[vlc-devel] [RFC 26/82] qt: Expose the new player API to Qt/QML

Pierre Lamot pierre at videolabs.io
Fri Feb 1 14:01:30 CET 2019

  This class replace the former InputManager class

  It provides controls on the current playback and
  expose events and state of the player

  This class is designed to be usable from QML
 modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am                    |    2 +
 .../gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp    | 1476 +++++++++++++++++
 .../gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp    |  419 +++++
 .../gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp  |  142 ++
 4 files changed, 2039 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp
 create mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp
 create mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am b/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
index 9014d64bbf..45fece7b2f 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ libqt_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
 	gui/qt/components/extended_panels.hpp \
 	gui/qt/components/info_panels.cpp gui/qt/components/info_panels.hpp \
 	gui/qt/components/info_widgets.cpp gui/qt/components/info_widgets.hpp \
+	gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp \
 	gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.hpp \
 	gui/qt/components/complete_preferences.cpp \
@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ nodist_libqt_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
 	gui/qt/components/extended_panels.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/info_panels.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/info_widgets.moc.cpp \
+	gui/qt/components/player_controler.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/preferences_widgets.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/complete_preferences.moc.cpp \
 	gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.moc.cpp \
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..120da17030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1476 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * ( at your option ) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+# include "config.h"
+#include "player_controler.hpp"
+#include "player_controler_p.hpp"
+#include "recents.hpp"
+#include <vlc_actions.h>           /* ACTION_ID */
+#include <vlc_url.h>            /* vlc_uri_decode */
+#include <vlc_strings.h>        /* vlc_strfinput */
+#include <vlc_aout.h>           /* audio_output_t */
+#include <vlc_es.h>
+#include <vlc_cxx_helpers.hpp>
+#include <vlc_vout.h>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QSignalMapper>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <assert.h>
+//PlayerControler private implementation
+    vlc_player_locker locker{m_player}; //this also locks the player
+    vlc_player_vout_RemoveListener( m_player, m_player_vout_listener );
+    vlc_player_aout_RemoveListener( m_player, m_player_aout_listener );
+    vlc_player_RemoveListener( m_player, m_player_listener );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateName(input_item_t* media)
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    /* Update text, name and nowplaying */
+    QString name;
+    if (! media)
+        return;
+    /* Try to get the nowplaying */
+    char *format = var_InheritString( p_intf, "input-title-format" );
+    char *formatted = NULL;
+    if (format != NULL)
+    {
+        formatted = vlc_strfinput( NULL, media, format );
+        free( format );
+        if( formatted != NULL )
+        {
+            name = qfu(formatted);
+            free( formatted );
+        }
+    }
+    /* If we have Nothing */
+    if( name.simplified().isEmpty() )
+    {
+        char *uri = input_item_GetURI( media );
+        char *file = uri ? strrchr( uri, '/' ) : NULL;
+        if( file != NULL )
+        {
+            vlc_uri_decode( ++file );
+            name = qfu(file);
+        }
+        else
+            name = qfu(uri);
+        free( uri );
+    }
+    name = name.trimmed();
+    if( m_name != name )
+    {
+        emit q->nameChanged( name );
+        m_name = name;
+    }
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateArt(input_item_t *p_item)
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    if (! p_item)
+        return;
+    QString url = PlayerControler::decodeArtURL( p_item );
+    /* the art hasn't changed, no need to update */
+    if(m_artUrl == url)
+        return;
+    /* Update Art meta */
+    m_artUrl = url;
+    emit q->artChanged( m_artUrl );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateStats( const input_stats_t& stats )
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    emit q->statisticsUpdated( stats );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateProgram(enum vlc_player_list_action action, const struct vlc_player_program* prgm)
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    m_programList.updatePrograms( action, prgm );
+    emit q->isEncryptedChanged( prgm->scrambled );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateTrackSelection(vlc_es_id_t *trackid, bool selected)
+    if (trackid == NULL)
+        return;
+    es_format_category_e cat = vlc_es_id_GetCat(trackid);
+    TrackListModel* tracklist;
+    switch (cat) {
+    case VIDEO_ES: tracklist = &m_videoTracks; break;
+    case AUDIO_ES: tracklist = &m_audioTracks; break;
+    case SPU_ES: tracklist = &m_subtitleTracks; break;
+    default: return;
+    }
+    tracklist->updateTrackSelection(trackid, selected);
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateMeta( input_item_t *p_item )
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    emit q->currentMetaChanged( p_item  );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateInfo( input_item_t *p_item )
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    emit q->infoChanged( p_item );
+void PlayerControlerPrivate::UpdateVouts(vout_thread_t **vouts, size_t i_vouts)
+    Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+    bool hadVideo = m_hasVideo;
+    m_hasVideo = i_vouts > 0;
+    vout_thread_t* main_vout = nullptr;
+    if (m_hasVideo)
+        main_vout = vouts[0];
+    m_zoom.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    m_aspectRatio.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    m_crop.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    m_deinterlace.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    m_deinterlaceMode.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    m_autoscale.resetObject( VLC_OBJECT(main_vout) );
+    emit q->voutListChanged(vouts, i_vouts);
+    if( hadVideo != m_hasVideo )
+        emit q->hasVideoOutputChanged(m_hasVideo);
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * ( at your option ) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+extern "C" {
+//player callbacks
+static  void on_player_current_media_changed(vlc_player_t *, input_item_t *new_media, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_current_media_changed");
+    if ( new_media )
+        input_item_Hold( new_media );
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        that->UpdateName( new_media );
+        that->UpdateArt( new_media );
+        that->UpdateMeta( new_media );
+        emit q->inputChanged( new_media != nullptr );
+        if ( new_media) {
+            input_item_Release( new_media );
+        }
+    });
+static void on_player_state_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_state state, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        that->m_playing_status = static_cast<PlayerControler::PlayingState>(state);
+        switch ( state ) {
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed VLC_PLAYER_STATE_STARTED");
+            break;
+        {
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed VLC_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING");
+            PlayerControler::AoutPtr aout = q->getAout();
+            that->m_audioStereoMode.resetObject(VLC_OBJECT(aout.get()));
+            that->m_audioVisualization.resetObject(VLC_OBJECT(aout.get()));
+            break;
+        }
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed VLC_PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED");
+            break;
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed VLC_PLAYER_STATE_STOPPING");
+            break;
+        {
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_state_changed VLC_PLAYER_STATE_STOPPED");
+            that->m_audioStereoMode.resetObject(nullptr);
+            that->m_audioVisualization.resetObject(nullptr);
+            /* reset the state on stop */
+            emit q->positionUpdated( -1.0, 0 ,0 );
+            emit q->rateChanged( 1.0f );
+            emit q->nameChanged( "" );
+            emit q->hasChaptersChanged( false );
+            emit q->hasTitlesChanged( false );
+            emit q->hasMenuChanged( false );
+            emit q->teletextAvailableChanged( false );
+            emit q->ABLoopStateChanged(PlayerControler::ABLOOP_STATE_NONE);
+            emit q->ABLoopAChanged(VLC_TICK_INVALID);
+            emit q->ABLoopBChanged(VLC_TICK_INVALID);
+            emit q->hasVideoOutputChanged( false );
+            emit q->voutListChanged( NULL, 0 );
+            /* Reset all InfoPanels but stats */
+            emit q->artChanged( NULL );
+            emit q->artChanged( "" );
+            emit q->infoChanged( NULL );
+            emit q->currentMetaChanged( (input_item_t *)NULL );
+            emit q->isEncryptedChanged( false );
+            emit q->recordingChanged( false );
+            emit q->bufferingChanged( 0.0 );
+            break;
+        }
+        }
+        emit q->playingStateChanged( that->m_playing_status );
+    });
+void on_player_error_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_error , void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_error_changed");
+static void on_player_buffering(vlc_player_t *, float new_buffering, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_buffering");
+    that->callAsync([=](){
+        that->m_buffering = new_buffering;
+        emit that->q_func()->bufferingChanged( new_buffering );
+    });
+static void on_player_rate_changed(vlc_player_t *, float new_rate, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_rate_changed %f", new_rate);
+    that->callAsync([=](){
+        that->m_rate = new_rate;
+        emit that->q_func()->rateChanged( new_rate );
+    });
+static void on_player_capabilities_changed(vlc_player_t *, int new_caps, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_capabilities_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=](){
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        that->m_capabilities = new_caps;
+        emit q->seekableChanged( (new_caps & VLC_INPUT_CAPABILITIES_SEEKABLE) != 0 );
+        emit q->rewindableChanged( (new_caps & VLC_INPUT_CAPABILITIES_REWINDABLE) != 0 );
+        emit q->pausableChanged( (new_caps & VLC_INPUT_CAPABILITIES_PAUSEABLE) != 0 );
+        emit q->recordableChanged( (new_caps & VLC_INPUT_CAPABILITIES_RECORDABLE) != 0 );
+        emit q->rateChangableChanged( (new_caps & VLC_INPUT_CAPABILITIES_CHANGE_RATE) != 0 );
+    });
+    //FIXME other events?
+static void on_player_position_changed(vlc_player_t *player, vlc_tick_t time, float pos, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    vlc_tick_t length =  vlc_player_GetLength( player );
+    //msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_position_changed time:%" PRIu64 " pos:%f lenght:%" PRIu64, time, pos, length);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        that->m_position = pos;
+        emit q->positionChanged(pos);
+        that->m_time = time;
+        emit q->timeChanged(time);
+        emit that->q_func()->positionUpdated(pos, time, SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK(length) );
+    });
+static void on_player_length_changed(vlc_player_t *player, vlc_tick_t new_length, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    vlc_tick_t time = vlc_player_GetTime( player );
+    float pos = vlc_player_GetPosition( player );
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        that->m_length = new_length;
+        emit q->lengthChanged(new_length);
+        emit that->q_func()->positionUpdated( pos, time, SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK(new_length) );
+    });
+static void on_player_track_list_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_list_action action, const struct vlc_player_track *track, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    struct vlc_player_track* newTrack =  vlc_player_track_Dup(track);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_list_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        switch (newTrack->fmt.i_cat) {
+        case VIDEO_ES:
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_list_changed (video)");
+            that->m_videoTracks.updateTracks( action, newTrack );
+            break;
+        case AUDIO_ES:
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_list_changed (audio)");
+            that->m_audioTracks.updateTracks( action, newTrack );
+            break;
+        case SPU_ES:
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_list_changed (spu)");
+            that->m_subtitleTracks.updateTracks( action, newTrack );
+            break;
+        default:
+            //we don't handle other kind of tracks
+            msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_list_changed (other)");
+            break;
+        }
+        vlc_player_track_Delete(newTrack);
+    });
+static void on_player_track_selection_changed(vlc_player_t *, vlc_es_id_t * unselected, vlc_es_id_t *selected, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_track_selection_changed");
+    vlc_es_id_t* new_unselected = nullptr;
+    vlc_es_id_t* new_selected = nullptr;
+    if (unselected)
+        new_unselected = vlc_es_id_Hold(unselected);
+    if (selected)
+        new_selected = vlc_es_id_Hold(selected);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        if (new_unselected)
+        {
+            that->UpdateTrackSelection( new_unselected, false );
+            vlc_es_id_Release(new_unselected);
+        }
+        if (new_selected)
+        {
+            that->UpdateTrackSelection( new_selected, true );
+            vlc_es_id_Release(new_selected);
+        }
+    });
+static void on_player_program_list_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_list_action action, const struct vlc_player_program *new_prgm, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_program_list_changed");
+    struct vlc_player_program* prgm = vlc_player_program_Dup(new_prgm);
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->UpdateProgram(action, prgm);
+        vlc_player_program_Delete(prgm);
+    });
+static void on_player_program_selection_changed(vlc_player_t *, int unselected, int selected, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_program_selection_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_programList.updateProgramSelection(unselected, false);
+        that->m_programList.updateProgramSelection(selected, true);
+    });
+static void on_player_titles_changed(vlc_player_t *, struct vlc_player_title_list *titles, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_title_array_changed");
+    if (titles)
+        vlc_player_title_list_Hold(titles);
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_chapterList.resetTitle(nullptr);
+        that->m_titleList.resetTitles(titles);
+        if (titles)
+        {
+            size_t nbTitles = vlc_player_title_list_GetCount(titles);
+            for( size_t i = 0; i < nbTitles; i++)
+            {
+                const vlc_player_title* title = vlc_player_title_list_GetAt(titles, i);
+                if( (title ->flags & INPUT_TITLE_MENU) != 0 )
+                {
+                    that->m_hasMenu = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            that->m_hasTitles = nbTitles != 0;
+            emit that->q_func()->hasTitlesChanged(that->m_hasTitles);
+            emit that->q_func()->hasMenuChanged(that->m_hasMenu);
+            vlc_player_title_list_Release(titles);
+        }
+    });
+static void on_player_title_selection_changed(vlc_player_t *,
+                                              const struct vlc_player_title *new_title, size_t new_idx, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_title_selection_changed");
+    bool hasChapter = (new_title != nullptr && new_title->chapter_count != 0);
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_chapterList.resetTitle(new_title);
+        that->m_titleList.setCurrent(new_idx);
+        that->m_hasChapters  = hasChapter;
+        emit that->q_func()->hasChaptersChanged( hasChapter );
+    });
+static void on_player_chapter_selection_changed(vlc_player_t *,
+                                                const struct vlc_player_title *new_title, size_t title_idx,
+                                                const struct vlc_player_chapter *chapter, size_t chapter_idx,
+                                                void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_chapter_selection_changed");
+    VLC_UNUSED(new_title);
+    VLC_UNUSED(title_idx);
+    VLC_UNUSED(chapter);
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_chapterList.setCurrent(chapter_idx);
+    });
+static void on_player_teletext_menu_changed(vlc_player_t *, bool has_teletext_menu, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_teletext_menu_changed, %s", has_teletext_menu ? "available" : "unavailable" );
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_teletextAvailable = has_teletext_menu;
+        emit that->q_func()->teletextAvailableChanged(has_teletext_menu);
+    });
+static void on_player_teletext_enabled_changed(vlc_player_t *, bool enabled, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_teletext_enabled_changed %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_teletextEnabled = enabled;
+        emit that->q_func()->teletextEnabledChanged(enabled);
+    });
+static void on_player_teletext_page_changed(vlc_player_t *, unsigned new_page, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_teletext_page_changed %u", new_page);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_teletextPage = new_page;
+        emit that->q_func()->teletextPageChanged(new_page);
+    });
+static void on_player_teletext_transparency_changed(vlc_player_t *, bool enabled, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_teletext_transparency_changed %s", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_teletextTransparent = enabled;
+        emit that->q_func()->teletextTransparencyChanged(enabled);
+    });
+static void on_player_audio_delay_changed(vlc_player_t *, vlc_tick_t new_delay,
+                               void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_audio_delay_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_audioDelay = new_delay;
+        emit that->q_func()->audioDelayChanged( new_delay );
+    });
+static void on_player_subtitle_delay_changed(vlc_player_t *, vlc_tick_t new_delay,
+                                  void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_subtitle_delay_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_subtitleDelay = new_delay;
+        emit that->q_func()->subtitleDelayChanged( new_delay );
+    });
+static void on_player_associated_subs_fps_changed(vlc_player_t *, float subs_fps, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_associated_subs_fps_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_subtitleFPS = subs_fps;
+        emit that->q_func()->subtitleFPSChanged( subs_fps );
+    });
+void on_player_renderer_changed(vlc_player_t *, vlc_renderer_item_t *new_item, void *data)
+    VLC_UNUSED(new_item);
+    VLC_UNUSED(data);
+static void on_player_record_changed(vlc_player_t *, bool recording, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_record_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        that->m_recording = recording;
+        emit that->q_func()->recordingChanged( recording );
+    });
+static void on_player_signal_changed(vlc_player_t *, float quality, float strength, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    VLC_UNUSED(quality);
+    VLC_UNUSED(strength);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_signal_changed");
+static void on_player_stats_changed(vlc_player_t *, const struct input_stats_t *stats, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    struct input_stats_t stats_tmp = *stats;
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_stats = stats_tmp;
+        emit that->q_func()->statisticsUpdated( that->m_stats );
+    });
+static void on_player_atobloop_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_abloop state, vlc_tick_t time, float, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_atobloop_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=] (){
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        switch (state) {
+            that->m_ABLoopA = VLC_TICK_INVALID;
+            that->m_ABLoopB = VLC_TICK_INVALID;
+            emit q->ABLoopAChanged(that->m_ABLoopA);
+            emit q->ABLoopBChanged(that->m_ABLoopB);
+            break;
+        case VLC_PLAYER_ABLOOP_A:
+            that->m_ABLoopA = time;
+            emit q->ABLoopAChanged(that->m_ABLoopA);
+            break;
+        case VLC_PLAYER_ABLOOP_B:
+            that->m_ABLoopB = time;
+            emit q->ABLoopBChanged(that->m_ABLoopB);
+            break;
+        }
+        that->m_ABLoopState = static_cast<PlayerControler::ABLoopState>(state);
+        emit q->ABLoopStateChanged(that->m_ABLoopState);
+    });
+static void on_player_media_stopped_action_changed(vlc_player_t *, enum vlc_player_media_stopped_action new_action, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->m_mediaStopAction = static_cast<PlayerControler::MediaStopAction>(new_action);
+        emit that->q_func()->mediaStopActionChanged(that->m_mediaStopAction);
+    });
+static void on_player_item_meta_changed(vlc_player_t *, input_item_t *item, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_item_meta_changed");
+    input_item_Hold(item);
+    //call on object thread
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->UpdateName(item);
+        that->UpdateArt(item);
+        that->UpdateMeta(item);
+        input_item_Release(item);
+    });
+static void on_player_item_epg_changed(vlc_player_t *, input_item_t *item, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_item_epg_changed");
+    VLC_UNUSED(item);
+    emit that->q_func()->epgChanged();
+static void on_player_subitems_changed(vlc_player_t *, input_item_t *, input_item_node_t *subitems, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_subitems_changed");
+    VLC_UNUSED(subitems);
+static void on_player_vout_list_changed(vlc_player_t *player, enum vlc_player_list_action action, vout_thread_t *vout, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_vout_list_changed");
+    VLC_UNUSED(action);
+    VLC_UNUSED(vout);
+    //player is locked within callbacks*
+    size_t i_vout = 0;
+    vout_thread_t **vouts = vlc_player_vout_HoldAll(player, &i_vout);
+    //call on object thread
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        that->UpdateVouts(vouts, i_vout);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < i_vout; i++)
+            vlc_object_release( vouts[i] );
+        free(vouts);
+    });
+//player vout callbacks
+static void on_player_vout_fullscreen_changed(vlc_player_t *, vout_thread_t* vout, bool is_fullscreen, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_vout_fullscreen_changed %s", is_fullscreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
+    if (vout)
+        vlc_object_hold(vout);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        const PlayerControler::VoutPtrList voutList = q->getVouts();
+        if (vout == NULL  //property sets for all vout
+            || (voutList.size() == 1 && vout == voutList[0].get()) ) //on the only vout
+        {
+            that->m_fullscreen = is_fullscreen;
+            emit q->fullscreenChanged(is_fullscreen);
+        }
+        if (vout)
+            vlc_object_release(vout);
+    });
+static void on_player_vout_wallpaper_mode_changed(vlc_player_t *, vout_thread_t* vout,  bool enabled, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_vout_wallpaper_mode_changed");
+    if (vout)
+        vlc_object_hold(vout);
+    that->callAsync([=] () {
+        PlayerControler* q = that->q_func();
+        const PlayerControler::VoutPtrList voutList = q->getVouts();
+        if (vout == NULL  //property sets for all vout
+            || (voutList.size() == 1 && vout == voutList[0].get()) ) //on the only vout
+        {
+            that->m_wallpaperMode = enabled;
+            emit q->wallpaperModeChanged(enabled);
+        }
+        if (vout)
+            vlc_object_release(vout);
+    });
+//player aout callbacks
+static void on_player_aout_volume_changed(vlc_player_t *, float volume, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_aout_volume_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=](){
+        that->m_volume = volume;
+        emit that->q_func()->volumeChanged( volume );
+    });
+static void on_player_aout_mute_changed(vlc_player_t *, bool muted, void *data)
+    PlayerControlerPrivate* that = static_cast<PlayerControlerPrivate*>(data);
+    msg_Info( that->p_intf, "on_player_aout_mute_changed");
+    that->callAsync([=](){
+        that->m_muted = muted;
+        emit that->q_func()->soundMuteChanged(muted);
+    });
+} //extern "C"
+static const struct vlc_player_cbs player_cbs = {
+    on_player_current_media_changed,
+    on_player_state_changed,
+    on_player_error_changed,
+    on_player_buffering,
+    on_player_rate_changed,
+    on_player_capabilities_changed,
+    on_player_position_changed,
+    on_player_length_changed,
+    on_player_track_list_changed,
+    on_player_track_selection_changed,
+    on_player_program_list_changed,
+    on_player_program_selection_changed,
+    on_player_titles_changed,
+    on_player_title_selection_changed,
+    on_player_chapter_selection_changed,
+    on_player_teletext_menu_changed,
+    on_player_teletext_enabled_changed,
+    on_player_teletext_page_changed,
+    on_player_teletext_transparency_changed,
+    on_player_audio_delay_changed,
+    on_player_subtitle_delay_changed,
+    on_player_associated_subs_fps_changed,
+    on_player_renderer_changed,
+    on_player_record_changed,
+    on_player_signal_changed,
+    on_player_stats_changed,
+    on_player_atobloop_changed,
+    on_player_media_stopped_action_changed,
+    on_player_item_meta_changed,
+    on_player_item_epg_changed,
+    on_player_subitems_changed,
+    on_player_vout_list_changed,
+static const struct vlc_player_vout_cbs player_vout_cbs = {
+    on_player_vout_fullscreen_changed,
+    on_player_vout_wallpaper_mode_changed
+static const struct vlc_player_aout_cbs player_aout_cbs = {
+    on_player_aout_volume_changed,
+    on_player_aout_mute_changed,
+PlayerControlerPrivate::PlayerControlerPrivate(PlayerControler *playerControler, intf_thread_t *p_intf)
+    : q_ptr(playerControler)
+    , p_intf(p_intf)
+    , m_player(p_intf->p_sys->p_player)
+    , m_videoTracks(m_player)
+    , m_audioTracks(m_player)
+    , m_subtitleTracks(m_player)
+    , m_titleList(m_player)
+    , m_chapterList(m_player)
+    , m_programList(m_player)
+    , m_zoom(nullptr, "zoom")
+    , m_aspectRatio(nullptr, "aspect-ratio")
+    , m_crop(nullptr, "crop")
+    , m_deinterlace(nullptr, "deinterlace")
+    , m_deinterlaceMode(nullptr, "deinterlace-mode")
+    , m_autoscale(nullptr, "autoscale")
+    , m_audioStereoMode(nullptr, "stereo-mode")
+    , m_audioVisualization(nullptr, "visual")
+    {
+        vlc_player_locker locker{m_player};
+        m_player_listener = vlc_player_AddListener( m_player, &player_cbs, this );
+        m_player_aout_listener = vlc_player_aout_AddListener( m_player, &player_aout_cbs, this );
+        m_player_vout_listener = vlc_player_vout_AddListener( m_player, &player_vout_cbs, this );
+    }
+    QObject::connect( &m_autoscale, &VLCVarBooleanObserver::valueChanged, q_ptr, &PlayerControler::autoscaleChanged );
+    QObject::connect( &m_audioVisualization, &VLCVarChoiceModel::hasCurrentChanged, q_ptr, &PlayerControler::hasAudioVisualizationChanged );
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * ( at your option ) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+PlayerControler::PlayerControler( intf_thread_t *_p_intf )
+    : QObject(NULL)
+    , d_ptr( new PlayerControlerPrivate(this, _p_intf) )
+    /* Audio Menu */
+    menusAudioMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
+    CONNECT( menusAudioMapper, mapped(const QString&), this, menusUpdateAudio(const QString&) );
+input_item_t *PlayerControler::getInput()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker locker{ d->m_player };
+    return vlc_player_GetCurrentMedia( d->m_player );
+bool PlayerControler::hasInput() const
+    Q_D(const PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker locker{ d->m_player };
+    return vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::reverse()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "reverse");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if ( vlc_player_CanChangeRate( d->m_player ) )
+    {
+        float f_rate_ = vlc_player_GetRate( d->m_player );
+        vlc_player_ChangeRate( d->m_player, -f_rate_ );
+    }
+void PlayerControler::setRate( float new_rate )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "setRate %f", new_rate);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if ( vlc_player_CanChangeRate( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_ChangeRate( d->m_player, new_rate );
+void PlayerControler::setMediaStopAction(PlayerControler::MediaStopAction action)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetMediaStoppedAction( d->m_player, static_cast<vlc_player_media_stopped_action>(action) );
+void PlayerControler::slower()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "slower");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if ( vlc_player_CanChangeRate( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_DecrementRate( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::faster()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "faster");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if ( vlc_player_CanChangeRate( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_IncrementRate( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::littlefaster()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "littlefaster");
+    var_SetInteger( d->p_intf->obj.libvlc, "key-action", ACTIONID_RATE_FASTER_FINE );
+void PlayerControler::littleslower()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "littleslower");
+    var_SetInteger( d->p_intf->obj.libvlc, "key-action", ACTIONID_RATE_SLOWER_FINE );
+void PlayerControler::normalRate()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "normalRate");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if ( vlc_player_CanChangeRate( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_ChangeRate( d->m_player, 1.0f );
+void PlayerControler::setTime(VLCTick new_time)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    return vlc_player_SetTime( d->m_player, new_time );
+void PlayerControler::setPosition(float position)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    return vlc_player_SetPosition( d->m_player, position );
+void PlayerControler::jumpFwd()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "jumpFwd");
+    int i_interval = var_InheritInteger( d->p_intf, "short-jump-size" );
+    {
+        vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+        vlc_player_JumpTime( d->m_player, vlc_tick_from_sec( i_interval ) );
+    }
+void PlayerControler::jumpBwd()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "jumpBwd");
+    int i_interval = var_InheritInteger( d->p_intf, "short-jump-size" );
+    {
+        vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+        vlc_player_JumpTime( d->m_player, vlc_tick_from_sec( -i_interval ) );
+    }
+void PlayerControler::jumpToTime(VLCTick i_time)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info( d->p_intf, "jumpToTime");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_JumpTime( d->m_player, vlc_tick_from_sec( i_time ) );
+void PlayerControler::jumpToPos( float new_pos )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    {
+        vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+        if( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+            vlc_player_SetPosition( d->m_player, new_pos );
+    }
+    emit seekRequested( new_pos );
+void PlayerControler::frameNext()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_NextVideoFrame( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::setAudioDelay(VLCTick delay)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetAudioDelay( d->m_player, delay, VLC_PLAYER_WHENCE_ABSOLUTE );
+void PlayerControler::setSubtitleDelay(VLCTick delay)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetSubtitleDelay( d->m_player, delay, VLC_PLAYER_WHENCE_ABSOLUTE );
+void PlayerControler::setSubtitleFPS(float fps)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetAssociatedSubsFPS( d->m_player, fps );
+void PlayerControler::sectionPrev()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+    {
+        if (vlc_player_GetSelectedChapter( d->m_player ) != NULL)
+            vlc_player_SelectPrevChapter( d->m_player );
+        else
+            vlc_player_SelectPrevTitle( d->m_player );
+    }
+void PlayerControler::sectionNext()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+    {
+        if (vlc_player_GetSelectedChapter( d->m_player ) != NULL)
+            vlc_player_SelectNextChapter( d->m_player );
+        else
+            vlc_player_SelectNextTitle( d->m_player );
+    }
+void PlayerControler::sectionMenu()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_Navigate( d->m_player, VLC_PLAYER_NAV_MENU );
+void PlayerControler::chapterNext()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsStarted(d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SelectNextChapter( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::chapterPrev()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsStarted(d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SelectPrevChapter( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::titleNext()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsStarted(d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SelectNextTitle( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::titlePrev()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsStarted(d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SelectPrevTitle( d->m_player );
+void PlayerControler::changeProgram( int program )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+        vlc_player_SelectProgram( d->m_player, program );
+void PlayerControler::enableTeletext( bool enable )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsStarted(d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SetTeletextEnabled( d->m_player, enable );
+void PlayerControler::setTeletextPage(int page)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsTeletextEnabled( d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SelectTeletextPage( d->m_player, page );
+void PlayerControler::setTeletextTransparency( bool transparent )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    if (vlc_player_IsTeletextEnabled( d->m_player ))
+        vlc_player_SetTeletextTransparency( d->m_player, transparent );
+PlayerControler::VoutPtrList PlayerControler::getVouts() const
+    Q_D(const PlayerControler);
+    vout_thread_t **pp_vout;
+    VoutPtrList VoutList;
+    size_t i_vout;
+    {
+        vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+        if( !vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+            return VoutPtrList{};
+        i_vout = 0;
+        pp_vout = vlc_player_vout_HoldAll( d->m_player, &i_vout );
+        if ( i_vout <= 0 )
+            return VoutPtrList{};
+    }
+    VoutList.reserve( i_vout );
+    for( size_t i = 0; i < i_vout; i++ )
+    {
+        assert( pp_vout[i] );
+        //pass ownership
+        VoutList.append(VoutPtr(pp_vout[i], false));
+    }
+    free( pp_vout );
+    return VoutList;
+PlayerControler::VoutPtr PlayerControler::getVout()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    size_t count = 0;
+    vout_thread_t** vouts = vlc_player_vout_HoldAll( d->m_player, &count );
+    if( count == 0 || vouts == NULL )
+        return VoutPtr{};
+    //add a reference
+    VoutPtr first_vout{vouts[0], true};
+    for( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        vlc_object_release( vouts[i]);
+    free( vouts );
+    return first_vout;
+void PlayerControler::setFullscreen( bool new_val )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    msg_Info(d->p_intf, "setFullscreen %s", new_val? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_vout_SetFullscreen( d->m_player, new_val );
+void PlayerControler::toggleFullscreen()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    setFullscreen( ! d->m_fullscreen );
+void PlayerControler::setWallpaperMode( bool new_val )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_vout_SetWallpaperModeEnabled( d->m_player, new_val );
+bool PlayerControler::getAutoscale( ) const
+    Q_D(const PlayerControler);
+    return d->m_autoscale.getValue();
+void PlayerControler::setAutoscale( bool new_val )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    d->m_autoscale.setValue( new_val );
+PlayerControler::AoutPtr PlayerControler::getAout()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    return AoutPtr( vlc_player_aout_Hold( d->m_player ), false );
+void PlayerControler::setVolume(float volume)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_aout_SetVolume( d->m_player, volume );
+void PlayerControler::setVolumeUp()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_aout_IncrementVolume( d->m_player, 1, NULL );
+void PlayerControler::setVolumeDown()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_aout_DecrementVolume( d->m_player, 1, NULL );
+void PlayerControler::setMuted(bool muted)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_aout_Mute( d->m_player, muted );
+void PlayerControler::toggleMuted()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    setMuted( !d->m_muted );
+bool PlayerControler::hasAudioVisualization() const
+    Q_D(const PlayerControler);
+    return d->m_audioVisualization.hasCurrent();
+void PlayerControler::menusUpdateAudio( const QString& data )
+    AoutPtr aout = getAout();
+    if( aout )
+        aout_DeviceSet( aout.get(), qtu(data) );
+void PlayerControler::setABloopState(ABLoopState state)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetAtoBLoop( d->m_player, static_cast<vlc_player_abloop>(state));
+void PlayerControler::toggleABloopState()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    switch (d->m_ABLoopState) {
+        setABloopState(ABLOOP_STATE_A);
+        break;
+    case ABLOOP_STATE_A:
+        setABloopState(ABLOOP_STATE_B);
+        break;
+    case ABLOOP_STATE_B:
+        setABloopState(ABLOOP_STATE_NONE);
+        break;
+    }
+void PlayerControler::toggleRecord()
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    setRecording(!d->m_recording);
+void PlayerControler::setRecording( bool recording )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    vlc_player_SetRecordingEnabled( d->m_player, recording );
+void PlayerControler::snapshot()
+    VoutPtr vout = getVout();
+    if (vout)
+        var_TriggerCallback(vout.get(), "video-snapshot");
+/* Playlist Control functions */
+void PlayerControler::requestArtUpdate( input_item_t *p_item, bool b_forced )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    bool b_current_item = false;
+    if ( !p_item )
+    {
+        /* default to current item */
+        vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+        if ( vlc_player_IsStarted( d->m_player ) )
+        {
+            p_item = vlc_player_GetCurrentMedia( d->m_player );
+            b_current_item = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( p_item )
+    {
+        /* check if it has already been enqueued */
+        if ( p_item->p_meta && !b_forced )
+        {
+            int status = vlc_meta_GetStatus( p_item->p_meta );
+            if ( status & ( ITEM_ART_NOTFOUND|ITEM_ART_FETCHED ) )
+                return;
+        }
+        libvlc_ArtRequest( d->p_intf->obj.libvlc, p_item,
+                           (b_forced) ? META_REQUEST_OPTION_SCOPE_ANY
+                                      : META_REQUEST_OPTION_NONE,
+                           NULL, NULL );
+        /* No input will signal the cover art to update,
+             * let's do it ourself */
+        if ( b_current_item )
+            d->UpdateArt( p_item );
+        else
+            emit artChanged( p_item );
+    }
+const QString PlayerControler::decodeArtURL( input_item_t *p_item )
+    assert( p_item );
+    char *psz_art = input_item_GetArtURL( p_item );
+    if( psz_art )
+    {
+        char *psz = vlc_uri2path( psz_art );
+        free( psz_art );
+        psz_art = psz;
+    }
+#if 0
+    /* Taglib seems to define a attachment://, It won't work yet */
+    url = url.replace( "attachment://", "" );
+    QString path = qfu( psz_art ? psz_art : "" );
+    free( psz_art );
+    return path;
+void PlayerControler::setArt( input_item_t *p_item, QString fileUrl )
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    if( hasInput() )
+    {
+        char *psz_cachedir = config_GetUserDir( VLC_CACHE_DIR );
+        QString old_url = decodeArtURL( p_item );
+        old_url = QDir( old_url ).canonicalPath();
+        if( old_url.startsWith( QString::fromUtf8( psz_cachedir ) ) )
+            QFile( old_url ).remove(); /* Purge cached artwork */
+        free( psz_cachedir );
+        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item , fileUrl.toUtf8().constData() );
+        d->UpdateArt( p_item );
+    }
+int PlayerControler::AddAssociatedMedia(es_format_category_e cat, const QString &uri, bool select, bool notify, bool check_ext)
+    Q_D(PlayerControler);
+    vlc_player_locker lock{ d->m_player };
+    return vlc_player_AddAssociatedMedia( d->m_player, cat, qtu(uri), select, notify, check_ext );
+#define QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( type, fun, var ) \
+    type* PlayerControler::fun() \
+    { \
+        Q_D(PlayerControler); \
+        return &d->var; \
+    }
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( TrackListModel, getVideoTracks, m_videoTracks)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( TrackListModel, getAudioTracks, m_audioTracks)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( TrackListModel, getSubtitleTracks, m_subtitleTracks)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( TitleListModel, getTitles, m_titleList)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( ChapterListModel,getChapters, m_chapterList)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( ProgramListModel, getPrograms, m_programList)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getZoom, m_zoom)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getAspectRatio, m_aspectRatio)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getCrop, m_crop)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getDeinterlace, m_deinterlace)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getDeinterlaceMode, m_deinterlaceMode)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getAudioStereoMode, m_audioStereoMode)
+QABSTRACTLIST_GETTER( VLCVarChoiceModel, getAudioVisualizations, m_audioVisualization)
+#define PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER( type, fun, var ) \
+    type PlayerControler::fun() const \
+    { \
+        Q_D(const PlayerControler); \
+        return d->var; \
+    }
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(PlayerControler::PlayingState, getPlayingState, m_playing_status)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(QString, getName, m_name)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(float, getPosition, m_position)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(VLCTick, getLength, m_length)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(VLCTick, getAudioDelay, m_audioDelay)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(VLCTick, getSubtitleDelay, m_subtitleDelay)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(float, getSubtitleFPS, m_subtitleFPS)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, hasVideoOutput, m_hasVideo)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(float, getBuffering, m_buffering)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(PlayerControler::MediaStopAction, getMediaStopAction, m_mediaStopAction)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(float, getVolume, m_volume)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isMuted, m_muted)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isFullscreen, m_fullscreen)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, getWallpaperMode, m_wallpaperMode)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(float, getRate, m_rate)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, hasTitles, m_hasTitles)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, hasChapters, m_hasChapters)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, hasMenu, m_hasMenu)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isEncrypted, m_encrypted)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isRecording, m_recording)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(PlayerControler::ABLoopState, getABloopState, m_ABLoopState)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isTeletextEnabled, m_teletextEnabled)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, isTeletextAvailable, m_teletextAvailable)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(int, getTeletextPage, m_teletextPage)
+PRIMITIVETYPE_GETTER(bool, getTeletextTransparency, m_teletextTransparent)
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a48450c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * ( at your option ) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+# include "config.h"
+#include <vlc_input.h>
+#include "qt.hpp"
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QAbstractListModel>
+#include <QScopedPointer>
+#include <vlc_cxx_helpers.hpp>
+#include "util/input_models.hpp"
+#include "util/vlc_var_choice_model.hpp"
+#include "util/vlctick.hpp"
+class QSignalMapper;
+class IMEvent : public QEvent
+    enum event_types {
+        FullscreenControlToggle = QEvent::User + IMEventTypeOffset + 1,
+        FullscreenControlShow,
+        FullscreenControlHide,
+        FullscreenControlPlanHide,
+    };
+    IMEvent( event_types type, input_item_t *p_input = NULL )
+        : QEvent( (QEvent::Type)(type) )
+    {
+        if( (p_item = p_input) != NULL )
+            input_item_Hold( p_item );
+    }
+    virtual ~IMEvent()
+    {
+        if( p_item )
+            input_item_Release( p_item );
+    }
+    input_item_t *item() const { return p_item; }
+    input_item_t *p_item;
+class PlayerControlerPrivate;
+class PlayerControler : public QObject
+    friend class VLCMenuBar;
+    enum ABLoopState {
+    };
+    Q_ENUM(ABLoopState)
+    enum PlayingState
+    {
+    };
+    Q_ENUM(PlayingState)
+    enum MediaStopAction
+    {
+    };
+    Q_ENUM(MediaStopAction)
+    //playback
+    Q_PROPERTY(PlayingState playingState READ getPlayingState NOTIFY playingStateChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool isPlaying READ hasInput NOTIFY inputChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ getName NOTIFY nameChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(float buffering READ getBuffering  NOTIFY bufferingChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(float rate READ getRate WRITE setRate NOTIFY rateChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(MediaStopAction mediaStopAction READ getMediaStopAction WRITE setMediaStopAction NOTIFY mediaStopActionChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCTick time READ getTime WRITE setTime NOTIFY timeChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(float position READ getPosition WRITE setPosition NOTIFY positionChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCTick length READ getLength NOTIFY lengthChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool seekable READ isSeekable NOTIFY seekableChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool rewindable READ isRewindable NOTIFY rewindableChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool pausable READ isPausable NOTIFY pausableChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool recordable READ isRecordable NOTIFY recordableChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool ratechangable READ isRateChangable NOTIFY rateChangableChanged)
+    //tracks
+    Q_PROPERTY(TrackListModel* videoTracks READ getVideoTracks CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(TrackListModel* audioTracks READ getAudioTracks CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(TrackListModel* subtitleTracks READ getSubtitleTracks CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCTick audioDelay READ getAudioDelay WRITE setAudioDelay NOTIFY audioDelayChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCTick subtitleDelay READ getSubtitleDelay WRITE setSubtitleDelay NOTIFY subtitleDelayChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(float subtitleFPS READ getSubtitleFPS WRITE setSubtitleFPS NOTIFY subtitleFPSChanged)
+    //title/chapters/menu
+    Q_PROPERTY(TitleListModel* titles READ getTitles CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(ChapterListModel* chapters READ getChapters CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool hasTitles READ hasTitles NOTIFY hasTitlesChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool hasChapters READ hasChapters NOTIFY hasChaptersChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool hasMenu READ hasMenu NOTIFY hasMenuChanged)
+    //programs
+    Q_PROPERTY(ProgramListModel* programs READ getPrograms CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool isEncrypted READ isEncrypted NOTIFY isEncryptedChanged)
+    //teletext
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool teletextEnabled READ isTeletextEnabled WRITE enableTeletext NOTIFY teletextEnabledChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool isTeletextAvailable READ isTeletextAvailable  NOTIFY teletextAvailableChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(int teletextPage READ getTeletextPage WRITE setTeletextPage NOTIFY teletextPageChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool teletextTransparency READ getTeletextTransparency WRITE setTeletextTransparency NOTIFY teletextTransparencyChanged)
+    //vout properties
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool hasVideoOutput READ hasVideoOutput NOTIFY hasVideoOutputChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* zoom READ getZoom CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* aspectRatio READ getAspectRatio CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* crop READ getCrop CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* deinterlace READ getDeinterlace CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* deinterlaceMode READ getDeinterlaceMode CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool fullscreen READ isFullscreen WRITE setFullscreen NOTIFY fullscreenChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool wallpaperMode READ getWallpaperMode WRITE setWallpaperMode NOTIFY wallpaperModeChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool autoscale READ getAutoscale WRITE setAutoscale NOTIFY autoscaleChanged)
+    //aout properties
+    Q_PROPERTY(float volume READ getVolume WRITE setVolume NOTIFY volumeChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool muted READ isMuted WRITE setMuted NOTIFY soundMuteChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* audioStereoMode READ getAudioStereoMode CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(VLCVarChoiceModel* audioVisualization READ getAudioVisualizations CONSTANT)
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool hasAudioVisualization READ hasAudioVisualization NOTIFY hasAudioVisualizationChanged)
+    //misc
+    Q_PROPERTY(bool recording READ isRecording WRITE setRecording NOTIFY recordingChanged)
+    Q_PROPERTY(ABLoopState ABloopState READ getABloopState WRITE setABloopState NOTIFY ABLoopStateChanged)
+    /* exposed actions */
+public slots:
+    Q_INVOKABLE void reverse();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void slower();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void faster();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void littlefaster();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void littleslower();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void normalRate();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void jumpFwd();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void jumpBwd();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void jumpToTime( VLCTick i_time );
+    Q_INVOKABLE void jumpToPos( float );
+    Q_INVOKABLE void frameNext();
+    //title/chapters/menu
+    Q_INVOKABLE void sectionNext();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void sectionPrev();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void sectionMenu();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void chapterNext();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void chapterPrev();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void titleNext();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void titlePrev();
+    //programs
+    Q_INVOKABLE void changeProgram( int );
+    //vout properties
+    Q_INVOKABLE void toggleFullscreen();
+    //aout properties
+    Q_INVOKABLE void setVolumeUp();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void setVolumeDown();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void toggleMuted();
+    //misc
+    Q_INVOKABLE void toggleABloopState();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void snapshot();
+    Q_INVOKABLE void toggleRecord();
+    PlayerControler( intf_thread_t * );
+    ~PlayerControler();
+    template<typename T>
+    inline static void* holdAsVlcObject(T* obj){
+        return vlc_object_hold(obj);
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    inline static void releaseAsVlcObject(T* obj)
+    {
+        return vlc_object_release(obj);
+    }
+    typedef vlc_shared_data_ptr_type(vout_thread_t,
+                                     PlayerControler::holdAsVlcObject<vout_thread_t>,
+                                     PlayerControler::releaseAsVlcObject<vout_thread_t>) VoutPtr;
+    typedef vlc_shared_data_ptr_type(audio_output_t,
+                                     PlayerControler::holdAsVlcObject<audio_output_t>,
+                                     PlayerControler::releaseAsVlcObject<audio_output_t>) AoutPtr;
+    typedef QVector<VoutPtr> VoutPtrList;
+    input_item_t *getInput();
+    VoutPtr getVout();
+    VoutPtrList getVouts() const;
+    PlayerControler::AoutPtr getAout();
+    int AddAssociatedMedia(enum es_format_category_e cat, const QString& uri, bool select, bool notify, bool check_ext);
+    void requestArtUpdate( input_item_t *p_item, bool b_forced );
+    void setArt( input_item_t *p_item, QString fileUrl );
+    static const QString decodeArtURL( input_item_t *p_item );
+    //getter/setters binded to a Q_PROPERTY
+public slots:
+    //playback
+    PlayingState getPlayingState() const;
+    bool hasInput() const;
+    QString getName() const;
+    float getBuffering() const;
+    float getRate() const;
+    void setRate( float );
+    MediaStopAction getMediaStopAction() const;
+    void setMediaStopAction(MediaStopAction );
+    VLCTick getTime() const;
+    void setTime(VLCTick);
+    float getPosition() const;
+    void setPosition(float);
+    VLCTick getLength() const;
+    bool isSeekable() const;
+    bool isRewindable() const;
+    bool isPausable() const;
+    bool isRecordable() const;
+    bool isRateChangable() const;
+    //tracks
+    TrackListModel* getVideoTracks();
+    TrackListModel* getAudioTracks();
+    TrackListModel* getSubtitleTracks();
+    VLCTick getAudioDelay() const;
+    void setAudioDelay( VLCTick );
+    VLCTick getSubtitleDelay() const;
+    void setSubtitleDelay( VLCTick );
+    float getSubtitleFPS( ) const;
+    void setSubtitleFPS( float );
+    //title/chapters/menu
+    TitleListModel* getTitles();
+    ChapterListModel* getChapters();
+    bool hasTitles() const;
+    bool hasChapters() const;
+    bool hasMenu()  const;
+    //programs
+    ProgramListModel* getPrograms();
+    bool isEncrypted() const;
+    //teletext
+    bool isTeletextEnabled() const;
+    void enableTeletext(bool enable);
+    bool isTeletextAvailable() const;
+    int getTeletextPage() const;
+    void setTeletextPage(int page);
+    bool getTeletextTransparency() const;
+    void setTeletextTransparency( bool transparent );
+    //vout properties
+    bool hasVideoOutput() const;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getZoom();
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getAspectRatio();
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getCrop();
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getDeinterlace();
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getDeinterlaceMode();
+    bool isFullscreen() const;
+    void setFullscreen( bool );
+    bool getWallpaperMode() const;
+    void setWallpaperMode( bool );
+    bool getAutoscale() const;
+    void setAutoscale( bool );
+    //aout properties
+    float getVolume() const;
+    void setVolume( float volume );
+    bool isMuted() const;
+    void setMuted( bool muted );
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getAudioStereoMode();
+    VLCVarChoiceModel* getAudioVisualizations();
+    bool hasAudioVisualization() const;
+    //misc
+    bool isRecording() const;
+    void setRecording(bool record);
+    void setABloopState(ABLoopState);
+    ABLoopState getABloopState() const;
+    VLCTick getABLoopA() const;
+    VLCTick getABLoopB() const;
+    //playback
+    void playingStateChanged( PlayingState state );
+    void inputChanged( bool hasInput );
+    void nameChanged( const QString& );
+    void bufferingChanged( float );
+    void rateChanged( float );
+    void mediaStopActionChanged( MediaStopAction );
+    void timeChanged( VLCTick );
+    void positionChanged( float );
+    void lengthChanged( VLCTick );
+    void positionUpdated( float , VLCTick, int );
+    void seekRequested( float pos ); //not exposed through Q_PROPERTY
+    void remainingTimeChanged( bool );  //FIXME
+    void seekableChanged( bool );
+    void rewindableChanged( bool );
+    void pausableChanged( bool );
+    void recordableChanged( bool );
+    void rateChangableChanged( bool );
+    //tracks
+    void audioDelayChanged(VLCTick);
+    void subtitleDelayChanged(VLCTick);
+    void subtitleFPSChanged(float);
+    //title/chapters/menu
+    void hasTitlesChanged( bool );
+    void hasChaptersChanged( bool );
+    void hasMenuChanged( bool );
+    //program
+    void isEncryptedChanged( bool );
+    //teletext
+    void teletextEnabledChanged(bool);
+    void teletextAvailableChanged(bool);
+    void teletextPageChanged(int);
+    void teletextTransparencyChanged(bool);
+    //vout properties
+    void hasVideoOutputChanged( bool );
+    void fullscreenChanged( bool );
+    void wallpaperModeChanged( bool );
+    void autoscaleChanged( bool );
+    void voutListChanged( vout_thread_t **pp_vout, int i_vout );
+    //aout properties
+    void volumeChanged( float );
+    void soundMuteChanged( bool );
+    void hasAudioVisualizationChanged( bool );
+    //misc
+    void recordingChanged( bool );
+    void ABLoopStateChanged(ABLoopState);
+    void ABLoopAChanged(VLCTick);
+    void ABLoopBChanged(VLCTick);
+    // Other signals
+    // You can resume playback
+    void resumePlayback( VLCTick );
+    // Statistics are updated
+    void statisticsUpdated( const input_stats_t& stats );
+    void infoChanged( input_item_t* );
+    void currentMetaChanged( input_item_t* );
+    void metaChanged( input_item_t *);
+    void artChanged( QString ); /* current item art ( same as item == NULL ) */
+    void artChanged( input_item_t * );
+    void bookmarksChanged();
+    // Program Event changes
+    void epgChanged();
+private slots:
+    void menusUpdateAudio( const QString& );
+    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(PlayerControler)
+    QScopedPointer<PlayerControlerPrivate> d_ptr;
+    QSignalMapper *menusAudioMapper; //used by VLCMenuBar
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93a62e9708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/player_controler_p.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * ( at your option ) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "player_controler.hpp"
+#include "util/vlc_var_observer.hpp"
+#include "util/input_models.hpp"
+#include "util/vlc_var_choice_model.hpp"
+class PlayerControlerPrivate {
+    Q_DISABLE_COPY(PlayerControlerPrivate)
+    Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(PlayerControler)
+    PlayerControler * const q_ptr;
+    PlayerControlerPrivate(PlayerControler* playercontroler, intf_thread_t* p_intf);
+    PlayerControlerPrivate() = delete;
+    ~PlayerControlerPrivate();
+    void UpdateName( input_item_t *p_item );
+    void UpdateArt( input_item_t *p_item );
+    void UpdateMeta( input_item_t *p_item );
+    void UpdateInfo( input_item_t *p_item );
+    void UpdateStats( const input_stats_t& stats );
+    void UpdateProgram(vlc_player_list_action action, const vlc_player_program *prgm);
+    void UpdateVouts(vout_thread_t **vouts, size_t i_vouts);
+    void UpdateTrackSelection(vlc_es_id_t *trackid, bool selected);
+    ///call function @a fun on object thread
+    template <typename Fun>
+    void callAsync(Fun&& fun)
+    {
+        Q_Q(PlayerControler);
+#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0))
+        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, std::forward<Fun>(fun), Qt::QueuedConnection, nullptr);
+        QObject src;
+        QObject::connect(&src, &QObject::destroyed, q, std::forward<Fun>(fun), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    }
+public slots:
+    void menusUpdateAudio( const QString& );
+    void AtoBLoop( float, VLCTick, int );
+    intf_thread_t           *p_intf;
+    vlc_player_t            *m_player;
+    //callbacks
+    vlc_player_listener_id* m_player_listener = nullptr;
+    vlc_player_aout_listener_id* m_player_aout_listener = nullptr;
+    vlc_player_vout_listener_id* m_player_vout_listener = nullptr;
+    //playback
+    PlayerControler::PlayingState m_playing_status = PlayerControler::PLAYING_STATE_STOPPED;
+    QString         m_name;
+    float           m_buffering = 0.f;
+    float           m_rate = 1.f;
+    PlayerControler::MediaStopAction m_mediaStopAction = PlayerControler::MEDIA_STOPPED_CONTINUE;
+    VLCTick      m_time = 0;
+    float           m_position = 0.f;
+    VLCTick      m_length= 0;
+    int             m_capabilities = 0;
+    //tracks
+    TrackListModel m_videoTracks;
+    TrackListModel m_audioTracks;
+    TrackListModel m_subtitleTracks;
+    VLCTick      m_audioDelay = 0;
+    VLCTick      m_subtitleDelay = 0;
+    float           m_subtitleFPS = 1.0;
+    //title/chapters/menu
+    TitleListModel m_titleList;
+    ChapterListModel m_chapterList;
+    bool m_hasTitles = false;
+    bool m_hasChapters = false;
+    bool m_hasMenu = false;
+    //programs
+    ProgramListModel m_programList;
+    bool m_encrypted = false;
+    //teletext
+    bool m_teletextEnabled = false;
+    bool m_teletextAvailable = false;
+    int m_teletextPage = false;
+    bool m_teletextTransparent = false;
+    //vout properties
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_zoom;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_aspectRatio;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_crop;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_deinterlace;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_deinterlaceMode;
+    VLCVarBooleanObserver m_autoscale;
+    bool            m_hasVideo = false;
+    bool            m_fullscreen = false;
+    bool            m_wallpaperMode = false;
+    //aout properties
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_audioStereoMode;
+    float           m_volume = 0.f;
+    bool            m_muted = false;
+    VLCVarChoiceModel m_audioVisualization;
+    //misc
+    bool            m_recording = false;
+    PlayerControler::ABLoopState m_ABLoopState = PlayerControler::ABLOOP_STATE_NONE;
+    //others
+    QString         m_artUrl;
+    struct input_stats_t m_stats;
+#endif /* QVLC_INPUT_MANAGER_P_H_ */

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