[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/8] libvlc: add rendering callbacks for D3D11 and D3D9

Steve Lhomme robux4 at ycbcr.xyz
Fri May 10 11:31:50 CEST 2019

 include/vlc/libvlc_media_player.h | 201 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/libvlc.sym                    |   1 +
 lib/media_player.c                |  61 +++++++++
 3 files changed, 263 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/vlc/libvlc_media_player.h b/include/vlc/libvlc_media_player.h
index ddc5b8fe92..4ba8c4965b 100644
--- a/include/vlc/libvlc_media_player.h
+++ b/include/vlc/libvlc_media_player.h
@@ -289,6 +289,42 @@ LIBVLC_API void libvlc_media_player_stop ( libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi );
 LIBVLC_API int libvlc_media_player_set_renderer( libvlc_media_player_t *p_mi,
                                                  libvlc_renderer_item_t *p_item );
+ * Enumeration of the Video color primaries.
+ */
+typedef enum libvlc_video_color_primaries_t {
+    libvlc_video_primaries_BT601_525 = 1,
+    libvlc_video_primaries_BT601_625 = 2,
+    libvlc_video_primaries_BT709     = 3,
+    libvlc_video_primaries_BT2020    = 4,
+    libvlc_video_primaries_DCI_P3    = 5,
+    libvlc_video_primaries_BT470_M   = 6,
+} libvlc_video_color_primaries_t;
+ * Enumeration of the Video color spaces.
+ */
+typedef enum libvlc_video_color_space_t {
+    libvlc_video_colorspace_BT601  = 1,
+    libvlc_video_colorspace_BT709  = 2,
+    libvlc_video_colorspace_BT2020 = 3,
+} libvlc_video_color_space_t;
+ * Enumeration of the Video transfer functions.
+ */
+typedef enum libvlc_video_transfer_func_t {
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_LINEAR     = 1,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_SRGB       = 2,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT470_BG   = 3,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT470_M    = 4,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT709      = 5,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_PQ         = 6,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_SMPTE_240  = 7,
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_HLG        = 8,
+} libvlc_video_transfer_func_t;
  * Callback prototype to allocate and lock a picture buffer.
@@ -557,6 +593,171 @@ int libvlc_video_set_output_callbacks( libvlc_media_player_t *mp,
                                         libvlc_video_getProcAddress_cb getProcAddress_cb,
                                         void* opaque );
+ * Enumeration of the Video engine to be used on output.
+ * can be passed to @a libvlc_video_direct3d_set_callbacks
+ */
+typedef enum libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_t {
+    /** Direct3D11 rendering engine */
+    libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d11,
+    /** Direct3D9 rendering engine */
+    libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d9,
+} libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_t;
+typedef struct
+    bool hardware_decoding; /** set if D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_VIDEO_SUPPORT is needed for D3D11 */
+} libvlc_video_direct3d_device_cfg_t;
+typedef struct
+    void *device_context; /** ID3D11DeviceContext* for D3D11, IDirect3DDevice9 * for D3D9 */
+} libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_t;
+/** Setup the rendering environment.
+ *
+ * \param opaque private pointer passed to the @a libvlc_video_direct3d_set_callbacks()
+ *               on input. The callback can change this value on output to be
+ *               passed to all the other callbacks set on @a libvlc_video_direct3d_set_callbacks(). [IN/OUT]
+ * \param cfg requested configuration of the video device [IN]
+ * \param out libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_t* to fill [OUT]
+ * \return true on success
+ * \version LibVLC 4.0.0 or later
+ *
+ * For \ref libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d9 the output must be a IDirect3DDevice9*.
+ * A reference to this object is held until the \ref LIBVLC_VIDEO_DEVICE_CLEANUP is called.
+ * the device must be created with D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS.hDeviceWindow set to 0.
+ *
+ * For \ref libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d11 the output must be a ID3D11DeviceContext*.
+ * A reference to this object is held until the \ref LIBVLC_VIDEO_DEVICE_CLEANUP is called.
+ * The ID3D11Device used to create ID3D11DeviceContext must have multithreading enabled.
+ */
+typedef bool( *libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb )( void **opaque,
+                                                        const libvlc_video_direct3d_device_cfg_t *cfg,
+                                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_t *out );
+/** Cleanup the rendering environment initialized during \ref libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb.
+ *
+ * \param opaque private pointer set on the opaque parameter of @a libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb() [IN]
+ * \version LibVLC 4.0.0 or later
+ */
+typedef void( *libvlc_video_direct3d_device_cleanup_cb )( void *opaque );
+typedef struct
+    unsigned width;                        /** rendering video width in pixel */
+    unsigned height;                      /** rendering video height in pixel */
+    unsigned bitdepth;      /** rendering video bit depth in bits per channel */
+    bool full_range;          /** video is full range or studio/limited range */
+    libvlc_video_color_space_t colorspace;              /** video color space */
+    libvlc_video_color_primaries_t primaries;       /** video color primaries */
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_t transfer;        /** video transfer function */
+} libvlc_video_direct3d_cfg_t;
+typedef struct
+    int surface_format;  /** the rendering DXGI_FORMAT for \ref libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d11,
+                          D3DFORMAT for \ref libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d9 */
+    bool full_range;          /** video is full range or studio/limited range */
+    libvlc_video_color_space_t colorspace;              /** video color space */
+    libvlc_video_color_primaries_t primaries;       /** video color primaries */
+    libvlc_video_transfer_func_t transfer;        /** video transfer function */
+} libvlc_video_output_cfg_t;
+/** Update the rendering output setup.
+ *
+ * \param opaque private pointer set on the opaque parameter of @a libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb() [IN]
+ * \param cfg configuration of the video that will be rendered [IN]
+ * \param output configuration describing with how the rendering is setup [OUT]
+ * \version LibVLC 4.0.0 or later
+ *
+ * Tone mapping, range and color conversion will be done depending on the values
+ * set in the output structure.
+ */
+typedef bool( *libvlc_video_direct3d_update_output_cb )( void *opaque,
+                                                         const libvlc_video_direct3d_cfg_t *cfg,
+                                                         libvlc_video_output_cfg_t *output );
+/** Tell the host the rendering is about to start/has finished.
+ *
+ * \param opaque private pointer set on the opaque parameter of @a libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb() [IN]
+ * \param enter true if the rendering is about to start, false if it's finished
+ * \return true on success
+ * \version LibVLC 4.0.0 or later
+ *
+ * On Direct3D9 the following may change on the provided IDirect3DDevice9*
+ * between \ref enter being true and \ref enter being false:
+ *
+ * On Direct3D11 the following may change on the provided ID3D11DeviceContext*
+ * between \ref enter being true and \ref enter being false:
+ * - IASetPrimitiveTopology()
+ * - IASetInputLayout()
+ * - IASetVertexBuffers()
+ * - IASetIndexBuffer()
+ * - VSSetConstantBuffers()
+ * - VSSetShader()
+ * - PSSetSamplers()
+ * - PSSetConstantBuffers()
+ * - PSSetShaderResources()
+ * - PSSetShader()
+ * - RSSetViewports()
+ * - DrawIndexed()
+ */
+typedef bool( *libvlc_video_direct3d_start_end_rendering_cb )( void *opaque, bool enter );
+ * Set callbacks and data to render decoded video to a custom Direct3D output
+ *
+ * \warning VLC will perform video rendering in its own thread and at its own rate,
+ * You need to provide your own synchronisation mechanism.
+ *
+ * \param mp the media player
+ * \param engine the GPU engine to use
+ * \param setup_cb callback to setup and return the device to use (cannot be NULL)
+ * \param cleanup_cb callback to cleanup the device given by the \ref setup_cb callback
+ * \param update_output_cb callback to notify of the source format and get the
+ *                         rendering format used by the host (cannot be NULL)
+ * \param swap_cb callback to tell the host it should display the rendered picture (cannot be NULL)
+ * \param makeCurrent_cb callback to tell the host the rendering is starting/ended (cannot be NULL)
+ * \param select_plane_cb callback to select different D3D11 rendering targets
+ * \param opaque private pointer passed to the \ref cleanup_cb callback
+ * \libvlc_return_bool
+ * \version LibVLC 4.0.0 or later
+ */
+int libvlc_video_direct3d_set_callbacks( libvlc_media_player_t *mp,
+                                         libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_t engine,
+                                         libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb setup_cb,
+                                         libvlc_video_direct3d_device_cleanup_cb cleanup_cb,
+                                         libvlc_video_direct3d_update_output_cb update_output_cb,
+                                         libvlc_video_swap_cb swap_cb,
+                                         libvlc_video_direct3d_start_end_rendering_cb makeCurrent_cb,
+                                         void* opaque );
  * Set the NSView handler where the media player should render its video output.
diff --git a/lib/libvlc.sym b/lib/libvlc.sym
index ef132c37e4..51a45688de 100644
--- a/lib/libvlc.sym
+++ b/lib/libvlc.sym
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ libvlc_video_set_deinterlace
diff --git a/lib/media_player.c b/lib/media_player.c
index 106e7d26b0..1172055a14 100644
--- a/lib/media_player.c
+++ b/lib/media_player.c
@@ -1202,6 +1202,39 @@ int libvlc_video_set_output_callbacks( libvlc_media_player_t *mp,
+int libvlc_video_direct3d_set_callbacks( libvlc_media_player_t *mp,
+                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_t engine,
+                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_device_setup_cb setup_cb,
+                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_device_cleanup_cb cleanup_cb,
+                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_update_output_cb update_output_cb,
+                                        libvlc_video_swap_cb swap_cb,
+                                        libvlc_video_direct3d_start_end_rendering_cb makeCurrent_cb,
+                                        void* opaque )
+    var_SetString( mp, "window", "wdummy");
+    if ( engine == libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d11 )
+    {
+        var_SetString ( mp, "vout", "direct3d11" );
+        var_SetString ( mp, "avcodec-hw", "d3d11va");
+    }
+    else if ( engine == libvlc_video_direct3d_engine_d3d9 )
+    {
+        var_SetString ( mp, "vout", "direct3d9" );
+        var_SetString ( mp, "avcodec-hw", "dxva2");
+    }
+    else
+        return 0;
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-opaque", opaque );
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-setup", setup_cb );
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-cleanup", cleanup_cb );
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-update-output", update_output_cb );
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-swap", swap_cb );
+    var_SetAddress( mp, "vout-cb-make-current", makeCurrent_cb );
+    return 1;
  * set_nsobject
@@ -2049,3 +2082,31 @@ int libvlc_media_player_get_role(libvlc_media_player_t *mp)
     return ret;
+#include <vlc_vout_display.h>
+/* make sure surface structures from libvlc can be passed as such to vlc
+   otherwise we will need wrappers between what libvlc understands and what vlc uses */
+static_assert(libvlc_video_colorspace_BT601  == COLOR_SPACE_BT601 &&
+              libvlc_video_colorspace_BT709  == COLOR_SPACE_BT709 &&
+              libvlc_video_colorspace_BT2020 == COLOR_SPACE_BT2020
+              , "libvlc video colorspace mismatch");
+static_assert(libvlc_video_transfer_func_LINEAR       == TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_SRGB         == TRANSFER_FUNC_SRGB &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT470_BG     == TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_BG &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT470_M      == TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_M &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_BT709        == TRANSFER_FUNC_BT709 &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_PQ           == TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084 &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_SMPTE_240    == TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_240 &&
+              libvlc_video_transfer_func_HLG          == TRANSFER_FUNC_HLG
+              , "libvlc video transfer function mismatch");
+static_assert(libvlc_video_primaries_BT601_525 == COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_525 &&
+              libvlc_video_primaries_BT601_625 == COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_625 &&
+              libvlc_video_primaries_BT709     == COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT709 &&
+              libvlc_video_primaries_BT2020    == COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT2020 &&
+              libvlc_video_primaries_DCI_P3    == COLOR_PRIMARIES_DCI_P3 &&
+              libvlc_video_primaries_BT470_M   == COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT470_M
+              , "libvlc video color primaries mismatch");

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