playback order
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param repeat the new playback order
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                              enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order);
+ * Return the index of the current item.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return the index of the current item, -1 if none.
+ */
+VLC_API ssize_t
+vlc_playlist_GetCurrentIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Indicate whether a previous item is available.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \retval true if a previous item is available
+ * \retval false if no previous item is available
+ */
+VLC_API bool
+vlc_playlist_HasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Indicate whether a next item is available.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \retval true if a next item is available
+ * \retval false if no next item is available
+ */
+VLC_API bool
+vlc_playlist_HasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Go to the previous item.
+ *
+ * Return VLC_EGENERIC if vlc_playlist_HasPrev() returns false.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API int
+vlc_playlist_Prev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Go to the next item.
+ *
+ * Return VLC_EGENERIC if vlc_playlist_HasNext() returns false.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API int
+vlc_playlist_Next(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Go to a given index.
+ *
+ * the index must be -1 or in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \param index    the index to go to (-1 to none)
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API int
+vlc_playlist_GoTo(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index);
+ * Return the player owned by the playlist.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist (not necessarily locked)
+ * \return the player
+ */
+VLC_API vlc_player_t *
+vlc_playlist_GetPlayer(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Start the player.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API int
+vlc_playlist_Start(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Stop the player.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Stop(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Pause the player.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Pause(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Resume the player.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist, locked
+ * \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Resume(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
+ * Preparse a media, and expand it in the playlist on subitems added.
+ *
+ * \param playlist the playlist (not necessarily locked)
+ * \param libvlc the libvlc instance
+ * \param media the media to preparse
+ */
+VLC_API void
+vlc_playlist_Preparse(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, libvlc_int_t *libvlc,
+                      input_item_t *media);
+/** @} */
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# endif
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 30c06abcf6..2a98636901 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ pluginsinclude_HEADERS = \
 	../include/vlc_picture_pool.h \
 	../include/vlc_player.h \
 	../include/vlc_playlist.h \
+	../include/vlc_playlist_new.h \
 	../include/vlc_plugin.h \
 	../include/vlc_probe.h \
 	../include/vlc_rand.h \
@@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ libvlccore_la_SOURCES = \
 	playlist/loadsave.c \
 	playlist/tree.c \
 	playlist/item.c \
+	playlist/playlist.c \
 	playlist/search.c \
 	playlist/services_discovery.c \
 	playlist/renderer.c \
@@ -536,7 +538,8 @@ check_PROGRAMS = \
 	test_mrl_helpers \
 	test_arrays \
 	test_vector \
-	test_shared_data_ptr
+	test_shared_data_ptr \
+	test_playlist
 TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) check_symbols
@@ -561,6 +564,8 @@ test_mrl_helpers_SOURCES = test/mrl_helpers.c
 test_arrays_SOURCES = test/arrays.c
 test_vector_SOURCES = test/vector.c
 test_shared_data_ptr_SOURCES = test/shared_data_ptr.cpp
+test_playlist_SOURCES = playlist/playlist.c
+test_playlist_CFLAGS = -DTEST_PLAYLIST
 AM_LDFLAGS = -no-install
 LDADD = libvlccore.la \
diff --git a/src/libvlccore.sym b/src/libvlccore.sym
index a7df3bd87b..577a24a002 100644
--- a/src/libvlccore.sym
+++ b/src/libvlccore.sym
@@ -858,4 +858,36 @@ vlc_player_track_Delete
diff --git a/src/playlist/playlist.c b/src/playlist/playlist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..957a3c99b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/playlist/playlist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2323 @@
+ * playlist.c
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+# include "config.h"
+#include <vlc_playlist_new.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <vlc_common.h>
+#include <vlc_atomic.h>
+#include <vlc_input_item.h>
+#include <vlc_list.h>
+#include <vlc_threads.h>
+#include <vlc_vector.h>
+#include "input/player.h"
+#include "libvlc.h" // for vlc_MetadataRequest()
+/* disable vlc_assert_locked in tests since the symbol is not exported */
+# define vlc_assert_locked(m) VLC_UNUSED(m)
+# define vlc_player_assert_locked(p) VLC_UNUSED(p);
+/* mock the player in tests */
+# define vlc_player_New(a,b,c) (VLC_UNUSED(a), VLC_UNUSED(b), malloc(1))
+# define vlc_player_Delete(p) free(p)
+# define vlc_player_Lock(p) VLC_UNUSED(p)
+# define vlc_player_Unlock(p) VLC_UNUSED(p)
+# define vlc_player_AddListener(a,b,c) (VLC_UNUSED(b), malloc(1))
+# define vlc_player_RemoveListener(a,b) free(b)
+# define vlc_player_SetCurrentMedia(a,b) (VLC_UNUSED(b), VLC_SUCCESS)
+# define vlc_player_InvalidateNextMedia(p) VLC_UNUSED(p)
+#endif /* TEST_PLAYLIST */
+struct vlc_playlist_listener_id
+    const struct vlc_playlist_callbacks *cbs;
+    void *userdata;
+    struct vlc_list node; /**< node of vlc_playlist.listeners */
+#define vlc_playlist_listener_foreach(listener, playlist) \
+    vlc_list_foreach(listener, &(playlist)->listeners, node)
+struct vlc_playlist_item
+    input_item_t *media;
+    vlc_atomic_rc_t rc;
+static vlc_playlist_item_t *
+vlc_playlist_item_New(input_item_t *media)
+    vlc_playlist_item_t *item = malloc(sizeof(*item));
+    if (unlikely(!item))
+        return NULL;
+    vlc_atomic_rc_init(&item->rc);
+    item->media = media;
+    input_item_Hold(media);
+    return item;
+vlc_playlist_item_Hold(vlc_playlist_item_t *item)
+    vlc_atomic_rc_inc(&item->rc);
+vlc_playlist_item_Release(vlc_playlist_item_t *item)
+    if (vlc_atomic_rc_dec(&item->rc))
+    {
+        input_item_Release(item->media);
+        free(item);
+    }
+input_item_t *
+vlc_playlist_item_GetMedia(vlc_playlist_item_t *item)
+    return item->media;
+typedef struct VLC_VECTOR(vlc_playlist_item_t *) playlist_item_vector_t;
+struct vlc_playlist
+    vlc_player_t *player;
+    /* all remaining fields are protected by the lock of the player */
+    struct vlc_player_listener_id *player_listener;
+    playlist_item_vector_t items;
+    ssize_t current;
+    bool has_prev;
+    bool has_next;
+    struct vlc_list listeners; /**< list of vlc_playlist_listener_id.node */
+    enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat;
+    enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order;
+static inline void
+PlaylistAssertLocked(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_assert_locked(playlist->player);
+#define PlaylistNotifyListener(playlist, listener, event, ...) \
+do { \
+    if (listener->cbs->event) \
+        listener->cbs->event(playlist, ##__VA_ARGS__, listener->userdata); \
+} while (0)
+#define PlaylistNotify(playlist, event, ...) \
+do { \
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist); \
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener; \
+    vlc_playlist_listener_foreach(listener, playlist) \
+        PlaylistNotifyListener(playlist, listener, event, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+} while(0)
+/* Helper to notify several changes at once */
+struct vlc_playlist_state {
+    ssize_t current;
+    bool has_prev;
+    bool has_next;
+static void
+vlc_playlist_state_Save(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                        struct vlc_playlist_state *state)
+    state->current = playlist->current;
+    state->has_prev = playlist->has_prev;
+    state->has_next = playlist->has_next;
+static void
+vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                                 struct vlc_playlist_state *saved_state)
+    if (saved_state->current != playlist->current)
+        PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_current_index_changed, playlist->current);
+    if (saved_state->has_prev != playlist->has_prev)
+        PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_has_prev_changed, playlist->has_prev);
+    if (saved_state->has_next != playlist->has_next)
+        PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_has_next_changed, playlist->has_next);
+static inline bool
+PlaylistHasItemUpdatedListeners(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_foreach(listener, playlist)
+        if (listener->cbs->on_items_updated)
+            return true;
+    return false;
+static inline void
+NotifyMediaUpdated(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *media)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (!PlaylistHasItemUpdatedListeners(playlist))
+        /* no need to find the index if there are no listeners */
+        return;
+    ssize_t index;
+    if (playlist->current != -1 &&
+            playlist->items.data[playlist->current]->media == media)
+        /* the player typically sends events for the current item, so we can
+         * often avoid to search */
+        index = playlist->current;
+    else
+    {
+        /* linear search */
+        index = vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(playlist, media);
+        if (index == -1)
+            return;
+    }
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_items_updated, index,
+                   &playlist->items.data[index], 1);
+static inline vlc_playlist_item_t *
+PlaylistGetItem(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (index == -1)
+        return NULL;
+    return playlist->items.data[index];
+static inline input_item_t *
+PlaylistGetMedia(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index)
+    vlc_playlist_item_t *item = PlaylistGetItem(playlist, index);
+    if (!item)
+        return NULL;
+    return item->media;
+static inline void
+PlaylistClear(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_playlist_item_t *item;
+    vlc_vector_foreach(item, &playlist->items)
+        vlc_playlist_item_Release(item);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&playlist->items);
+static inline int
+PlaylistSetCurrentMedia(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    vlc_playlist_item_t *item = PlaylistGetItem(playlist, index);
+    input_item_t *media = item ? item->media : NULL;
+    return vlc_player_SetCurrentMedia(playlist->player, media);
+static inline bool
+PlaylistNormalOrderHasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    if (playlist->current == -1)
+        return false;
+    if (playlist->repeat == VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_ALL)
+        return true;
+    return playlist->current > 0;
+static inline size_t
+PlaylistNormalOrderGetPrevIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    switch (playlist->repeat)
+    {
+            return playlist->current - 1;
+            if (playlist->current == 0)
+                return playlist->items.size - 1;
+            return playlist->current + 1;
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static inline bool
+PlaylistNormalOrderHasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    if (playlist->repeat == VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_ALL)
+        return true;
+    /* also works if current == -1 or playlist->items.size == 0 */
+    return playlist->current < (ssize_t) playlist->items.size - 1;
+static inline size_t
+PlaylistNormalOrderGetNextIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    switch (playlist->repeat)
+    {
+            if (playlist->current >= (ssize_t) playlist->items.size - 1)
+                return -1;
+            return playlist->current + 1;
+                if (playlist->items.size == 0)
+                    return -1;
+            return (playlist->current + 1) % playlist->items.size;
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static inline bool
+PlaylistRandomOrderHasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    VLC_UNUSED(playlist);
+    /* TODO */
+    return false;
+static inline size_t
+PlaylistRandomOrderGetPrevIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    VLC_UNUSED(playlist);
+    /* TODO */
+    return -0;
+static inline bool
+PlaylistRandomOrderHasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    VLC_UNUSED(playlist);
+    /* TODO */
+    return false;
+static inline size_t
+PlaylistRandomOrderGetNextIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    VLC_UNUSED(playlist);
+    /* TODO */
+    return 0;
+static size_t
+PlaylistGetPrevIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    switch (playlist->order)
+    {
+            return PlaylistNormalOrderGetPrevIndex(playlist);
+            return PlaylistRandomOrderGetPrevIndex(playlist);
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static size_t
+PlaylistGetNextIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    switch (playlist->order)
+    {
+            return PlaylistNormalOrderGetNextIndex(playlist);
+            return PlaylistRandomOrderGetNextIndex(playlist);
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static bool
+PlaylistHasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    switch (playlist->order)
+    {
+            return PlaylistNormalOrderHasPrev(playlist);
+            return PlaylistRandomOrderHasPrev(playlist);
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static bool
+PlaylistHasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    switch (playlist->order)
+    {
+            return PlaylistNormalOrderHasNext(playlist);
+            return PlaylistRandomOrderHasNext(playlist);
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+    }
+static void
+PlaylistPlaybackOrderChanged(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_playback_order_changed, playlist->order);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+PlaylistPlaybackRepeatChanged(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_playback_repeat_changed, playlist->repeat);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+PlaylistItemsReset(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    playlist->current = -1;
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_items_reset, playlist->items.data,
+                   playlist->items.size);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+PlaylistItemsInserted(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    if (playlist->current >= (ssize_t) index)
+        playlist->current += count;
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    vlc_player_InvalidateNextMedia(playlist->player);
+    vlc_playlist_item_t **items = &playlist->items.data[index];
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_items_added, index, items, count);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+PlaylistItemsMoved(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
+                   size_t target)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    if (playlist->current != -1) {
+        size_t current = (size_t) playlist->current;
+        if (current >= index && current < target + count)
+        {
+            if (current < index + count)
+                /* current item belongs the moved block */
+                playlist->current += target - index;
+            else
+                /* current item was shifted due to the moved block */
+                playlist->current -= count;
+        }
+    }
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    vlc_player_InvalidateNextMedia(playlist->player);
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_items_moved, index, count, target);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+PlaylistItemsRemoved(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    bool invalidate_next_media = true;
+    if (playlist->current != -1) {
+        size_t current = (size_t) playlist->current;
+        if (current >= index && current < index + count) {
+            /* current item has been removed */
+            if (index + count < playlist->items.size) {
+                /* select the first item after the removed block */
+                playlist->current = index;
+            } else {
+                /* no more items */
+                playlist->current = -1;
+            }
+            /* change current playback */
+            PlaylistSetCurrentMedia(playlist, playlist->current);
+            /* we changed the current media, this already resets the next */
+            invalidate_next_media = false;
+        } else if (current >= index + count) {
+            playlist->current -= count;
+        }
+    }
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    PlaylistNotify(playlist, on_items_removed, index, count);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+    if (invalidate_next_media)
+        vlc_player_InvalidateNextMedia(playlist->player);
+static void
+PlaylistSetCurrentIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index)
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    playlist->current = index;
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static void
+ChildrenToPlaylistItems(playlist_item_vector_t *dest, input_item_node_t *node)
+    for (int i = 0; i < node->i_children; ++i)
+    {
+        input_item_node_t *child = node->pp_children[i];
+        vlc_playlist_item_t *item = vlc_playlist_item_New(child->p_item);
+        if (item)
+            vlc_vector_push(dest, item);
+        ChildrenToPlaylistItems(dest, child);
+    }
+static bool
+ExpandItem(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, input_item_node_t *node)
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(playlist, index);
+    playlist_item_vector_t flatten = VLC_VECTOR_INITIALIZER;
+    ChildrenToPlaylistItems(&flatten, node);
+    if (vlc_vector_insert_all(&playlist->items, index, flatten.data,
+                              flatten.size))
+        PlaylistItemsInserted(playlist, index, flatten.size);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&flatten);
+    return true;
+static void
+ExpandItemFromNode(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_node_t *subitems)
+    input_item_t *media = subitems->p_item;
+    ssize_t index = vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(playlist, media);
+    if (index != -1)
+        /* replace the item by its flatten subtree */
+        ExpandItem(playlist, index, subitems);
+/* called when the current media has changed _automatically_ (not on
+ * SetCurrentItem) */
+static void
+player_on_current_media_changed(vlc_player_t *player, input_item_t *new_media,
+                                void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(player);
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    /* the playlist and the player share the lock */
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media = PlaylistGetMedia(playlist, playlist->current);
+    if (new_media == media)
+        /* nothing to do */
+        return;
+    ssize_t index = new_media ? vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(playlist, new_media)
+                              : -1;
+    struct vlc_playlist_state state;
+    vlc_playlist_state_Save(playlist, &state);
+    playlist->current = index;
+    playlist->has_prev = PlaylistHasPrev(playlist);
+    playlist->has_next = PlaylistHasNext(playlist);
+    vlc_playlist_state_NotifyChanges(playlist, &state);
+static ssize_t
+PlaylistGetNextMediaIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (playlist->repeat == VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_CURRENT)
+        return playlist->current;
+    if (!PlaylistHasNext(playlist))
+        return -1;
+    return PlaylistGetNextIndex(playlist);
+static input_item_t *
+player_get_next_media(vlc_player_t *player, void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(player);
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    /* the playlist and the player share the lock */
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    ssize_t index = PlaylistGetNextMediaIndex(playlist);
+    if (index == -1)
+        return NULL;
+    input_item_t *media = playlist->items.data[index]->media;
+    input_item_Hold(media);
+    return media;
+static void
+on_player_media_meta_changed(vlc_player_t *player, input_item_t *media,
+                             void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(player);
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    /* the playlist and the player share the lock */
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    NotifyMediaUpdated(playlist, media);
+static void
+on_player_media_length_changed(vlc_player_t *player, vlc_tick_t new_length,
+                               void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(player);
+    VLC_UNUSED(new_length);
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    /* the playlist and the player share the lock */
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media = vlc_player_GetCurrentMedia(player);
+    assert(media);
+    NotifyMediaUpdated(playlist, media);
+static void
+on_player_subitems_detected(vlc_player_t *player, input_item_node_t *subitems,
+                            void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(player);
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    ExpandItemFromNode(playlist, subitems);
+static const struct vlc_player_media_provider player_media_provider = {
+    .get_next = player_get_next_media,
+static const struct vlc_player_cbs player_callbacks = {
+    .on_current_media_changed = player_on_current_media_changed,
+    .on_media_meta_changed = on_player_media_meta_changed,
+    .on_length_changed = on_player_media_length_changed,
+    .on_subitems_changed = on_player_subitems_detected,
+vlc_playlist_t *
+vlc_playlist_New(vlc_object_t *parent)
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = malloc(sizeof(*playlist));
+    if (unlikely(!playlist))
+        return NULL;
+    playlist->player = vlc_player_New(parent, &player_media_provider, playlist);
+    if (unlikely(!playlist->player))
+    {
+        free(playlist);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    vlc_player_Lock(playlist->player);
+    /* the playlist and the player share the lock */
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    playlist->player_listener = vlc_player_AddListener(playlist->player,
+                                                       &player_callbacks,
+                                                       playlist);
+    vlc_player_Unlock(playlist->player);
+    if (unlikely(!playlist->player_listener))
+    {
+        vlc_player_Delete(playlist->player);
+        free(playlist);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    vlc_vector_init(&playlist->items);
+    playlist->current = -1;
+    playlist->has_prev = false;
+    playlist->has_next = false;
+    vlc_list_init(&playlist->listeners);
+    playlist->repeat = VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_NONE;
+    return playlist;
+vlc_playlist_Delete(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    assert(vlc_list_is_empty(&playlist->listeners));
+    vlc_player_Lock(playlist->player);
+    vlc_player_RemoveListener(playlist->player, playlist->player_listener);
+    vlc_player_Unlock(playlist->player);
+    vlc_player_Delete(playlist->player);
+    PlaylistClear(playlist);
+    free(playlist);
+vlc_playlist_Lock(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_Lock(playlist->player);
+vlc_playlist_Unlock(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_Unlock(playlist->player);
+vlc_playlist_listener_id *
+vlc_playlist_AddListener(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                         const struct vlc_playlist_callbacks *cbs,
+                         void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener = malloc(sizeof(*listener));
+    if (unlikely(!listener))
+        return NULL;
+    listener->cbs = cbs;
+    listener->userdata = userdata;
+    vlc_list_append(&listener->node, &playlist->listeners);
+    return listener;
+vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                            vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    vlc_list_remove(&listener->node);
+    free(listener);
+vlc_playlist_Count(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->items.size;
+vlc_playlist_item_t *
+vlc_playlist_Get(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->items.data[index];
+vlc_playlist_Clear(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    PlaylistClear(playlist);
+    int ret = vlc_player_SetCurrentMedia(playlist->player, NULL);
+    VLC_UNUSED(ret); /* what could we do? */
+    PlaylistItemsReset(playlist);
+static int
+PlaylistMediaToItems(input_item_t *const media[], size_t count,
+                     vlc_playlist_item_t *items[])
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+    {
+        items[i] = vlc_playlist_item_New(media[i]);
+        if (unlikely(!items[i]))
+            break;
+    }
+    if (i < count)
+    {
+        /* allocation failure, release partial items */
+        while (i)
+            vlc_playlist_item_Release(items[--i]);
+        return VLC_ENOMEM;
+    }
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+vlc_playlist_Insert(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                    input_item_t *const media[], size_t count)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    assert(index <= playlist->items.size);
+    /* make space in the vector */
+    if (!vlc_vector_insert_hole(&playlist->items, index, count))
+        return VLC_ENOMEM;
+    /* create playlist items in place */
+    int ret = PlaylistMediaToItems(media, count, &playlist->items.data[index]);
+    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        /* we were optimistic, it failed, restore the vector state */
+        vlc_vector_remove_slice(&playlist->items, index, count);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    PlaylistItemsInserted(playlist, index, count);
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+vlc_playlist_Move(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
+                  size_t target)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    assert(index + count <= playlist->items.size);
+    assert(target + count <= playlist->items.size);
+    vlc_vector_move_slice(&playlist->items, index, count, target);
+    PlaylistItemsMoved(playlist, index, count, target);
+vlc_playlist_Remove(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    assert(index < playlist->items.size);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+        vlc_playlist_item_Release(playlist->items.data[index + i]);
+    vlc_vector_remove_slice(&playlist->items, index, count);
+    PlaylistItemsRemoved(playlist, index, count);
+vlc_playlist_IndexOf(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const vlc_playlist_item_t *item)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    ssize_t index;
+    vlc_vector_index_of(&playlist->items, item, &index);
+    return index;
+vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const input_item_t *media)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    playlist_item_vector_t *items = &playlist->items;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < items->size; ++i)
+        if (items->data[i]->media == media)
+            return i;
+    return -1;
+enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat
+vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->repeat;
+enum vlc_playlist_playback_order
+vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->order;
+vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                               enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (playlist->repeat == repeat)
+        return;
+    playlist->repeat = repeat;
+    PlaylistPlaybackRepeatChanged(playlist);
+vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                              enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (playlist->order == order)
+        return;
+    playlist->order = order;
+    PlaylistPlaybackOrderChanged(playlist);
+vlc_playlist_GetCurrentIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->current;
+vlc_playlist_HasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->has_prev;
+vlc_playlist_HasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    return playlist->has_next;
+vlc_playlist_Prev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (!PlaylistHasPrev(playlist))
+        return VLC_EGENERIC;
+    ssize_t index = PlaylistGetPrevIndex(playlist);
+    assert(index != -1);
+    int ret = PlaylistSetCurrentMedia(playlist, index);
+    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+        return ret;
+    PlaylistSetCurrentIndex(playlist, index);
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+vlc_playlist_Next(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    if (!PlaylistHasNext(playlist))
+        return VLC_EGENERIC;
+    ssize_t index = PlaylistGetNextIndex(playlist);
+    assert(index != -1);
+    int ret = PlaylistSetCurrentMedia(playlist, index);
+    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+        return ret;
+    PlaylistSetCurrentIndex(playlist, index);
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+vlc_playlist_GoTo(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    assert(index == -1 || (size_t) index < playlist->items.size);
+    int ret = PlaylistSetCurrentMedia(playlist, index);
+    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+        return ret;
+    PlaylistSetCurrentIndex(playlist, index);
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+vlc_player_t *
+vlc_playlist_GetPlayer(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    return playlist->player;
+vlc_playlist_Start(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    return vlc_player_Start(playlist->player);
+vlc_playlist_Stop(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_Stop(playlist->player);
+vlc_playlist_Pause(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_Pause(playlist->player);
+vlc_playlist_Resume(vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    vlc_player_Resume(playlist->player);
+static void
+on_subtree_added(input_item_t *media, input_item_node_t *subtree,
+                 void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(media); /* retrieved by subtree->p_item */
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = userdata;
+    vlc_playlist_Lock(playlist);
+    ExpandItemFromNode(playlist, subtree);
+    vlc_playlist_Unlock(playlist);
+static const input_preparser_callbacks_t input_preparser_callbacks = {
+    .on_subtree_added = on_subtree_added,
+vlc_playlist_Preparse(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, libvlc_int_t *libvlc,
+                      input_item_t *input)
+    VLC_UNUSED(playlist);
+    VLC_UNUSED(libvlc);
+    VLC_UNUSED(input);
+    VLC_UNUSED(input_preparser_callbacks);
+    /* vlc_MetadataRequest is not exported */
+    vlc_MetadataRequest(libvlc, input, META_REQUEST_OPTION_NONE,
+                        &input_preparser_callbacks, playlist, -1, NULL);
+ *                                   TESTS                                    *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* the playlist lock is the one of the player */
+# define vlc_playlist_Lock(p) VLC_UNUSED(p);
+# define vlc_playlist_Unlock(p) VLC_UNUSED(p);
+static input_item_t *
+CreateDummyMedia(int num)
+    char *url;
+    char *name;
+    int res = asprintf(&url, "vlc://item-%d", num);
+    if (res == -1)
+        return NULL;
+    res = asprintf(&name, "item-%d", num);
+    if (res == -1)
+        return NULL;
+    input_item_t *media = input_item_New(url, name);
+    free(url);
+    free(name);
+    return media;
+static void
+CreateDummyMediaArray(input_item_t *out[], size_t count)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+    {
+        out[i] = CreateDummyMedia(i);
+        assert(out[i]);
+    }
+static void
+DestroyMediaArray(input_item_t *const array[], size_t count)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+        input_item_Release(array[i]);
+#define EXPECT_AT(index, id) \
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Get(playlist, index)->media == media[id])
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* append one by one */
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
+    {
+        int ret = vlc_playlist_AppendOne(playlist, media[i]);
+        assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    /* append several at once */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, &media[5], 5);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 10);
+    EXPECT_AT(0, 0);
+    EXPECT_AT(1, 1);
+    EXPECT_AT(2, 2);
+    EXPECT_AT(3, 3);
+    EXPECT_AT(4, 4);
+    EXPECT_AT(5, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(6, 6);
+    EXPECT_AT(7, 7);
+    EXPECT_AT(8, 8);
+    EXPECT_AT(9, 9);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[15];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 15);
+    /* initial playlist with 5 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 5);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    /* insert one by one */
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
+    {
+        ret = vlc_playlist_InsertOne(playlist, 2, media[i + 5]);
+        assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    }
+    /* insert several at once */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, 6, &media[10], 5);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 15);
+    EXPECT_AT(0, 0);
+    EXPECT_AT(1, 1);
+    EXPECT_AT(2, 9);
+    EXPECT_AT(3, 8);
+    EXPECT_AT(4, 7);
+    EXPECT_AT(5, 6);
+    EXPECT_AT(6, 10);
+    EXPECT_AT(7, 11);
+    EXPECT_AT(8, 12);
+    EXPECT_AT(9, 13);
+    EXPECT_AT(10, 14);
+    EXPECT_AT(11, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(12, 2);
+    EXPECT_AT(13, 3);
+    EXPECT_AT(14, 4);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 15);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    /* move slice {3, 4, 5, 6} so that its new position is 5 */
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, 3, 4, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(0, 0);
+    EXPECT_AT(1, 1);
+    EXPECT_AT(2, 2);
+    EXPECT_AT(3, 7);
+    EXPECT_AT(4, 8);
+    EXPECT_AT(5, 3);
+    EXPECT_AT(6, 4);
+    EXPECT_AT(7, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(8, 6);
+    EXPECT_AT(9, 9);
+    /* move it back to its original position */
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, 5, 4, 3);
+    EXPECT_AT(0, 0);
+    EXPECT_AT(1, 1);
+    EXPECT_AT(2, 2);
+    EXPECT_AT(3, 3);
+    EXPECT_AT(4, 4);
+    EXPECT_AT(5, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(6, 6);
+    EXPECT_AT(7, 7);
+    EXPECT_AT(8, 8);
+    EXPECT_AT(9, 9);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    /* remove one by one */
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(playlist, 2);
+    /* remove several at once */
+    vlc_playlist_Remove(playlist, 3, 2);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(0, 0);
+    EXPECT_AT(1, 1);
+    EXPECT_AT(2, 5);
+    EXPECT_AT(3, 8);
+    EXPECT_AT(4, 9);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Clear(playlist);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 0);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[16];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 16);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    /* create a subtree for item 8 with 4 children */
+    input_item_t *item_to_expand = playlist->items.data[8]->media;
+    input_item_node_t *root = input_item_node_Create(item_to_expand);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+    {
+        input_item_node_t *node = input_item_node_AppendItem(root,
+                                                             media[i + 10]);
+        assert(node);
+    }
+    /* on the 3rd children, add 2 grand-children */
+    input_item_node_t *parent = root->pp_children[2];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+    {
+        input_item_node_t *node = input_item_node_AppendItem(parent,
+                                                             media[i + 14]);
+        assert(node);
+    }
+    bool ok = ExpandItem(playlist, 8, root);
+    assert(ok);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Count(playlist) == 15);
+    EXPECT_AT(7, 7);
+    EXPECT_AT(8, 10);
+    EXPECT_AT(9, 11);
+    EXPECT_AT(10, 12);
+    EXPECT_AT(11, 14);
+    EXPECT_AT(12, 15);
+    EXPECT_AT(13, 13);
+    EXPECT_AT(14, 9);
+    input_item_node_Delete(root);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 16);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+struct playlist_state
+    size_t playlist_size;
+    ssize_t current;
+    bool has_prev;
+    bool has_next;
+static void
+playlist_state_init(struct playlist_state *state, vlc_playlist_t *playlist)
+    state->playlist_size = vlc_playlist_Count(playlist);
+    state->current = vlc_playlist_GetCurrentIndex(playlist);
+    state->has_prev = vlc_playlist_HasPrev(playlist);
+    state->has_next = vlc_playlist_HasNext(playlist);
+struct items_reset_report
+    size_t count;
+    struct playlist_state state;
+struct items_added_report
+    size_t index;
+    size_t count;
+    struct playlist_state state;
+struct items_moved_report
+    size_t index;
+    size_t count;
+    size_t target;
+    struct playlist_state state;
+struct items_removed_report
+    size_t index;
+    size_t count;
+    struct playlist_state state;
+struct playback_repeat_changed_report
+    enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat;
+struct playback_order_changed_report
+    enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order;
+struct current_index_changed_report
+    ssize_t current;
+struct has_prev_changed_report
+    bool has_prev;
+struct has_next_changed_report
+    bool has_next;
+struct callback_ctx
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct items_reset_report)           vec_items_reset;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct items_added_report)           vec_items_added;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct items_moved_report)           vec_items_moved;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct items_removed_report)         vec_items_removed;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct playback_order_changed_report)
+                                                  vec_playback_order_changed;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct playback_repeat_changed_report)
+                                                  vec_playback_repeat_changed;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct current_index_changed_report)
+                                                  vec_current_index_changed;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct has_prev_changed_report)      vec_has_prev_changed;
+    struct VLC_VECTOR(struct has_next_changed_report)      vec_has_next_changed;
+{ \
+static inline void
+callback_ctx_reset(struct callback_ctx *ctx)
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_items_reset);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_items_added);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_items_moved);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_items_removed);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_playback_repeat_changed);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_playback_order_changed);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_current_index_changed);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_has_prev_changed);
+    vlc_vector_clear(&ctx->vec_has_next_changed);
+static inline void
+callback_ctx_destroy(struct callback_ctx *ctx)
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_items_reset);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_items_added);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_items_moved);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_items_removed);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_playback_repeat_changed);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_playback_order_changed);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_current_index_changed);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_has_prev_changed);
+    vlc_vector_destroy(&ctx->vec_has_next_changed);
+static void
+callback_on_items_reset(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                        vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
+                        void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(items);
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct items_reset_report report;
+    report.count = count;
+    playlist_state_init(&report.state, playlist);
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_items_reset, report);
+static void
+callback_on_items_added(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
+                        vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
+                        void *userdata)
+    VLC_UNUSED(items);
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct items_added_report report;
+    report.index = index;
+    report.count = count;
+    playlist_state_init(&report.state, playlist);
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_items_added, report);
+static void
+callback_on_items_moved(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
+                        size_t target, void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct items_moved_report report;
+    report.index = index;
+    report.count = count;
+    report.target = target;
+    playlist_state_init(&report.state, playlist);
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_items_moved, report);
+static void
+callback_on_items_removed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
+                          void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct items_removed_report report;
+    report.index = index;
+    report.count = count;
+    playlist_state_init(&report.state, playlist);
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_items_removed, report);
+static void
+callback_on_playback_repeat_changed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                                    enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat,
+                                    void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct playback_repeat_changed_report report;
+    report.repeat = repeat;
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_playback_repeat_changed, report);
+static void
+callback_on_playback_order_changed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
+                                   enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order,
+                                   void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct playback_order_changed_report report;
+    report.order = order;
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_playback_order_changed, report);
+static void
+callback_on_current_index_changed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index,
+                                  void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct current_index_changed_report report;
+    report.current = index;
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_current_index_changed, report);
+static void
+callback_on_has_prev_changed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, bool has_prev,
+                             void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct has_prev_changed_report report;
+    report.has_prev = has_prev;
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_has_prev_changed, report);
+static void
+callback_on_has_next_changed(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, bool has_next,
+                             void *userdata)
+    PlaylistAssertLocked(playlist);
+    struct callback_ctx *ctx = userdata;
+    struct has_next_changed_report report;
+    report.has_next = has_next;
+    vlc_vector_push(&ctx->vec_has_next_changed, report);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_items_added = callback_on_items_added,
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_AppendOne(playlist, media[0]);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    /* the callbacks must be called with *all* values up to date */
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].index == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].count == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.playlist_size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.current == -1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* set the only item as current */
+    playlist->current = 0;
+    playlist->has_prev = false;
+    playlist->has_next = false;
+    /* insert before the current item */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, 0, &media[1], 4);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].index == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].count == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.playlist_size == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.current == 4); /* shifted */
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* append (after the current item) */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, &media[5], 5);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].index == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].count == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.playlist_size == 10);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.current == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_added.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_items_moved = callback_on_items_moved,
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, 2, 3, 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].index == 2);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].count == 3);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].target == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.playlist_size == 10);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.current == -1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    playlist->current = 3;
+    playlist->has_prev = true;
+    playlist->has_next = true;
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* the current index belongs to the moved slice */
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, 1, 3, 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].index == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].count == 3);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].target == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.playlist_size == 10);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.current == 7);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 7);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* as a result of this move, the current item (7) will be at index 0 */
+    vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, 0, 7, 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].index == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].count == 7);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].target == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.playlist_size == 10);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.current == 0);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_moved.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_items_removed = callback_on_items_removed,
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(playlist, 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].index == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].count == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.playlist_size == 9);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.current == -1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    playlist->current = 7;
+    playlist->has_prev = true;
+    playlist->has_next = true;
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* remove items before the current */
+    vlc_playlist_Remove(playlist, 2, 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].index == 2);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].count == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.playlist_size == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.current == 3); /* shifted */
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 3);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* remove the remaining items (without Clear) */
+    vlc_playlist_Remove(playlist, 0, 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].index == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].count == 5);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.playlist_size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.current == -1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_removed.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == -1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_items_reset = callback_on_items_reset,
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    playlist->current = 9; /* last item */
+    playlist->has_prev = true;
+    playlist->has_next = false;
+    vlc_playlist_Clear(playlist);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_reset.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_reset.data[0].count == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_reset.data[0].state.playlist_size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_items_reset.data[0].state.current == -1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_reset.data[0].state.has_prev);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_items_reset.data[0].state.has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == -1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    playlist->repeat = VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_NONE;
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_playback_repeat_changed = callback_on_playback_repeat_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackRepeat(playlist, VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_ALL);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackRepeat(playlist) ==
+                                            VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_ALL);
+    assert(ctx.vec_playback_repeat_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_playback_repeat_changed.data[0].repeat ==
+                                            VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_REPEAT_ALL);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_playback_order_changed = callback_on_playback_order_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackOrder(playlist, VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackOrder(playlist) ==
+                                            VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM);
+    assert(ctx.vec_playback_order_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_playback_order_changed.data[0].order ==
+                                            VLC_PLAYLIST_PLAYBACK_ORDER_RANDOM);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 9 items (1 is not added) */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 9);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(playlist, media[4]) == 4);
+    /* only items 0 to 8 were added */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(playlist, media[9]) == -1);
+    vlc_playlist_item_t *item = vlc_playlist_Get(playlist, 4);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_IndexOf(playlist, item) == 4);
+    vlc_playlist_item_Hold(item);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(playlist, 4);
+    assert(vlc_playlist_IndexOf(playlist, item) == -1);
+    vlc_playlist_item_Release(item);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[4];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 4);
+    /* initial playlist with 3 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 3);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    playlist->current = 2; /* last item */
+    playlist->has_prev = true;
+    playlist->has_next = false;
+    /* go to the previous item (at index 1) */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_HasPrev(playlist));
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Prev(playlist);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 1);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* go to the previous item (at index 0) */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_HasPrev(playlist));
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Prev(playlist);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 0);
+    assert(!playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    /* no more previous item */
+    assert(!vlc_playlist_HasPrev(playlist));
+    /* returns an error, but does not crash */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Prev(playlist) == VLC_EGENERIC);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 4);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[3];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 3);
+    /* initial playlist with 3 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 3);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    playlist->current = 0; /* first item */
+    playlist->has_prev = false;
+    playlist->has_next = true;
+    /* go to the next item (at index 1) */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_HasNext(playlist));
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Next(playlist);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 1);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* go to the next item (at index 2) */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_HasNext(playlist));
+    ret = vlc_playlist_Next(playlist);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 2);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(!playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 2);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    /* no more next item */
+    assert(!vlc_playlist_HasNext(playlist));
+    /* returns an error, but does not crash */
+    assert(vlc_playlist_Next(playlist) == VLC_EGENERIC);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 3);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+static void
+    vlc_playlist_t *playlist = vlc_playlist_New(NULL);
+    assert(playlist);
+    input_item_t *media[10];
+    CreateDummyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    /* initial playlist with 10 items */
+    int ret = vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, media, 10);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    struct vlc_playlist_callbacks cbs = {
+        .on_current_index_changed = callback_on_current_index_changed,
+        .on_has_prev_changed = callback_on_has_prev_changed,
+        .on_has_next_changed = callback_on_has_next_changed,
+    };
+    struct callback_ctx ctx = CALLBACK_CTX_INITIALIZER;
+    vlc_playlist_listener_id *listener =
+            vlc_playlist_AddListener(playlist, &cbs, &ctx);
+    assert(listener);
+    /* go to an item in the middle */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, 4);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 4);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 4);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* go to the same item */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, 4);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 4);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* go to the first item */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, 0);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 0);
+    assert(!playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 0);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 0);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* go to the last item */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, 9);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == 9);
+    assert(playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(!playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == 9);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_reset(&ctx);
+    /* deselect current */
+    ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, -1);
+    assert(ret == VLC_SUCCESS);
+    assert(playlist->current == -1);
+    assert(!playlist->has_prev);
+    assert(playlist->has_next);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_current_index_changed.data[0].current == -1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(!ctx.vec_has_prev_changed.data[0].has_prev);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.size == 1);
+    assert(ctx.vec_has_next_changed.data[0].has_next);
+    callback_ctx_destroy(&ctx);
+    vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(playlist, listener);
+    DestroyMediaArray(media, 10);
+    vlc_playlist_Delete(playlist);
+#undef EXPECT_AT
+int main(void)
+    test_append();
+    test_insert();
+    test_move();
+    test_remove();
+    test_clear();
+    test_expand_item();
+    test_items_added_callbacks();
+    test_items_moved_callbacks();
+    test_items_removed_callbacks();
+    test_items_reset_callbacks();
+    test_playback_repeat_changed_callbacks();
+    test_playback_order_changed_callbacks();
+    test_index_of();
+    test_prev();
+    test_next();
+    test_goto();
+    return 0;
+#endif /* TEST_PLAYLIST */

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