[vlc-devel] [PATCH] screen: make options as safe

Andy Li andy at onthewings.net
Tue May 28 14:18:17 CEST 2019

> There are several reasons to limit what is exposed to playlist:
> - platform-specific settings that will break portability,
> - potential exfiltration of user data or identifiers,
> - version-dependent behaviour.
> I'm still not sure how the screen options are subject to the limitation
you mentioned.
I hope you don't mind explaining further.
For example, how "dshow-fps" is considered safe, but "screen-fps" is not?

> I'm not sure if forcing the screen capture size can be used to indirectly infer the screen size or not, and if so, whether that's a privacy problem or not.
> Isn't screen capture itself privacy concerning?
Isn't not forcing the screen capture size more straightforward to infer the
screen size (by checking the stream dimension)?

Best regards,
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