[vlc-devel] [RFC 37/82] qt: remove external dialogs

Pierre Lamot pierre at videolabs.io
Fri Feb 1 14:01:41 CET 2019

 modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am          |   2 -
 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp | 402 ----------------------------
 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp | 157 -----------
 modules/gui/qt/dialogs_provider.cpp |   1 -
 4 files changed, 562 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp
 delete mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am b/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
index 9be31dc368..144f5cf987 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ libqt_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/extended.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/extended.hpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/messages.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/messages.hpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/errors.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/errors.hpp \
-	gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/plugins.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/plugins.hpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/sout.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/sout.hpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/convert.cpp gui/qt/dialogs/convert.hpp \
@@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ nodist_libqt_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/messages.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/epg.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/errors.moc.cpp \
-	gui/qt/dialogs/external.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/plugins.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/preferences.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/dialogs/sout.moc.cpp \
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp b/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c78c6193b..0000000000
--- a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
- * external.cpp : Dialogs from other LibVLC core and other plugins
- ****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Rémi Denis-Courmont
- * Copyright (C) 2006 the VideoLAN team
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-# include <config.h>
-#include "external.hpp"
-#include "errors.hpp"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QDialogButtonBox>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QLineEdit>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QProgressDialog>
-#include <QPushButton>
-DialogHandler::DialogHandler (intf_thread_t *p_intf, QObject *_parent)
-    : QObject( _parent ), p_intf (p_intf)
-    const vlc_dialog_cbs cbs = {
-        displayErrorCb,
-        displayLoginCb,
-        displayQuestionCb,
-        displayProgressCb,
-        cancelCb,
-        updateProgressCb
-    };
-    vlc_dialog_provider_set_callbacks(p_intf, &cbs, this);
-    CONNECT(this, errorDisplayed(const QString &, const QString &),
-            this, displayError(const QString &, const QString &));
-    CONNECT(this, loginDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &,
-                                 const QString &, const QString &, bool),
-            this, displayLogin(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &, const QString &,
-                               const QString &, bool));
-    CONNECT(this, questionDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &,
-                                    const QString &, int, const QString &,
-                                    const QString &, const QString &),
-            this, displayQuestion(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &, const QString &,
-                                  int, const QString &, const QString &,
-                                  const QString &));
-    CONNECT(this, progressDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &, const QString &,
-                                    bool, float, const QString &),
-            this, displayProgress(vlc_dialog_id *, const QString &, const QString &,
-                                  bool, float, const QString &));
-    CONNECT(this, cancelled(vlc_dialog_id *), this, cancel(vlc_dialog_id *));
-    CONNECT(this, progressUpdated(vlc_dialog_id *, float, const QString &),
-            this, updateProgress(vlc_dialog_id *, float, const QString &));
-    vlc_dialog_provider_set_callbacks(p_intf, NULL, NULL);
-DialogHandler::displayErrorCb(void *p_data, const char *psz_title,
-                              const char *psz_text)
-    DialogHandler *self =  static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    const QString title = qfu(psz_title);
-    const QString text = qfu(psz_text);
-    emit self->errorDisplayed(title, text);
-DialogHandler::displayLoginCb(void *p_data, vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                              const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text,
-                              const char *psz_default_username,
-                              bool b_ask_store)
-    DialogHandler *self =  static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    const QString title = qfu(psz_title);
-    const QString text = qfu(psz_text);
-    const QString defaultUsername =
-        psz_default_username != NULL ? qfu(psz_default_username) : QString();
-    emit self->loginDisplayed(p_id, title, text, defaultUsername,
-                              b_ask_store);
-DialogHandler::displayQuestionCb(void *p_data, vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                 const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text,
-                                 vlc_dialog_question_type i_type,
-                                 const char *psz_cancel, const char *psz_action1,
-                                 const char *psz_action2)
-    DialogHandler *self =  static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    const QString title = qfu(psz_title);
-    const QString text = qfu(psz_text);
-    const QString cancel = qfu(psz_cancel);
-    const QString action1 = psz_action1 != NULL ? qfu(psz_action1) : QString();
-    const QString action2 = psz_action2 != NULL ? qfu(psz_action2) : QString();
-    emit self->questionDisplayed(p_id, title, text, i_type, cancel,
-                                 action1, action2);
-DialogHandler::displayProgressCb(void *p_data, vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                 const char *psz_title, const char *psz_text,
-                                 bool b_indeterminate, float f_position,
-                                 const char *psz_cancel)
-    DialogHandler *self =  static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    const QString title = qfu(psz_title);
-    const QString text = qfu(psz_text);
-    const QString cancel = psz_cancel != NULL ? qfu(psz_cancel) : QString();
-    emit self->progressDisplayed(p_id, title, text, b_indeterminate,
-                                 f_position, cancel);
-void DialogHandler::cancelCb(void *p_data, vlc_dialog_id *p_id)
-    DialogHandler *self = static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    emit self->cancelled(p_id);
-void DialogHandler::updateProgressCb(void *p_data, vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                     float f_value, const char *psz_text)
-    DialogHandler *self = static_cast<DialogHandler *>(p_data);
-    emit self->progressUpdated(p_id, f_value, qfu(psz_text));
-void DialogHandler::cancel(vlc_dialog_id *p_id)
-    DialogWrapper *p_wrapper =
-        static_cast<DialogWrapper *>(vlc_dialog_id_get_context(p_id));
-    if (p_wrapper != NULL)
-        p_wrapper->finish(QDialog::Rejected);
-void DialogHandler::updateProgress(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, float f_value,
-                                   const QString &text)
-    ProgressDialogWrapper *p_wrapper =
-        static_cast<ProgressDialogWrapper *>(vlc_dialog_id_get_context(p_id));
-    if (p_wrapper != NULL)
-        p_wrapper->updateProgress(f_value, text);
-void DialogHandler::displayError(const QString &title, const QString &text)
-    ErrorsDialog::getInstance (p_intf)->addError(title, text);
-void DialogHandler::displayLogin(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                                 const QString &text,
-                                 const QString &defaultUsername,
-                                 bool b_ask_store)
-    QDialog *dialog = new QDialog();
-    QLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (dialog);
-    dialog->setWindowTitle (title);
-    dialog->setWindowRole ("vlc-login");
-    dialog->setModal(true);
-    layout->setMargin (2);
-    /* Username and password fields */
-    QWidget *panel = new QWidget (dialog);
-    QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout;
-    grid->addWidget (new QLabel (text), 0, 0, 1, 2);
-    QLineEdit *userLine = new QLineEdit;
-    if (!defaultUsername.isEmpty())
-        userLine->setText(defaultUsername);
-    grid->addWidget (new QLabel (qtr("Username")), 1, 0);
-    grid->addWidget (userLine, 1, 1);
-    QLineEdit *passLine = new QLineEdit;
-    passLine->setEchoMode (QLineEdit::Password);
-    grid->addWidget (new QLabel (qtr("Password")), 2, 0);
-    grid->addWidget (passLine, 2, 1);
-    QCheckBox *checkbox = NULL;
-    if (b_ask_store)
-    {
-        checkbox = new QCheckBox;
-        checkbox->setChecked (getSettings()->value ("store_password", true).toBool ());
-        grid->addWidget (new QLabel (qtr("Store the Password")), 3, 0);
-        grid->addWidget (checkbox, 3, 1);
-    }
-    panel->setLayout (grid);
-    layout->addWidget (panel);
-    /* focus on passLine if the username is already set */
-    if (!defaultUsername.isEmpty())
-        passLine->setFocus();
-    /* OK, Cancel buttons */
-    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox;
-    QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton( "&Ok" );
-    QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton( "&Cancel" );
-    buttonBox->addButton( okButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole );
-    buttonBox->addButton( cancelButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole );
-    CONNECT( buttonBox, accepted(), dialog, accept() );
-    CONNECT( buttonBox, rejected(), dialog, reject() );
-    layout->addWidget (buttonBox);
-    dialog->setLayout (layout);
-    vlc_dialog_id_set_context(p_id,
-        new LoginDialogWrapper(this, p_intf, p_id, dialog, userLine, passLine,
-                               checkbox));
-    dialog->show();
-DialogHandler::displayQuestion(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                               const QString &text, int i_type,
-                               const QString &cancel, const QString &action1,
-                               const QString &action2)
-    enum QMessageBox::Icon icon;
-    switch (i_type)
-    {
-            icon = QMessageBox::Warning;
-            break;
-            icon = QMessageBox::Critical;
-            break;
-        default:
-            icon = action1.isEmpty() && action2.isEmpty() ?
-                 QMessageBox::Information : QMessageBox::Question;
-            break;
-    }
-    QMessageBox *box = new QMessageBox (icon, title, text);
-    box->addButton ("&" + cancel, QMessageBox::RejectRole);
-    box->setModal(true);
-    QAbstractButton *action1Button = NULL;
-    if (!action1.isEmpty())
-        action1Button = box->addButton("&" + action1, QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-    QAbstractButton *action2Button = NULL;
-    if (!action2.isEmpty())
-        action2Button = box->addButton("&" + action2, QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-    vlc_dialog_id_set_context(p_id,
-        new QuestionDialogWrapper(this, p_intf, p_id, box, action1Button,
-                                  action2Button));
-    box->show();
-void DialogHandler::displayProgress(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                                    const QString &text, bool b_indeterminate,
-                                    float f_position, const QString &cancel)
-    QProgressDialog *progress =
-        new QProgressDialog(text, cancel.isEmpty() ? QString() : "&" + cancel,
-                            0, b_indeterminate ? 0 : 1000);
-    progress->setWindowTitle(title);
-    if (cancel.isEmpty())
-    {
-        /* not cancellable: remove close button */
-        progress->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint |
-                                 Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
-    }
-    progress->setWindowRole ("vlc-progress");
-    progress->setValue(b_indeterminate ? 0 : f_position * 1000);
-    vlc_dialog_id_set_context(p_id,
-        new ProgressDialogWrapper(this, p_intf, p_id, progress, b_indeterminate));
-    progress->show();
-DialogWrapper::DialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                             vlc_dialog_id *p_id, QDialog *p_dialog)
-    : QObject()
-    , p_handler(p_handler)
-    , p_intf(p_intf)
-    , p_id(p_id)
-    , p_dialog(p_dialog)
-    CONNECT(p_dialog, finished(int), this, finish(int));
-    p_dialog->hide();
-    delete p_dialog;
-void DialogWrapper::finish(int result)
-    if (result == QDialog::Rejected && p_id != NULL)
-    {
-        vlc_dialog_id_dismiss(p_id);
-        p_id = NULL;
-    }
-    deleteLater();
-LoginDialogWrapper::LoginDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler,
-                                       intf_thread_t *p_intf, vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                       QDialog *p_dialog, QLineEdit *userLine,
-                                       QLineEdit *passLine, QCheckBox *checkbox)
-    : DialogWrapper(p_handler, p_intf, p_id, p_dialog)
-    , userLine(userLine)
-    , passLine(passLine)
-    , checkbox(checkbox)
-    CONNECT(p_dialog, accepted(), this, accept());
-void LoginDialogWrapper::accept()
-    if (p_id != NULL)
-    {
-        vlc_dialog_id_post_login(p_id, qtu(userLine->text ()),
-                                 qtu(passLine->text ()),
-                                 checkbox != NULL ? checkbox->isChecked () : false);
-        p_id = NULL;
-        if (checkbox != NULL)
-            getSettings()->setValue ("store_password", checkbox->isChecked ());
-    }
-QuestionDialogWrapper::QuestionDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler,
-                                             intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                                             vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                             QMessageBox *p_box,
-                                             QAbstractButton *action1,
-                                             QAbstractButton *action2)
-    : DialogWrapper(p_handler, p_intf, p_id, p_box)
-    , action1(action1)
-    , action2(action2)
-    CONNECT(p_box, buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *),
-            this, buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *));
-void QuestionDialogWrapper::buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *button)
-    if (p_id != NULL)
-    {
-        if (button == action1)
-            vlc_dialog_id_post_action(p_id, 1);
-        else if (button == action2)
-            vlc_dialog_id_post_action(p_id, 2);
-        else
-            vlc_dialog_id_dismiss(p_id);
-        p_id = NULL;
-    }
-ProgressDialogWrapper::ProgressDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler,
-                                             intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                                             vlc_dialog_id *p_id,
-                                             QProgressDialog *p_progress,
-                                             bool b_indeterminate)
-    : DialogWrapper(p_handler, p_intf, p_id, p_progress)
-    , b_indeterminate(b_indeterminate)
-    CONNECT(p_progress, canceled(void), this, finish(void));
-void ProgressDialogWrapper::updateProgress(float f_position, const QString &text)
-    QProgressDialog *progress = static_cast<QProgressDialog *>(p_dialog);
-    progress->setLabelText(text);
-    if (!b_indeterminate)
-        progress->setValue(f_position * 1000);
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp b/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 64696e4597..0000000000
--- a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs/external.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * external.hpp : Dialogs from other LibVLC core and other plugins
- ****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2009 Rémi Denis-Courmont
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-# include <config.h>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QDialog>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <vlc_common.h>
-#include <vlc_dialog.h>
-#include "adapters/variables.hpp"
-struct intf_thread_t;
-class QProgressDialog;
-class DialogWrapper;
-class DialogHandler : public QObject
-    DialogHandler (intf_thread_t *, QObject *parent);
-    virtual ~DialogHandler();
-    void removeDialogId(vlc_dialog_id *p_id);
-    void errorDisplayed(const QString &title, const QString &text);
-    void loginDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                        const QString &text, const QString &defaultUsername,
-                        bool b_ask_store);
-    void questionDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                           const QString &text, int i_type,
-                           const QString &cancel, const QString &action1,
-                           const QString &action2);
-    void progressDisplayed(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                           const QString &text, bool b_indeterminate,
-                           float f_position, const QString &cancel);
-    void cancelled(vlc_dialog_id *p_id);
-    void progressUpdated(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, float f_value, const QString &text);
-private slots:
-    void displayError(const QString &title, const QString &text);
-    void displayLogin(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                      const QString &text, const QString &defaultUsername,
-                      bool b_ask_store);
-    void displayQuestion(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                         const QString &text, int i_type,
-                         const QString &cancel, const QString &action1,
-                         const QString &action2);
-    void displayProgress(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, const QString &title,
-                         const QString &text, bool b_indeterminate,
-                         float f_position, const QString &cancel);
-    void cancel(vlc_dialog_id *p_id);
-    void updateProgress(vlc_dialog_id *p_id, float f_value, const QString &text);
-    intf_thread_t *p_intf;
-    static void displayErrorCb(void *, const char *, const char *);
-    static void displayLoginCb(void *, vlc_dialog_id *, const char *,
-                               const char *, const char *, bool);
-    static void displayQuestionCb(void *, vlc_dialog_id *, const char *,
-                                  const char *, vlc_dialog_question_type,
-                                  const char *, const char *, const char *);
-    static void displayProgressCb(void *, vlc_dialog_id *, const char *,
-                                  const char *, bool, float, const char *);
-    static void cancelCb(void *, vlc_dialog_id *);
-    static void updateProgressCb(void *, vlc_dialog_id *, float, const char *);
-class DialogWrapper : public QObject
-    friend class DialogHandler;
-    DialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                 vlc_dialog_id *p_id, QDialog *p_dialog);
-    virtual ~DialogWrapper();
-protected slots:
-    virtual void finish(int result = QDialog::Rejected);
-    DialogHandler *p_handler;
-    intf_thread_t *p_intf;
-    vlc_dialog_id *p_id;
-    QDialog *p_dialog;
-class QLineEdit;
-class QCheckBox;
-class LoginDialogWrapper : public DialogWrapper
-    LoginDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                       vlc_dialog_id *p_id, QDialog *p_dialog,
-                       QLineEdit *userLine, QLineEdit *passLine,
-                       QCheckBox *checkbox);
-private slots:
-    virtual void accept();
-    QLineEdit *userLine;
-    QLineEdit *passLine;
-    QCheckBox *checkbox;
-class QAbstractButton;
-class QMessageBox;
-class QuestionDialogWrapper : public DialogWrapper
-    QuestionDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                          vlc_dialog_id *p_id, QMessageBox *p_box,
-                          QAbstractButton *action1, QAbstractButton *action2);
-private slots:
-    virtual void buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *);
-    QAbstractButton *action1;
-    QAbstractButton *action2;
-class ProgressDialogWrapper : public DialogWrapper
-    ProgressDialogWrapper(DialogHandler *p_handler, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
-                          vlc_dialog_id *p_id, QProgressDialog  *p_progress,
-                          bool b_indeterminate);
-    void updateProgress(float f_position, const QString &text);
-    bool b_indeterminate;
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs_provider.cpp b/modules/gui/qt/dialogs_provider.cpp
index ccaef54124..a7bd4ed339 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/dialogs_provider.cpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/dialogs_provider.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
 #include "dialogs/podcast_configuration.hpp"
 #include "dialogs/toolbar.hpp"
 #include "dialogs/plugins.hpp"
-#include "dialogs/external.hpp"
 #include "dialogs/epg.hpp"
 #include "dialogs/errors.hpp"

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