[vlc-devel] [PATCH 5/5] qml: Add Teletext widget

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Mon Jul 8 10:02:38 CEST 2019

Le 06/07/2019 à 07:34, Rohan Rajpal a écrit :
> +
> +        Utils.IconToolButton{
> +            id: indexKeyBtn
> +            enabled: player.teletextEnabled
> +            size: VLCStyle.icon_normal
> +            text: VLCIcons.record
> +            onClicked: player.teletextPage = PlayerController.TELE_INDEX
> +            color: "grey"
> +            KeyN

I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.
- The player will trigger teletext enable/disable late, but the
properties are read from teletextEnabled.
- UI editor des need to show button even if it's disabled.

Francois Cartegnie
VideoLAN - VLC Developer

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