[vlc-devel] [PATCH] avcommon: refactor usage of `quiet' variable

Alexandre Janniaux ajanni at videolabs.io
Thu Dec 12 11:10:08 CET 2019


On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 11:04:14AM +0100, Marvin Scholz wrote:
> On 12 Dec 2019, at 10:01, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
> > The `quiet' VLC variable is used although it is exposed only by other
> > non-mandatory modules. Rename it to avcodec/avformat-quiet so as to
> > prevent assertion on platform that won't ship with a module exposing a
> > quiet variable.
> Hi, thanks for the patch!
> While this approach works to fix the issue and seems certainly like a
> possible
> solution to me, I think it would be more convenient to have just one `quiet`
> variable and not a per-module one. So maybe the variable should be „owned“
> by
> the core instead?
> Although it seems we already have several module-specific quiet options
> so maybe we want to keep it that way even though to me it seems weird…

That's a good question, about moving it to libvlc-modules.c
instead. I don't know, because it's quite alike the
fullscreen option or volume option. I've never used this and
don't really need it, but it was preventing vlc-ios 4.0 from
running videos with avcodec/avformat.

I'm fine with either what I did or moving it to

Alexandre Janniaux

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