[vlc-devel] [PATCH 0/9] improve Qt startup time

Pierre Lamot pierre at videolabs.io
Fri Aug 28 16:25:47 CEST 2020

this is mainly achieved by:
 * postponing the creation of some componenents that are created
   synchronously at startup

 * creating component on demand using their url rather than Component in

 * Updating Qt to the version 5.15.

Pierre Lamot (9):
  contrib: qt: pass compiler flags directly to the mkspec file
  conrtib: qt: install qt build tools in a separate directory
  contrib: qt: compile qmlcachegen
  contrib: qt: update qt version to 15.0
  qt: postpone the creation of the systray
  qml: use FontMetrics instead TextMetrics to compute lineHeight
  qml: don't preload About and Player page component
  qml: don't preload the detached playlist window
  qml: postpone the creation of the dialogs

 ...er-lower-value-when-rounding-fractio.patch | 26 --------
 ...user-defined-compilation-flags-to-qt.patch | 53 +++++++++++++++++
 ...cross-compilation-of-angle-with-wine.patch |  4 +-
 contrib/src/qt/AddStaticLink.sh               |  2 +-
 contrib/src/qt/SHA512SUMS                     |  2 +-
 ...pkgconfig-file-and-dependency-naming.patch | 51 ----------------
 contrib/src/qt/rules.mak                      | 16 +++--
 contrib/src/qtdeclarative/SHA512SUMS          |  2 +-
 contrib/src/qtdeclarative/rules.mak           | 23 ++++++--
 contrib/src/qtgraphicaleffects/SHA512SUMS     |  2 +-
 contrib/src/qtgraphicaleffects/rules.mak      |  6 +-
 contrib/src/qtquickcontrols2/SHA512SUMS       |  2 +-
 contrib/src/qtquickcontrols2/rules.mak        |  6 +-
 contrib/src/qtsvg/SHA512SUMS                  |  2 +-
 contrib/src/qtsvg/rules.mak                   |  6 +-
 modules/gui/qt/Makefile.am                    |  1 +
 modules/gui/qt/dialogs/help/qml/About.qml     |  4 ++
 .../gui/qt/maininterface/main_interface.cpp   |  3 +-
 .../qt/maininterface/qml/MainInterface.qml    | 59 +++++++------------
 .../playlist/qml/PlaylistDetachedWindow.qml   | 35 +++++++++++
 modules/gui/qt/qt.cpp                         |  7 +++
 modules/gui/qt/style/VLCStyle.qml             | 30 +++++-----
 modules/gui/qt/vlc.qrc                        |  1 +
 23 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 contrib/src/qt/0001-Windows-QPA-prefer-lower-value-when-rounding-fractio.patch
 create mode 100644 contrib/src/qt/0001-allow-to-pass-user-defined-compilation-flags-to-qt.patch
 delete mode 100644 contrib/src/qt/fix-mingw-pkgconfig-file-and-dependency-naming.patch
 create mode 100644 modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistDetachedWindow.qml


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