[vlc-devel] The big one : Frame threading regressions

Francois Cartegnie fcvlcdev at free.fr
Mon Sep 16 10:27:38 CEST 2019

Le 16/09/2019 à 10:02, Thomas Guillem a écrit :

> That might be doable with the new output clock, but
>  - The audio will have control on the delay. When the first audio block is rendered, the play date is in the future and corresponds to the output delay. When this first audio block is played, this date can't change anymore. So if the video output want to change it in the meantime, it won't have any effects.
> So, if the video want to impact the output clock delay, it must do something before the first audio is played but that's impossible to assert since audio/video have their own threads. That's a small conception fail, I think it can be easily fixed though.
Extending delay after playback has started means to move back in time
the clock reference point. I don't see anything in the new clock that
would allow this.

Francois Cartegnie
VideoLAN - VLC Developer

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