[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/6] input_item: add WITH_ASSOCIATED_MEDIA meta request
Thomas Guillem
thomas at gllm.fr
Wed Dec 4 14:59:02 CET 2019
I think we should preparse associated medias by default and don't let the choice to the VLC or LibVLC user.
So it explains why external subtitles info were never displayed in diverse VLC ports.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019, at 14:05, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2019 at 01:37:54PM +0200, RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I haven't considered what the proper behaviour would be. I just don't think it's right to delegate it to the application, as the app has less info, and the app dev likely less expertise than we do.
> I think I understand better what is needed. A developer using
> LibVLC and associated medias will not expect that he must use
> a flag to have its associated media parsed.
> I just note that it's not worse than the current situation in
> which they will never be able to parse them at all and just
> feel that it is a bug in LibVLC.
> A nicer LibVLC implementation would be to have the function
> adding associated media taking the option directly, or even
> a mandatory parameter to tell whether it must take it into
> account in the LibVLC reports, but it needs a lot of change
> in the input code and LibVLC media player which I might not
> be able to afford considering a potential rewrite of the
> media_player, the future work on input and cachhing and the
> current complexity of input slaves.
> The "nicer LibVLC implementation" doesn't even solve the
> issue you're mentioning completely and probably still poorly
> workaround the real problem but it's hard to define it for me
> currently.
> Maybe the real issue is the abstraction given to LibVLC users
> for handling associated media and preparsing, which is too
> low level?
> At first I would have expected something like this:
> ```
> libvlc_media_t *video = libvlc_media_new....();
> libvlc_media_t *subtitle = libvlc_media_new....();
> // create preparser, whatever we name it
> libvlc_preparser_t *preparser = libvlc_preparser_new...();
> // will get track info of video file
> libvlc_preparser_req_t *parse_req = libvlc_preparser_preparse(preparser, video);
> // create the full media
> libvlc_media_list *media_list = libvlc_media_list_new...();
> libvlc_media_list_add_media(media_list, video);
> libvlc_media_list_add_media(media_list, audio);
> libvlc_media_t *combined = libvlc_media_list_combine_and_release(media_list);
> // Here `combined` can be created with any tools given from VLC core
> ```
> Actually, I was even confused by `libvlc_media_list_set_media`
> and though it was already doing that.
> But I'm far from knowing all LibVLC clients code and history
> so my main point is that I feel that what you require is not
> an issue with my patches but with the actual code instead, and
> that my patch just extend something you already don't like.
> I might be wrong of course, feel free to confirm or deny what
> I described. I'm mostly trying to find a solution and would
> not try to proclaim anything at this stade.
> Thank you for your feedback,
> Regards,
> --
> Alexandre Janniaux
> Videolabs
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